Understanding JavaScript Closures

Understanding the Problem

The task is to identify a unique number in an array where every other number appears exactly twice. This classic problem is a common topic in programming interviews as it tests the understanding of array manipulation and optimization techniques.


  • Input: [2, 2, 1]Output: 1In this case, the number 1 appears only once, while 2 appears twice.

  • Input: [4, 1, 2, 1, 2]Output: 4Here, 4 is the unique number as it is not repeated in the array, while 1 and 2 are both repeated.

  • Input: [1]Output: 1The single element 1 is the unique number since it is the only element in the array.

Function Implementation Overview

Function Definition

The function singleNumber is defined to take an array as a parameter. Its purpose is to find the number that appears only once while all other numbers appear in pairs.

Cache Object

An empty object, referred to as cache, is created to store the count of occurrences for each number in the input array. This acts like a frequency counter to track how many times each number appears.

Iterating Through the Array

The forEach method is utilized to iterate over the elements of the input array. For each element in the array:

  • Check Cache:A ternary operator is used to determine if the current element already exists in the cache.

    • If it exists, its count is incremented by one.

    • If it does not exist, the element is added to the cache with a count of 1.

Potential Issue: If an element’s value is zero, this could cause a false evaluation in the check due to its falsy nature in JavaScript. Thus, careful handling is essential when utilizing cache checks.

Constructing the Cache

The resultant cache will be structured to have elements from the array as keys and their corresponding counts as values.Example with array [2, 2, 1]:Cache State:{ 2: 2, 1: 1 }This shows that the number 2 appears twice and the number 1 appears once.

Finding the Unique Number

After constructing the cache, a for-in loop is executed to iterate through the keys in the cache object.

  • Check Counts:A strict check is performed to ascertain if any key has a value of exactly 1, as this indicates the presence of the unique number.

  • Return:As soon as the unique number is identified, it is returned, and the function execution concludes.

Time Complexity


The solution attains a linear time complexity of O(n) since it only requires a single pass through the input array and the cache. It efficiently avoids the necessity for nested loops, making it suitable for large datasets.

Test Cases

To ensure the function behaves as expected, the following test cases validate its accuracy:

  • For input [2, 2, 1], the expected return should be 1.

  • For input [4, 1, 2, 1, 2], the expected return should be 4.

Merge Sorted Arrays Problem

Problem Statement

The challenge is to merge two sorted arrays into a single sorted array while preserving duplicates, maintaining the correct order of elements.

Function Definition

The function mergeSortedArrays accepts two parameters, array1 and array2, and returns a new array that is the result of merging both input arrays into one sorted array.

Algorithm Steps

  1. Initialize Pointers:Create two index variables set to zero for both input arrays, which will be utilized to traverse through the arrays.

  2. Merge Logic:Utilizing a while loop, compare the elements at the current indices of both arrays.

    • The smaller element is pushed into a new sorted array, and the respective index is incremented.

    • In the case where one array finishes processing first, additional while loops are employed to append the remaining elements of the other array to the new sorted array.

Time Complexity

The algorithm operates with a time complexity of O(n + m), where n and m are the lengths of the two input arrays. This ensures that each element from both arrays is processed exactly once, making the merging efficient.

Introduction to Closure


A closure is a function that retains access to its lexical scope, which is the state of the surrounding variables, even after the outer function that defined it has finished executing.

Key Concepts

  • Lexical Environment: This refers to the context in which JavaScript variables and functions are declared and can be used.

  • A closure allows the inner function to access variables from its enclosing scope, providing a way to maintain access to specific variables or parameters beyond their immediate lifetimes.

Example of Closure

  • Function Declaration: An outer function is created that declares a counter variable and returns an inner function that can manipulate this counter.

  • Backpack Representation: The concept of a closure can be visualized as a “backpack” that carries references to the outer function's variables, allowing access even after the outer function has exited.

  • Accessing State: This demonstrates how the inner function can maintain and modify state, enabling persistent data across multiple calls.

Using Closures in Practice

  • Importance of Closures: They enable data encapsulation and the creation of private variables, which are crucial in scenarios where certain information should remain secure or hidden from outside manipulation.

  • Practical Demonstrations: Engaging live coding examples illustrate the operation and utility of closures in handling state management effectively.
