Chap18 PPT

Chapter 18: The Circulatory System: Blood

General Aspects of Blood

  • Expected Learning Outcomes:

    • Describe the functions and major components of the circulatory system.

    • Describe the components and physical properties of blood.

    • Describe the composition of blood plasma.

    • Explain the significance of blood viscosity and osmolarity.

    • Describe in general terms how blood is produced.


  • Circulatory System:

    • Composed of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.

  • Cardiovascular System:

    • Specific term referring to the heart and blood vessels.

  • Hematology:

    • Field of study focused on blood.

Purposes of Blood Circulation

  • Functions of the Circulatory System:

    1. Transport:

      • Carries oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), nutrients, waste products, hormones, and stem cells.

    2. Protection:

      • Involves inflammation, limiting infection spread, destroying pathogens and cancer cells, neutralizing toxins, and initiating clotting.

    3. Regulation:

      • Maintains fluid balance, stabilizes pH, and controls body temperature.

  • Composition of Blood:

    • A liquid connective tissue consisting of cells (formed elements) and extracellular matrix (plasma).

    • Types of Cells in Blood:

      • Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells): Transport oxygen.

      • Leukocytes (White Blood Cells): Immune response.

      • Platelets: Cell fragments involved in clotting.

Blood Components and Properties

  • Blood Plasma:

    • Clear, light yellow fluid that constitutes the matrix of blood.

  • Formed Elements:

    • Cells and cell fragments, including:

      • Erythrocytes:

        • Red blood cells vital for oxygen transport.

      • Leukocytes:

      • White blood cells categorized as granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils) and agranulocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes).

      • Platelets: Small cell fragments for clotting.

  • Blood Fractionation:

    • Separation of blood into components through centrifugation; density informs their order with RBCs at the bottom, plasma on top, and a buffy coat of WBCs and platelets in between.

Blood Plasma Composition

  • Components of Plasma:

    • A complex mix of water, electrolytes, proteins, nutrients, waste products, hormones, and gases.

  • Principal Plasma Proteins:

    1. Albumins:

      • Smallest and most abundant; crucial for transport, pH buffering, and osmotic pressure.

    2. Globulins:

      • Include alpha, beta, and gamma globulins, involved in solute transport, clotting, and immune response.

    3. Fibrinogen:

      • Precursor to fibrin, the active component in blood clotting.

Blood Viscosity and Osmolarity

  • Viscosity:

    • Measure of resistance to flow; important for blood movement through vessels.

    • Whole blood viscosity is approximately 4.5 to 5.5 times greater than water.

  • Osmolarity:

    • Total concentration of solute particles; regulated by sodium ions, proteins, and RBCs to maintain blood pressure.

Blood Production (Hematopoiesis)

  • Hematopoiesis:

    • The process of blood cell production, occurring in various tissues including bone marrow, liver, and spleen during different life stages.

  • Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs):

    • Multipotent stem cells responsible for generating all formed elements in the blood.

Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)

  • Functions:

    • Transport O2 from lungs to tissues and CO2 from tissues to lungs; a deficiency can be fatal.

  • Structure:

    • Biconcave shape allows flexibility and increases surface area for gas exchange; loses organelles during development, leading to a lack of DNA, mitochondria, and protein synthesis facilitators.

  • Hemoglobin Composition:

    • Contains four globin proteins and heme groups, enabling high capacity for oxygen transport.

Erythrocyte Life History

  • Erythropoiesis:

    • Process of production encompassing several stages from stem cells to reticulocytes and finally mature RBCs.

  • Regulation:

    • Hypoxia triggers increased erythropoietin (EPO) secretion from kidneys, stimulating RBC production as a compensatory response to low oxygen levels.

Erythrocyte Disorders

  • Polycythemia:

    • Excess of RBCs; causes include cancer and environmental factors.

  • Anemia:

    • Deficiency can arise from blood loss, destruction, or inadequate production of RBCs/homoglobin.

    • Specific types include iron-deficiency anemia and hemolytic anemia, each with distinct causes and effects.

  • Sickle-Cell Disease:

    • A hereditary condition causing rigid, sickle-shaped RBCs that can block blood vessels, leading to severe complications.

Blood Types and Transfusion Compatibility

  • ABO Blood Group:

    • Determined by presence/absence of antigens A and B; types include A, B, AB, and O.

  • Rh Factor:

    • Defines if blood is Rh-positive or negative based on D antigen presence.

    • Implications during pregnancy need careful management to prevent hemolytic disease in newborns.

Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)

  • Types and Functions:

    • Include granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils) and agranulocytes (lymphocytes, monocytes); each has distinct roles in immunity.

  • Leukopoiesis:

    • Production process from stem cells through various CFUs generating the specialized white blood cell types.

Platelets and Hemostasis

  • Platelet Functions:

    • Involved in clot formation, vasoconstriction, and recruiting other immune cells to sites of injury.

  • Hemostasis Mechanisms:

    1. Vascular Spasm: Immediate constriction response.

    2. Platelet Plug Formation: Adhering platelets to injury site.

    3. Coagulation (Clotting): Formation of fibrin threads to stabilize the clot.
