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Theological exam

Adoration: To worship God alone

Antipope: A false pope who wasn’t elected by a Conclave

Caesaropapism:The king thinks he has the ability to make Church ideas 

Conciliarism: the idea or belief that the council holds more authority than the Pope

Conclave: It’s where The cardinal’s elect a Pope

Consecrated Hosts: Bread blessed by a priest for it to become the body of Christ

Dogma: Important  teaching of the Church

Faith:The complete and utter trust in God

Filioque: Was made to show the equality between the Father + Son

Grace: Gods gift of salvation

Greek: The Language That the Eastern Church uses

Henry VIII: Started the English Church

Heresy:A False teaching that can lead the Church astray

Holy Spirit: One of the persons within the Trinity (Not sure about this one)

Iconoclasm: The Destruction of Scared Images

Latin: The Language that the Western Chruch uses

Martin Luther:Started lutheranism and caused the protestant reformation

Orthodoxy:The correct teaching 

Schism:A division that happens between two partys

The Second Council of Nicea: Created the Ideas of Veneration and adoration to fight Arianism

Simony: The buying or selling of Chruch powers

Unleavened Bread:Bread without yeast its like a cracker

Veneration: Respect and Honor for icons Relics or saints

3 Main branches of Christianity: Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Protestant

Absenteeism: Its when a pope or bishop isnt in the place in which they are meant to

Anglicanism: The Americanized version of the English Church

Antipope Clement VII: The French Elected this guy to be their “Pope” But he was only elected by the French

Antipope John XXIII: a Group of Cardinals and Bishops declare the other popes at the time Heretics and then elect him

Anne Boleyn: She was the crowned queen of England after Henry VIII Married her and broke up with his Old wife

Avignon Papacy:When the Popes were all in France

Black Death:A lot of people died it was a plauge that killed most of Europe

Calvinism : John Calvin 

Catherine of Siena: She made Pope Gregory XI go back to Rome

Catherine of Aragon: The wife of Henry VIII whom could not produce a male heir to the throne


Charlemagne: He was crowned the Holy Roman emperor

Church: A group of believers


Council of Constance : It was called by the Holy Roman Emperor and this was to retty much make all the popes resign and then a new one was elected

Council of Trent

Deposit of Faith:The sources of our faith: Scripture and Tradition

Determinism: you are predetermined to go to heaven on Hell

Diet of Worms: When Luther got excimunicated and they gave him 24 hours to escape this was luthers last chance to defend himself

Doctrine:Important set of beliefs

Eastern vs. Western Roman Empire

Eastern Orthodox: The part of the Chruch that was a part of constantinople where they thought that the bishop of said location had more power than the pope

Eucharist:when the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ

Excommunication: Being removed from the Church being unable to recieve scarements 

Filioque : Was made to show the equality between the Father + Son

Greed: Wanting things for yourself

Henry VIII:Started the English Church due to him wanting to leave his wife 

Heresy: A Flase teaching of the Church a Community of disciples

Indulgence: It was a grace Recceived when the Church forgives a temporal punishment

Ignatius of Loyola

Francis Xavier


Justification by Faith: This is Sola Fide

Latin v. Greek()

Magisterium:An Offical teaching of the Church

Martin Luther:Started Lutheranism and sparked to protestant reformation

Martin V He was the guy who got elected as the pope to heal the papl schism

Orthodoxy:The correct teaching

Orthopraxy:The correct practice

Papal Bull:Is a letter

Papal Schism:IT was when there was more than one pope which was a pretty annoying thing


Pope Gregory XI:The man who ended the Avion papacy

Pope Leo X

Pope Martin V : This guy was the pope who was elected after the Council of Constance This was when all the popes Resigned it was called by Holy roman emperor signiaus

Pope Urban VI: The legitimate pope during the Papal schism he was elected due to the italians wanted him

Praxis:Faith in practice

Protestant Reformation

Predestination: Its basically when your pre destenined to go to Heaven or Hell

Purgatory:Its when you arent good enough to go to heaven but not bad enough to go to hell It’s to work on yourself so you can be ready to enter heaven

Sacrament:Something that can give you grace

Schism:A split or a division

Scrupulosity: Being constantly worried and not trusting in God basically wanted to be Perfect

Simony:The buying and selling of Chruch powers

Sola Fide: Justified by Faith

Sola Scriptura: The scripture 

Tetzel:A guy who was selling Indulgences which is Simony

Thomas Cranmer

Thomas More:Martyred for refusing to acknowledge King as the head of the Church of England.

Tradition: the lived experience of the Church affirmed by the Magisterium


  1. The History of the Church: Chronological Order

Please number the following events in order from 1 to 13.

