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The Crucible 2, 3, and 4

Act 2:

Eight days later, InProctor'ss house 

Proctor came in late, and Elizabeth thought he would go to Salem that afternoon. 

Elizabeth knows Mary Warren is in Salem, and proctor scolds her for letting her go since he forbids her. 

Elizabeth explains they've sent four judges out of Boston, weighty magistrates of the General Court, and at the head sits the Deputy Governor of the Province. Fourteen people are in the jail now. 

Elizabeth suggests the proctor should go to Salem, to tell the truth about Elizabeth. He should go to Ezekiel Cheever since he knowsProctorr very well. 

Elizabeth and Proctor start arguing because of Proctor's infidelity.

Mary Warren arrives and hands Elizabeth a small rag doll she made in court. 

Mary says that 39 women are now arrested. Goody Osburn will hang for not confessing to being a witch, but not Sarah Good since she did confess. 

Apparently, she made a compact with Lucifer, wrote her name in his black book with her blood, and bound herself to torment Christians till God's thrown down, and we all must worship Hell always. 

In court, Sarah nearly choked them all to death with her spirit out. 

Whenever Mary turned Sarah away empty-handed, she "mumbled," This "mumble," according to Sarah Good, was her reciting her commandments.

Judge Hathorne asks her to recite the commandments for proof, and she knows none. 

Goody Good is pregnant near to sixty years old. They had Doctor Griggs examine her. Therefore, she is safe. 

Mary is 18 and single.

Proctor rarely attends church on Sabbath Day—26 times in seventeen months. Elizabeth was sick during the winter.

Proctor has three boys, but only two have been baptized. He does not want Mr. Parris to lay his hand upon his baby. He sees no light of God upon that man.

Proctor repeated the "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" commandment. He missed the adultery commandment. 

Elizabeth does not believe that there may even be witches existing, even though the Bible speaks of them. 

Giles and Francis Nurse appear because they took their wives (Martha and Rebecca). Cheever took them in his wagon. 

Rebecca is charged with the supernatural murder of Goody Putnam's babies. 

Mr. Walcott charged Martha Corey for the bewitching of his pigs. He bought a pig from her four/five years ago, and the pig died soon after. 

Enters Cheever and Marshal Herrick (a man in his early thirties)

Cheever found the doll Mary Warren had gifted Elizabeth, which had a hidden needle inside. They connect it to when Abigail Williams was found stabbed with a needle. 

Sussana Walcott saw Mary sew the doll while Abby sat by her. 

Proctor ripped the warrant.

Proctor tells Mary she will go to court with him and tell him the truth. 

Act 3:

starts with Martha Corey on trial in the courthouse, being accused of witchcraft, "hurting kids"

Giles interrupts and Danforth tells him to sit down

Giles says that Thomas Putnam is trying to get more land and that Danforth is hearing lies

Giles is carried out by Herrick

He talks with him and Mr.Hale

Judge Hathorne - in his sixties, a bitter, remorseless Salem judge

(he enters)

He asks Corey if he has gone mad, interrupting a court case, he replies by saying he is not a Boston judge yet

Danforth - grave man in his sixties, of some humor and sophistication that does not interfere with loyalty to his position and cause

(Danforth, Parris, and Cheever enter)

he asks who Corey is, and Parris responds, giles interrupts answering for him, introducing himself

Giles Corey continues saying that they are lying and that he doesn’t want his wife to be hanged

Danforth takes it personally saying that he is being disrespectful, disrupting the court

Martha is Giles's 3rd wife

Hale tries to defend Giles but Danforth wants evidence

Herrick pushes Giles out

Francis Nurse starts speaking with Danforth, saying that we are desperate it has been three days now, and cannot be heard

Francis's wife was condemned that morning

Francis deems the girl’s fraud and that he has proof

72 condemned to hang by Danforth's signature

Mary Warren and the proctor enter (Mary has smth to say to Dan)

Parris and Danforth are surprised to see her, she was sick in bed last week

Parris says to beware of John, that he is mischief

Marry cannot speak when asked what she wants to say, then proctor tells her she never says any spirits

she signed a deposition (the giving of testimony or statement on oath)

he does not accept depositions

Parris tries to convince him otherwise, saying that he can’t possibly believe such a lie and let it be spread in court

Proctor says he would declare this in public with Danforth’s permission, in order to free his wife (goal).

