Chapter 6 - Mercantilism and Colonial Wars
- Protectorate ruled by Oliver Cromwell under a dictatorship
- 1660 - Exiled son of Charles I ascends to throne as Charles II
- ^^Under Charles II + James II, Britain had heavy control over colonies^^
Salutary Neglect
- 1660-1763
- The Glorious Revolution marked the end of the French + Indian War
- Created colonies for business ventures and/or religious refuges
- Included colonies’ self-gov’t + protected rights
- More control in the future would eventually lead to resistance and the American Revolution
- Nations are in competition (economic rivals = natural enemies)
- Ensured a favorable balance of trade
- ^^Colonists gave raw goods to Britain + bought manufactured goods from Britain^^
- Limited colonial economy + created dependence
Navigation Acts
- 1651, 1660
- Charles II created new colonial control policies
- Because ONLY British merchants could ship goods, there was high revenue for Britain
- Colonists avoided compliance
Dominion of New England
- ^^Enforced tight bureaucratic control^^
- Created by James II + led by Edmund Andros
- Ended by Glorious Revolution
Glorious Revolution
- 1688-1689
- English citizens rejected James II + overthrew him
- Put William and Mary on the throne
- 1733 - Founded by James Oglethorpe to reform British debtor prisons
- Because it was a penal colony, it was expendable
- ^^Served as a buffer colony b/w Britain + Spain’s territories^^
- Unsuccessful as an alternate source of silk
Leisler’s Rebellion
- 1689 - Jacob Leisler + New York merchants rebel against aristocracy
- Showed American colonists’ distaste of European political structures
Bacon’s Rebellion
- ^^1676 - William Berkeley refused to help colonists in danger of Native American attacks, which angered Nathaniel Bacon^^
- Bacon + other colonists attacked Native Americans + burned Jamestown
- Showed that American frustration w/ British mismanagement would eventually led to violence
French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War)
- Climax of conflicts b/w Britain, France, Spain
- War started in 1754
- Britain + Iroquois Native Americans vs. France + Huron Native Americans
- 1763 - Treaty of Paris (France cedes land to Britain)
- New taxes on American colonists to pay for war
Albany Plan of Union
- Proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1754
- ^^A central gov’t would unify the colonies + make it easier to coordinate defenses against the Native Americans + French attacks^^
- Unpopular
- “Join, or Die.”
Fort Duquesne
- French + Indian War
- George Washington attacked fort twice
- Fell to the British in 1758
- Renamed Fort Pitt (after William Pitt)
- 3 rivers + city of Pittsburgh
Battle of Quebec
- ^^Represented the climax of French and Indian War^^
- General Wolfe assaulted the fortress from behind + inflicted many French casualties
- France surrendered Canada in 1760
William Pitt
- Continued formation of British empire
- Served as Secretary of State of British empire in 1756
- Rallied anti-French support
- Helped Britain during French + Indian War
Molasses Act
- 1733
- Hated by American colonists
- ^^Colonists were only allowed to sell sugar to Britain^^
- Resulted in more smuggling
George III
- 1760 - Came to power during French + Indian War
- Extended firmer control over British colonists (abused power)
Proclamation of 1763
- 1763
- Britain didn’t use standing army to protect colonists (eventually resulting in Pontiac’s Rebellion)
- Colonists couldn’t settle past Appalachian Mts. (couldn’t expand into Ohio River Valley)
- ^^Colonists defied British authority because they were hungry for land^^
Paxton Boys
- Scots-Irish frontiersmen
- Marched to Philadelphia in 1764
- Disliked Quakers because they did not use violence to defend against Native Americans
Land Fever
- ^^Expanding west would relieve tensions in Coastal Plain (problems caused by soil depletion + population growth)^^
- Faced Native American attacks + harsh conditions
Daniel Boone
- Personified westward expansion
- Led settlers west in 1775
- Led frontier militia + position in colonial gov’t
Regulator Movement
- 1768 - Uprising in North Carolina
- ^^Scots-Irish protested concentration of power in coastal regions^^
Green Mountain Boys
- Formed in Vermont in 1770
- Militia group of frontiersmen + land speculators
- Unsatisfied w/ East, wanted freedom in West
- Militia force in American Revolution
Zenger Trial
- ^^Represented freedom of the press^^
- 1735 - John Peter Zenger not charged for slander
- Proved that if criticism of royal governor is TRUE, it can be printed in newspapers
Patrick Henry
- 1763 - Calls King George III a tyrant
- Lawyer + orator in House of Burgesses
- Parson’s Cause
- “Give me liberty, or give me death!”
- 1787 - Didn’t like centralization of power in Constitutional Convention
- Evolving British philosophies → Impacted relationship b/w Britain + colonies
- Stronger control over colonies → Conflict
- Fought for British in 3 wars → Independent identity + unity
- Mercantilism + absolutism → Abused & neglected colonists’ rights
- Rebellions - Use violence to redress grievances
Indentured servitude
- Improved farming conditions + climate in England → Young men stayed in England
- Provided labor source in Virginia → Improved economy
- Only benefitted oldest son → Sons of gentry have small chance of getting rich in England
- Encouraged immigration to America
Rhode Island and New Hampshire - New England colonies
- Massachusetts - Puritans are religiously intolerant
- Roger Williams + Anne Hutchinson banished from Mass. Bay → Founded RI + NH
- RW - Wanted separation of church & state + disagreed w/ Puritan treatment of Native Americans
- AH - Criticized limited role of women in Puritan society
Greatest significance of Spanish encomienda system in 16th century?
- Spanish Crown forbade slavery
- Included native chiefs + elders in system → Lessened Native American rebellions
- Cash crops + mercantilism are NOT primary goals
Southern gentry
- Large plantation homes
- Gained great wealth through plantation economy → Built large homes replicating European manor houses
Which colony valued formal education for children?
- Massachusetts
- Puritans - Educate children → Religion will survive
- Preserve Puritan culture + keep followers homogenous & disciplined
- Separation of church + state → Created public schools
Maryland - Religious tolerance
- Lord Baltimore - Refuge for Roman Catholics persecuted by Anglican Church
- Religious freedom only for Christians
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