1 The Crowning of Charlemagne (800)

 2 Photius becomes Patriarch of Constantinople (858)

3 Cardinal Humbert and Patriarch Michael Cerularius excommunicate each other, beginning the East-West Schism (1054)

4 St. Catherine of Siena convinces Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome (1376)

5 The Cardinals elect aggressive Italian reformer Pope Urban VI (1378)

6 French Cardinals elect their own Anti-pope Clement VII (1378)

7 Avignon Papacy (1309-1377)

8 Luther Posts the 95 Theses (1517)

9 The Diet of Worms (1521)

10 Henry VIII asks the Pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon (1527)

11 John Calvin writes the Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536)

12 Henry VIII is declared the Supreme Head of the Church of England (1534)

Theological exam

Adoration: To worship God alone

Antipope: A false pope who wasn’t elected by a Conclave

Caesaropapism:The king thinks he has the ability to make Church ideas 

Conciliarism: the idea or belief that the council holds more authority than the Pope

Conclave: It’s where The cardinal’s elect a Pope

Consecrated Hosts: Bread blessed by a priest for it to become the body of Christ

Dogma: Important  teaching of the Church

Faith:The complete and utter trust in God

Filioque: Was made to show the equality between the Father + Son

Grace: Gods gift of salvation

Greek: The Language That the Eastern Church uses

Henry VIII: Started the English Church

Heresy:A False teaching that can lead the Church astray

Holy Spirit: One of the persons within the Trinity (Not sure about this one)

Iconoclasm: The Destruction of Scared Images

Latin: The Language that the Western Chruch uses

Martin Luther:Started lutheranism and caused the protestant reformation

Orthodoxy:The correct teaching 

Schism:A division that happens between two partys

The Second Council of Nicea: Created the Ideas of Veneration and adoration to fight Arianism

Simony: The buying or selling of Chruch powers

Unleavened Bread:Bread without yeast its like a cracker

Veneration: Respect and Honor for icons Relics or saints

3 Main branches of Christianity: Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Protestant

Absenteeism: Its when a pope or bishop isnt in the place in which they are meant to

Anglicanism: The Americanized version of the English Church

Antipope Clement VII: The French Elected this guy to be their “Pope” But he was only elected by the French

Antipope John XXIII: a Group of Cardinals and Bishops declare the other popes at the time Heretics and then elect him

Anne Boleyn: She was the crowned queen of England after Henry VIII Married her and broke up with his Old wife

Avignon Papacy:When the Popes were all in France

Black Death:A lot of people died it was a plauge that killed most of Europe

Calvinism : John Calvin 

Catherine of Siena: She made Pope Gregory XI go back to Rome

Catherine of Aragon: The wife of Henry VIII whom could not produce a male heir to the throne


Charlemagne: He was crowned the Holy Roman emperor

Church: A group of believers


Council of Constance : It was called by the Holy Roman Emperor and this was to retty much make all the popes resign and then a new one was elected

Council of Trent

Deposit of Faith:The sources of our faith: Scripture and Tradition

Determinism: you are predetermined to go to heaven on Hell

Diet of Worms: When Luther got excimunicated and they gave him 24 hours to escape this was luthers last chance to defend himself

Doctrine:Important set of beliefs

Eastern vs. Western Roman Empire

Eastern Orthodox: The part of the Chruch that was a part of constantinople where they thought that the bishop of said location had more power than the pope

Eucharist:when the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ

Excommunication: Being removed from the Church being unable to recieve scarements 

Filioque : Was made to show the equality between the Father + Son

Greed: Wanting things for yourself

Henry VIII:Started the English Church due to him wanting to leave his wife 

Heresy: A Flase teaching of the Church a Community of disciples

Indulgence: It was a grace Recceived when the Church forgives a temporal punishment

Ignatius of Loyola

Francis Xavier


Justification by Faith: This is Sola Fide

Latin v. Greek()

Magisterium:An Offical teaching of the Church

Martin Luther:Started Lutheranism and sparked to protestant reformation

Martin V He was the guy who got elected as the pope to heal the papl schism

Orthodoxy:The correct teaching

Orthopraxy:The correct practice

Papal Bull:Is a letter

Papal Schism:IT was when there was more than one pope which was a pretty annoying thing


Pope Gregory XI:The man who ended the Avion papacy

Pope Leo X

Pope Martin V : This guy was the pope who was elected after the Council of Constance This was when all the popes Resigned it was called by Holy roman emperor signiaus

Pope Urban VI: The legitimate pope during the Papal schism he was elected due to the italians wanted him

Praxis:Faith in practice

Protestant Reformation

Predestination: Its basically when your pre destenined to go to Heaven or Hell

Purgatory:Its when you arent good enough to go to heaven but not bad enough to go to hell It’s to work on yourself so you can be ready to enter heaven

Sacrament:Something that can give you grace

Schism:A split or a division

Scrupulosity: Being constantly worried and not trusting in God basically wanted to be Perfect

Simony:The buying and selling of Chruch powers

Sola Fide: Justified by Faith

Sola Scriptura: The scripture 

Tetzel:A guy who was selling Indulgences which is Simony

Thomas Cranmer

Thomas More:Martyred for refusing to acknowledge King as the head of the Church of England.

Tradition: the lived experience of the Church affirmed by the Magisterium


  1. The History of the Church: Chronological Order

Please number the following events in order from 1 to 13.

1 The Crowning of Charlemagne (800)

 2 Photius becomes Patriarch of Constantinople (858)

3 Cardinal Humbert and Patriarch Michael Cerularius excommunicate each other, beginning the East-West Schism (1054)

4 St. Catherine of Siena convinces Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome (1376)

5 The Cardinals elect aggressive Italian reformer Pope Urban VI (1378)

6 French Cardinals elect their own Anti-pope Clement VII (1378)

7 Avignon Papacy (1309-1377)

8 Luther Posts the 95 Theses (1517)

9 The Diet of Worms (1521)

10 Henry VIII asks the Pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon (1527)

11 John Calvin writes the Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536)

12 Henry VIII is declared the Supreme Head of the Church of England (1534)
