1 Peter Lecture


  • When was it written? - right before the Neronian Persecution

  • Written in - Rome (Babylon - euphemism for Rome)

  • Written to the exiles of the dispersion - Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, Bithynia

  • Sylvanus - delivering Peter’s letter; a representative with Paul

  • Mark - 1 Peter 5:13; Relative of Barnabas and traveled with Peter for a time

  • Baptismal Sermon - general information about what it means to be a believer/follower of Jesus

  • Purpose - encourage believers during a time of trials to face them with integrity and strong Christian ethics

Critical Issues

  • Authorship - The language and style of 1 Peter is eloquent and polished Greek (not common among fishermen)

  • Jesus descends into Hell? - 1 Peter 3:19; early tradition of Jesus preaching to the condemned during His three days of death

Themes: Suffering

  • “fiery ordeal” - maybe because many of them were slaves

  • Exiles - ostracized for their faith

  • Practical Advice - 1 Peter 4:12 Jesus predicted suffering, 1 Peter 3:17 God allows suffering to take place because of the Devil and wicked world, suffering is good at growing qualities, THEN the good guys win and are blessed

Themes: New Israel

  • Supersessionism - Christians have replaced the Jews as the New Israel

  • Role of Gentiles - part of the diaspora

Themes: Submission

  • The Problem

    • Institutions - 1 Peter 2:13 always honor the emperor, but what if they are wicked and evil?

    • Slaves - 1 Peter 2:18 always respect masters, even if they are abusive

    • Wives - 1 Peter 3:1 submit to your husband so that he may be won over by your purity

    • Weaker Sex - 1 Peter 3:7 calls women the weaker sex

  • Complementarianism - should be interpreted literally; a social order ordained by God

  • Egalitarianism - coming from a particular world view (Feudalistic world); descriptive not prescriptive