Cheever mentions that when they went to take his wife, John damned the court and ripped the warrant

Proctor says it was a temper and Danforth starts questioning him about the devil and his Christianity

Parris asks Proctor if he has read the Gospel, and he has, he should know Cain was an upright man and he killed Abel, contradicting his statement (does it not strike upon you that so many of these women have lived so long with such upright reputation, and—)

Proctor says that god tells us that, but who accused Rebecca Nurse of murdering 7 babies

Hathorne starts to speak in Dan's ear

it is revealed that Elizabeth is pregnant

"That woman will never lie, Mr. Danforth."

she will be kept for another month if she shows her natural signs of pregnancy, you shall have her living yet another year until she delivers

Parris says he is trying to overthrow the court because he wants to save his wife completely not only for 1 yr

Danforth is ready to hear the evidence

*Judge Stoughton and Judge Sewall (the other judges)

they go into recess

Even though Herrick, has evidence against Proctor he does not wish for his execution (he was simply doing his job and even told Danforth that Proctor is a good man)

Proctor hands a testament to danforth, the people who signed it declare their good opinion of Martha, Rebecca, and Elizabeth (people who signed are farmers and members of the church)

there were 91 names

Parris suggests questioning the people who signed and saying it was an attack against the court

Is every defense an attack upon the court? Can no one—?

Proctor gives Danforth Giles's deposition, and hathorne asks about his lawyer he does not have a lawyer he says it is well phrased

Giles wrote it himself, has gone to court 33 times in his life, and was always a plaintiff(danforth is impressed)

he talks about how Dan's father tried a case of his around 35 years ago, he says he doesn't recall it

gave him 9-pound damage

Giles had a white mare(female horse), Thomas borrows it

Putnam enters

Putnam denies the charge

he does not give the man's name because he doesn’t want said man to go to jail

it is said to be contempt of court, they try to arrest him but he knows his rights because it is a hearing not a trial

Hale says there is a prodigious fear of the court, danforth says that there is fear because there is a plot to topple Christ

Hale doubts that everyone accused is a part of the plot

Giles threatens Putnam and tells Proctor to not say anything else, that he is playing them and means to hang them all

Mary cries

back to Proctor, he says the spirits that Mary saw weren’t real and she was lying

(it goes to the heart of the matter)

Hale suggests for proctor to get a lawyer, such a big claim cannot be argued by a farmer

danforth says witchcraft is an invisible crime, that there aren't any witnesses to it (only the witch and the victim)

danforth is handed Mary's deposition, Parris tries to say something but danforth interrupts demanding they bring the girls

enter Abigail, Betty, Mercy Lewis, Susanna Walcott

Ruth nor the others are not in the court

Abigail denies the statement

danforth says that Mary stuck the needle in the poppet for safekeeping and that she witnessed and Abby denies

she said goody proctor always kept poppets

Cheever intervenes, supporting proctor’s claim that she has not kept poppets since she was a girl

proctor believes Abigail means to murder and that she is not a child, she was put out of the meeting house twice for laughing in prayer

Parris says it was Tituba's witchcraft but now she's changed

Proctor reveals they(girls) were dancing in the woods, and Hale confirms it

Hawthorne tells Mary that when accused, she fainted and cried, and spirits were out to get her, and Mary responds by saying it was a pretense.

proctor says they were only pretending, hathorne asks if she pretends now, and Parris agrees with him

she tries but she can’t

later proctor takes Abigail by her hair and calls her a whore

Herrick and danforth are shocked and confused, Abigail says he lies

danforth says to prove she is a whore and John reveals his affair with her

In—in what time? In what place?

Abigail avoids Danforth's questioning and starts to leave

They call Elizabeth to the court and ask her why she let go of Abigail's services as a servant

she said she didn’t please them

and said that proctor did not see Abigail, as she left proctor told him he confessed it

Hale says it’s a natural lie to tell (believes Proctor now)

Then Abigail starts pretending to see Mary's spirit in the shape of a yellow bird and later all of the girls start mimicking what Mary says

then people start to question Mary and she decides to keep up with the lie and say that Proctor is the devil's man (joins abigails's side)

(We who commit wrongs knowingly are the most guilty of all. Danforth will suffer damnation if he condemns Proctor to death.)

Hale quits the court

Act 4:

Cell in jail, it is fall Marshal Herrick enters with a lantern Three months have passed 

Herrick wakes up Sarah Good and tells her and Tituba to go to the north place. That place is wanted now. 

