AP CSP File Formats
8 bits represent up to 255 different values (or 2^8 combinations)
Hexadecimal: base-16; numbers are 0-9 and then use the letters A-F. is a convenient way to express binary numbers in modern computers in which a byte is almost always defined as containing eight binary digits.
Hex Code uses RGB values in red, blue, green.
The higher numbers are, the lighter the color is in Hex.
The lower number are , the darker the color is in Hex.
Lossy Compression: As you compress the data, it loses data **non-recoverable**
Lossless Compression: No data lost, it can be compressed and decompressed back to the origin
File format: the layout of a file in terms of how the data within the file is organized
pixel: short for a picture element, a single point in a graphic image
Metadata: a set of data that gives other information about data (describes how and when and by whom a particular set of data was collected, and how data is formatted)
data: distinct information that is formatted in a special way. Data exists in a variety of forms, like text on paper or bytes stored in electronic memory.
n bits of pixel data is the total image size and the amount of pixels used to created the image (base\*height\*bits of pixel data)
Image resolution refers to the density of pixels in an image (per inch), expressed as PPI
Data in bits are used to define the width and height of the image
Pixel density refers to how many pixels have been squeezed into a physical amount of space
Audio file formats: MP3(lossy), WAV (lossless), OGG (lossy)
Text file formats: BAT (lossless), DOC (lossless)
Image file formats: JPEG (lossy). GIF (lossless)
Audio and Video file formats: MP4(lossy), MOV (lossy), WebM (lossy video compressor)