AP World History 23-23.

All notes from Heimler’s History on YouTube and in person lectures.

Unit 1: The Global Tapestry 1200-1450

1.1- State building in Song China

  • The Song State Structure:

    • divided into 6 departments- personal, finance, rites, army, justice, public works.

    • overseen by the censorate (a branch of government tasked with fighting corruption)

  • Confucianism in Song China


    • based around the idea the everyone has a job to do and must stick to it, otherwise the world will fall into chaos

    • based around a social hierarchy and respect within relationships

    • peasants to their king, wives to their husbands, kids to their fathers, younger brother to older brother, and the only equal relationship, friend to friend

  • Civil Service Exam

    • a test needed to pass for entrance into Song China’s government

    • a basis for shifting power from elders to a new generation

    • MEN studied their entire lives to be able to take the test, and if they passed, they were guaranteed a spot in the government which meant wealthy and sustainability for him and his family

  • Role of merchants in China

    • long distance trade

    • sent out to make more money for China, as well as the entire state of Afro-Eurasia

    • they had very specific practices, often handmade goods that could not be found in other places around the world

    • held markets and other store for availability to others within the Song territory

  • Increase of iron production

    • Song China consistently produced 32,000 suits of armor annually within themselves

    • this led to a shortage of iron for money, so paper money begins to be used

  • How did money change during the Song Dynasty?

    • since the Song was producing so many new iron products, there was not enough of it left to be used as money

    • led to the start of paper money

  • Impact of gunpowder in China

    • accidental discovery of gunpowder by Daoists who were trying to make an elixir of immortality

    • literally blew up in their faces

    • fireworks were made and used before the invention of guns or bombs

  • How was Japan influenced by China?

    • architectural changes

    • very prominent in the capital city of Japan at the time, Heian. lots of Chinese art and structure used in the buildings of the city

    • various cultural practices and religions transferred to Japan because China and Japan were so physically close together

  • Influence of Buddhism in China

    • in the beginning, Buddhism was strictly atheistic

    • came from India, but developed and changed on it’s way to China

    • Mahayana Buddhism was a Vietnamese faction (most relevant). based around relics, deities, and multiple Heavens and Hells.

  • Why was China a wealthy country?

    • they were MADE wealthy through their large population, agriculture based economy, and manufacturing of new products (IRON.)

    • iron, paper money, armor = wealth

  • How was China unified?

    • common language

    • Confucianism

    • culture

    • shared beliefs

    • shared customs (clothes, lifestyle, food, etc.)

1.2 - State Building in India and South East Asia

  • State building in South Asia - India

    • Hinduism dominated - polytheistic

    • Hinduism unified India due to the caste system (labor system - explained in unit 4)

    • believed in the cycle of reincarnation - the better you did in this life, the better you would do in the next life until you eventually were with God

    • ethnic religion

  • Hindu beliefs:

    • Samsara

      • cycle of birth and rebirth (mentioned above)

    • Atman

      • representation of inner self

    • Moksha

      • liberation from birth to rebirth

    • Brahman

      • an all pervasive world - a soul to reunite yourself with after rebirth

    • Karma

      • cause and effect (positive and negative)

  • Bhakti Movement

    • encouraged the worship of one god

    • mystical movement

    • did not matter what class you were

  • Caste system

    • form of hierarchical organization

    • based of social class

  • State Building in Southeast Asia

    • Majapahit Empire

      • Hindu with Buddhist influence

      • had most power

      • required tribute from other states

    • Khmer

      • Hindu

      • exceedingly prosperous

      • Hindu representation

1.5 - State Building in the Americas and Africa

  • Africa

    • Muslim merchants were women

    • Swahili was internal

    • merchants were above commoners in status

    • cultural fusion

    • Great Zimbabwe

    • Hausa kingdoms were urbanized and monarchies - Islamic

    • gold, ivory, timber, slaves

  • Kin Based Networks

    • Mediterranean Sea trading network within the Swahili people and their lands

  • Hausa Kingdom

    • urbanized monarchies based around Islam

1.6 - Developments in Europe 1200-1450

  • What happened when Rome fell?

    • Byzantine empire kept Christianity alive

    • Eastern-Orthodox

    • Roman-Catholic

  • Europe between 476-1000

    • lots of influence on Eastern Asia

    • crusades

    • Christianity was pushed around between empires

    • Feudalism

      • a system on allegiances between powerful monarchs, kings, and knights

        • greater lords and kings gained allegiances from lesser power

    • Dark ages:

      • decline in culture

      • feudalism

      • rise of the Black Death

    • High Middle Ages:

      • basically the revival after the Dark Ages

  • Magna Carta

    • document of protection against the kings and feudalists

  • Roman Catholic Church and it’s importance

    • took over after the fall of Rome

    • influenced all further Christianity

  • Crusades

    • Christian/ Islamic wars

    • Christianity wins

  • Economic and Social Change

    • Little Ice Age

      • average global temperature drops in Europe and North America

    • Renaissance

      • Rebirth of Rome as a Culture

        • art

        • politics

        • economics

        • philosophy

1.7 - Comparison from 1200-1450

  • State building

    • compare Song Dynasty and Abbasid Caliphate

      • Abbasid was Islamic and was run by Arabs

      • Song was Buddhist and Confucian

      • both used religion to shape societies

    • Mali empire and Ghana

      • Mali was heavily trade reliant

      • both accepted Islam

      • Ghana was very short lived

    • Aztecs and Incas

      • Aztecs took tribute and sacrifices

      • Incas had an elaborate bureaucracy

      • Incas used the Mit’a system and were highly civilized

    • Europeans

      • global trade

      • military strength

  • Religion and it’s role in state buid