Tituba and Sarah are going to Barbados.

The Devil in Barbados is sweet, and in Massachusetts, he is cold since they rile him up.

Hopkins - Guard

Hopkin enters and tells them the Deputy Governor has arrived. 

Hathorne thinks Parris has gone mad. 

Now there are many cows wandering the highroads since their masters are in the jails. 

Hale now sits with Rebecca Nurse, her sister, and Martha Corey, and he pleads with them to confess their crimes and save their lives. 

Parris tells Danforth that Abigail has vanished. This is her third night. 

She mainly told Parris she was going to stay a night with Mercy Lewis. The next day, she does not return. Now, both Mercy and Abby are gone. 

Before leaving, Abbigail robbed Parris and left him penniless. She stole thirty-one pounds. 

The court will return on Friday and resume examinations. There is a rumor that speaks of rebellion in Andover. 

Parris suggests postponing the hangings for a time, to which Danforth disagrees with. 

Hale is back in court and Parris now has hope. 

(Hale enters) (Herrick enters) 

Twelve people were already executed. 

Proctor is sitting in his dungeon alone and hasn't seen his wife in three whole months. Danforth and Parris think her presence might soften him so they go looking for her.  

They ask her to ask Proctor for a confession so he can survive. 

Rebecca's Samuel keeps Elizabeth's and Proctor's children. 

There are a hundred or more confessions. 

Giles died pressed 

Proctor says it is a pretense. It is a fraud. He is not that man. His honesty is broken, and he is no good man. Nothing's spoiled by giving them the lie. 

Elizabeth blames herself for Proctor's lechery for being a cold wife. 

Proctor tells Hathorne he wants his life, therefore he will confess. 

Cheever is writing the confession, which Proctor is demanded to sign. 

Rebecca comes out and sees Proctor, surprised he will be confessing. 

When asked if he saw Goody Nurse with the devil, Proctor says no. 

Mary Easty - Rebecca's sister. 

When Proctor signed the confession, he did not let it go since it was his own name. He has already given him his soul; leave him his name. 

Proctor finally rips the paper and is taken to be hanged. Everyone tries to convince Elizabeth to run after him, but she lets him have his own choice. 


The Crucible 2, 3, and 4

Act 2:

Eight days later, InProctor'ss house 

Proctor came in late, and Elizabeth thought he would go to Salem that afternoon. 

Elizabeth knows Mary Warren is in Salem, and proctor scolds her for letting her go since he forbids her. 

Elizabeth explains they've sent four judges out of Boston, weighty magistrates of the General Court, and at the head sits the Deputy Governor of the Province. Fourteen people are in the jail now. 

Elizabeth suggests the proctor should go to Salem, to tell the truth about Elizabeth. He should go to Ezekiel Cheever since he knowsProctorr very well. 

Elizabeth and Proctor start arguing because of Proctor's infidelity.

Mary Warren arrives and hands Elizabeth a small rag doll she made in court. 

Mary says that 39 women are now arrested. Goody Osburn will hang for not confessing to being a witch, but not Sarah Good since she did confess. 

Apparently, she made a compact with Lucifer, wrote her name in his black book with her blood, and bound herself to torment Christians till God's thrown down, and we all must worship Hell always. 

In court, Sarah nearly choked them all to death with her spirit out. 

Whenever Mary turned Sarah away empty-handed, she "mumbled," This "mumble," according to Sarah Good, was her reciting her commandments.

Judge Hathorne asks her to recite the commandments for proof, and she knows none. 

Goody Good is pregnant near to sixty years old. They had Doctor Griggs examine her. Therefore, she is safe. 

Mary is 18 and single.

Proctor rarely attends church on Sabbath Day—26 times in seventeen months. Elizabeth was sick during the winter.

Proctor has three boys, but only two have been baptized. He does not want Mr. Parris to lay his hand upon his baby. He sees no light of God upon that man.

Proctor repeated the "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" commandment. He missed the adultery commandment. 

Elizabeth does not believe that there may even be witches existing, even though the Bible speaks of them. 

Giles and Francis Nurse appear because they took their wives (Martha and Rebecca). Cheever took them in his wagon. 

Rebecca is charged with the supernatural murder of Goody Putnam's babies. 

Mr. Walcott charged Martha Corey for the bewitching of his pigs. He bought a pig from her four/five years ago, and the pig died soon after. 

