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1.02 Living things:

You are a living thing. Grass, whales, and bats are living things too.

But stones and rain are non-living things. Living things are different from

non-living things in the ways shown below.

Living things move and have senses :

Animals walk. or run. or hop, or crawl. or swim. or tlyfl'hey find their

way using sense organs. These are eyes, ears. noses. taste buds. skin. and

insect feelers called antennae.

Plants move by growing, like these

beans growing up bean poles.

They don't have sense organs but

they can still respond to things.

Roots grow down in response to

gravity, and to find water/Shoots

grow up toward light

Living things feed:

They need food for energy, growth, and repair.

Carbon dioxide

from the air


from the soil





Plants make their own food in their leaves. This is called photosynthesis.

Hit needs high, water, carbon dioxide, and a green chemical called

chlorophyll which is found in leaves.

Animals can't make their own

food so they eat plants and other

animals. Which animal is this?

What is it eating?

Living things respire:

They get energy from food by a

process called respiration This

usually need oxygen

Food + Oxygen -> ENERGY + Waste



carbon dioxide

Living things excrete:

All living things produce waste The removal of waste from their bodies is

called excretion.

Animals excrate through their lungs and kidneys and through their skin

when they sweat.

Living things reproduce and grow

Animals lay eggs, or have babies. Seeds from plants grow into new


Animals stop growing when they reach their adult size.

Plants store waste in old eaves,

which fall in the autumn.

Plants grow all their lives. This

giant redwood tree has been

growing for over 2000 years!


1 Name seven ways in which living things are different

from non-living things

2 Name the green stuff, and three other things plants need

to make food.

3 Name all your sense organs.

4 What is:

a respiration?

b excretion?

1.07 In and out of cells

Substances pass in and out of cells as tiny

particles called molecules, The molecules in

liquids and gases are never still. They keep

moving and bumping into each other all the


You can show that molecules move by adding

a drop of ink to water. Ink spreads through the

water even though it is not stirred. Ink spreads

because ink molecules move into the spaces

between water molecules, and water

molecules move into the spaces between ink


Movement of molecules so that they mix is

called diffusiem Molecules diffuse from where

they are plentiful to where they are less-

plentiful, in other words'molecules diffuse

down a concentration gradient, from high to

low concentration

Diffusion in and out of cells:

Human body cells need a constant supply of food and

oxygen to stay alive and do their jobs. Food and

Oxygen are carried mine blood, so they diffuse from

the blood into each cell.

As cells use food and energy, they produce carbon

dioxide waste. This must be removed before it pois

the cells. Carbon dioxide diffuses from cells into the

blood which carries it away to the lungs to be

breathed out of the body

Active transport of molecules up concentration gradients:

Plants take in minerals from soil against concentration gradients (i.e. from

low to high concentration) so that their root cells can contain more

miners than the soil water, This is the opposite of diffusion, Plants make

it happen by using energy to pull molecules into their cells which is why

it is called active transport of molecules


osis is a special kind of difusion It happens when a membrane has

tiny holes in it which let water molecules pass through but stop larger

molecules like sugar. A membrane like this is called semi-permeable

This experiment shows osmosis

A semi-permeable membrane is

tied to a tubet is then filled with

Strong sugar solution.

The membrane is stood in a weak

sugar solution. Soon liquid starts

to rise up the tube

The liquid rises because water

molecules diffuse through the

membrane from the weak solution

to the strong one. But sug

molecules cannot diffuse like this

because they are too big to pass

through the membrane

When a weak solution is separated from a strong one by a semi-

permeable membrane, water abs flows from the weak solution to the

strong one. This diffusion of water is called osmosis.

Osmosis in plant cells:

Water moves from cell to cell in

plants by osmosis. The cell

membrane of a plant cell is semi-

permeable. So if a cell containing a

weak solution is next to a cell with

a stronger solution, water moves

by osmosis from the weak to the

strong solution, as shown in this



1.02 Living things:

You are a living thing. Grass, whales, and bats are living things too.

