italy was divided into a northern and southern region
florence is in the north and the major center for arts and culture
rome and naples were big in the south
spain was in southern italy for like 200 years and it destroyed the economy, so florence was a lot more successful at the time
naples had a rough time with people pouring into the city, made it the largest city in europe at the time but also the poorest
naples was the site of a musical golden age during this time because of the influx of poor people
lots of boys singing in orphanages, put the boys to work in choirs or tried to create opera superstars
orphanages were the site of growing opera schools
low voices were thought to be more masculine and powerful so a lot of male divas (castrato) got good roles
voice changes meant boys lost good roles because women weren't allowed to sing
castrati ethical issues - surgery was technically illegal, not necessarily guaranteed success and fame
da capo aria form
aria vs recitative - more melodic singing vs more speechlike, showcasing singer vs advancing plot
consists of two sections
first section has basso continuo intro and more repetition of words and phrases, ends on tonic
second section has contrasting material and is much shorter
aba but both a sections contain the same material in the home key
dominant form for like 100 years
popular because composers had to write less music, no one expected to hear the same thing twice so performers had to show off in the return to the a section