Enters Cheever and Marshal Herrick (a man in his early thirties)

Cheever found the doll Mary Warren had gifted Elizabeth, which had a hidden needle inside. They connect it to when Abigail Williams was found stabbed with a needle. 

Sussana Walcott saw Mary sew the doll while Abby sat by her. 

Proctor ripped the warrant.

Proctor tells Mary she will go to court with him and tell him the truth. 

Act 3:

starts with Martha Corey on trial in the courthouse, being accused of witchcraft, "hurting kids"

Giles interrupts and Danforth tells him to sit down

Giles says that Thomas Putnam is trying to get more land and that Danforth is hearing lies

Giles is carried out by Herrick

He talks with him and Mr.Hale

Judge Hathorne - in his sixties, a bitter, remorseless Salem judge

(he enters)

He asks Corey if he has gone mad, interrupting a court case, he replies by saying he is not a Boston judge yet

Danforth - grave man in his sixties, of some humor and sophistication that does not interfere with loyalty to his position and cause

(Danforth, Parris, and Cheever enter)

he asks who Corey is, and Parris responds, giles interrupts answering for him, introducing himself

Giles Corey continues saying that they are lying and that he doesn’t want his wife to be hanged

Danforth takes it personally saying that he is being disrespectful, disrupting the court

Martha is Giles's 3rd wife

Hale tries to defend Giles but Danforth wants evidence

Herrick pushes Giles out

Francis Nurse starts speaking with Danforth, saying that we are desperate it has been three days now, and cannot be heard

Francis's wife was condemned that morning

Francis deems the girl’s fraud and that he has proof

72 condemned to hang by Danforth's signature

Mary Warren and the proctor enter (Mary has smth to say to Dan)

Parris and Danforth are surprised to see her, she was sick in bed last week

Parris says to beware of John, that he is mischief

Marry cannot speak when asked what she wants to say, then proctor tells her she never says any spirits

she signed a deposition (the giving of testimony or statement on oath)

he does not accept depositions

Parris tries to convince him otherwise, saying that he can’t possibly believe such a lie and let it be spread in court

Proctor says he would declare this in public with Danforth’s permission, in order to free his wife (goal).

Cheever mentions that when they went to take his wife, John damned the court and ripped the warrant

Proctor says it was a temper and Danforth starts questioning him about the devil and his Christianity

Parris asks Proctor if he has read the Gospel, and he has, he should know Cain was an upright man and he killed Abel, contradicting his statement (does it not strike upon you that so many of these women have lived so long with such upright reputation, and—)

Proctor says that god tells us that, but who accused Rebecca Nurse of murdering 7 babies

Hathorne starts to speak in Dan's ear

it is revealed that Elizabeth is pregnant

"That woman will never lie, Mr. Danforth."

she will be kept for another month if she shows her natural signs of pregnancy, you shall have her living yet another year until she delivers

Parris says he is trying to overthrow the court because he wants to save his wife completely not only for 1 yr

Danforth is ready to hear the evidence

*Judge Stoughton and Judge Sewall (the other judges)

they go into recess

Even though Herrick, has evidence against Proctor he does not wish for his execution (he was simply doing his job and even told Danforth that Proctor is a good man)

Proctor hands a testament to danforth, the people who signed it declare their good opinion of Martha, Rebecca, and Elizabeth (people who signed are farmers and members of the church)

there were 91 names

Parris suggests questioning the people who signed and saying it was an attack against the court

Is every defense an attack upon the court? Can no one—?

Proctor gives Danforth Giles's deposition, and hathorne asks about his lawyer he does not have a lawyer he says it is well phrased

Giles wrote it himself, has gone to court 33 times in his life, and was always a plaintiff(danforth is impressed)

he talks about how Dan's father tried a case of his around 35 years ago, he says he doesn't recall it

gave him 9-pound damage

Giles had a white mare(female horse), Thomas borrows it

Putnam enters

Putnam denies the charge

he does not give the man's name because he doesn’t want said man to go to jail

it is said to be contempt of court, they try to arrest him but he knows his rights because it is a hearing not a trial

Hale says there is a prodigious fear of the court, danforth says that there is fear because there is a plot to topple Christ

Hale doubts that everyone accused is a part of the plot

Giles threatens Putnam and tells Proctor to not say anything else, that he is playing them and means to hang them all

Mary cries

back to Proctor, he says the spirits that Mary saw weren’t real and she was lying