But stones and rain are non-living things. Living things are different from

non-living things in the ways shown below.

Living things move and have senses :

Animals walk. or run. or hop, or crawl. or swim. or tlyfl'hey find their

way using sense organs. These are eyes, ears. noses. taste buds. skin. and

insect feelers called antennae.

Plants move by growing, like these

beans growing up bean poles.

They don't have sense organs but

they can still respond to things.

Roots grow down in response to

gravity, and to find water/Shoots

grow up toward light

Living things feed:

They need food for energy, growth, and repair.

Carbon dioxide

from the air


from the soil





Plants make their own food in their leaves. This is called photosynthesis.

Hit needs high, water, carbon dioxide, and a green chemical called

chlorophyll which is found in leaves.

Animals can't make their own

food so they eat plants and other

animals. Which animal is this?

What is it eating?

Living things respire:

They get energy from food by a

process called respiration This

usually need oxygen

Food + Oxygen -> ENERGY + Waste



carbon dioxide

Living things excrete:

All living things produce waste The removal of waste from their bodies is

called excretion.

Animals excrate through their lungs and kidneys and through their skin

when they sweat.

Living things reproduce and grow

Animals lay eggs, or have babies. Seeds from plants grow into new


Animals stop growing when they reach their adult size.

Plants store waste in old eaves,

which fall in the autumn.

Plants grow all their lives. This

giant redwood tree has been

growing for over 2000 years!


1 Name seven ways in which living things are different

from non-living things

2 Name the green stuff, and three other things plants need

to make food.

3 Name all your sense organs.

4 What is:

a respiration?

b excretion?

1.07 In and out of cells

Substances pass in and out of cells as tiny

particles called molecules, The molecules in

liquids and gases are never still. They keep

moving and bumping into each other all the


You can show that molecules move by adding

a drop of ink to water. Ink spreads through the

water even though it is not stirred. Ink spreads

because ink molecules move into the spaces

between water molecules, and water

molecules move into the spaces between ink


Movement of molecules so that they mix is

called diffusiem Molecules diffuse from where

they are plentiful to where they are less-

plentiful, in other words'molecules diffuse

down a concentration gradient, from high to

low concentration

Diffusion in and out of cells:

Human body cells need a constant supply of food and

oxygen to stay alive and do their jobs. Food and

Oxygen are carried mine blood, so they diffuse from

the blood into each cell.

As cells use food and energy, they produce carbon

dioxide waste. This must be removed before it pois

the cells. Carbon dioxide diffuses from cells into the

blood which carries it away to the lungs to be

breathed out of the body

Active transport of molecules up concentration gradients:

Plants take in minerals from soil against concentration gradients (i.e. from

low to high concentration) so that their root cells can contain more

miners than the soil water, This is the opposite of diffusion, Plants make

it happen by using energy to pull molecules into their cells which is why

it is called active transport of molecules


osis is a special kind of difusion It happens when a membrane has

tiny holes in it which let water molecules pass through but stop larger

molecules like sugar. A membrane like this is called semi-permeable

This experiment shows osmosis

A semi-permeable membrane is

tied to a tubet is then filled with

Strong sugar solution.

The membrane is stood in a weak

sugar solution. Soon liquid starts

to rise up the tube

The liquid rises because water

molecules diffuse through the

membrane from the weak solution

to the strong one. But sug

molecules cannot diffuse like this

because they are too big to pass

through the membrane

When a weak solution is separated from a strong one by a semi-

permeable membrane, water abs flows from the weak solution to the

strong one. This diffusion of water is called osmosis.

Osmosis in plant cells:

Water moves from cell to cell in

plants by osmosis. The cell

membrane of a plant cell is semi-

permeable. So if a cell containing a

weak solution is next to a cell with

a stronger solution, water moves

by osmosis from the weak to the

strong solution, as shown in this