(it goes to the heart of the matter)

Hale suggests for proctor to get a lawyer, such a big claim cannot be argued by a farmer

danforth says witchcraft is an invisible crime, that there aren't any witnesses to it (only the witch and the victim)

danforth is handed Mary's deposition, Parris tries to say something but danforth interrupts demanding they bring the girls

enter Abigail, Betty, Mercy Lewis, Susanna Walcott

Ruth nor the others are not in the court

Abigail denies the statement

danforth says that Mary stuck the needle in the poppet for safekeeping and that she witnessed and Abby denies

she said goody proctor always kept poppets

Cheever intervenes, supporting proctor’s claim that she has not kept poppets since she was a girl

proctor believes Abigail means to murder and that she is not a child, she was put out of the meeting house twice for laughing in prayer

Parris says it was Tituba's witchcraft but now she's changed

Proctor reveals they(girls) were dancing in the woods, and Hale confirms it

Hawthorne tells Mary that when accused, she fainted and cried, and spirits were out to get her, and Mary responds by saying it was a pretense.

proctor says they were only pretending, hathorne asks if she pretends now, and Parris agrees with him

she tries but she can’t

later proctor takes Abigail by her hair and calls her a whore

Herrick and danforth are shocked and confused, Abigail says he lies

danforth says to prove she is a whore and John reveals his affair with her

In—in what time? In what place?

Abigail avoids Danforth's questioning and starts to leave

They call Elizabeth to the court and ask her why she let go of Abigail's services as a servant

she said she didn’t please them

and said that proctor did not see Abigail, as she left proctor told him he confessed it

Hale says it’s a natural lie to tell (believes Proctor now)

Then Abigail starts pretending to see Mary's spirit in the shape of a yellow bird and later all of the girls start mimicking what Mary says

then people start to question Mary and she decides to keep up with the lie and say that Proctor is the devil's man (joins abigails's side)

(We who commit wrongs knowingly are the most guilty of all. Danforth will suffer damnation if he condemns Proctor to death.)

Hale quits the court

Act 4:

Cell in jail, it is fall Marshal Herrick enters with a lantern Three months have passed 

Herrick wakes up Sarah Good and tells her and Tituba to go to the north place. That place is wanted now. 

Tituba and Sarah are going to Barbados.

The Devil in Barbados is sweet, and in Massachusetts, he is cold since they rile him up.

Hopkins - Guard

Hopkin enters and tells them the Deputy Governor has arrived. 

Hathorne thinks Parris has gone mad. 

Now there are many cows wandering the highroads since their masters are in the jails. 

Hale now sits with Rebecca Nurse, her sister, and Martha Corey, and he pleads with them to confess their crimes and save their lives. 

Parris tells Danforth that Abigail has vanished. This is her third night. 

She mainly told Parris she was going to stay a night with Mercy Lewis. The next day, she does not return. Now, both Mercy and Abby are gone. 

Before leaving, Abbigail robbed Parris and left him penniless. She stole thirty-one pounds. 

The court will return on Friday and resume examinations. There is a rumor that speaks of rebellion in Andover. 

Parris suggests postponing the hangings for a time, to which Danforth disagrees with. 

Hale is back in court and Parris now has hope. 

(Hale enters) (Herrick enters) 

Twelve people were already executed. 

Proctor is sitting in his dungeon alone and hasn't seen his wife in three whole months. Danforth and Parris think her presence might soften him so they go looking for her.  

They ask her to ask Proctor for a confession so he can survive. 

Rebecca's Samuel keeps Elizabeth's and Proctor's children. 

There are a hundred or more confessions. 

Giles died pressed 

Proctor says it is a pretense. It is a fraud. He is not that man. His honesty is broken, and he is no good man. Nothing's spoiled by giving them the lie. 

Elizabeth blames herself for Proctor's lechery for being a cold wife. 

Proctor tells Hathorne he wants his life, therefore he will confess. 

Cheever is writing the confession, which Proctor is demanded to sign. 

Rebecca comes out and sees Proctor, surprised he will be confessing. 

When asked if he saw Goody Nurse with the devil, Proctor says no. 

Mary Easty - Rebecca's sister. 

When Proctor signed the confession, he did not let it go since it was his own name. He has already given him his soul; leave him his name. 

Proctor finally rips the paper and is taken to be hanged. Everyone tries to convince Elizabeth to run after him, but she lets him have his own choice.