41. Writhe, v. – to move in a twisted or contorted way
42. Dilate, v. – to widen; to get bigger
43. Converge, v. – to move or draw together at a certain location
44. Pedantic, n. – describing a person who is overly concerned with rules and/or details; nitpicky
45. Incriminate, v. – to accuse of a crime or wrongdoing; to increase one’s guiltiness
46. Convoluted, adj. – complicated; having a great deal of nuance or detail; perhaps hard to understand
47. Luminous, adj. – shining; giving off light
48. Incessantly, adv. – unendingly; continuing without stopping
49. Gynecocracy, n. – the superiority of women
50. Dystopia, n. – a society that is undesirable or frightening
51. Monotonous, adj. – boring; drab; of a singular tone or volume
52. Macrocosm, n. – the entirety of a vast, complex structure such as the earth or a galaxy
53. Hexapod, n. – something that has six legs and feet
54. Ostentatious, adj. – making a loud, showy display in order to get attention
55. Consummate, v. – to make whole or complete
56. Digress, v. – to turn aside from the main subject of conversation
57. Omnivore, n. – an animal or plant that eats meat as well as plants
58. Promontory, n. – a high point of land from the coast out into the sea
59. Conflagration, n. – a great, enormous fire.
60. Patronymic, adj. – formed after one’s father’s name
101. Prominent, adj. – important, noteworthy, readily noticeable
102. Brazen, adj. – bold; without shame
103. Enmity, n. – deep hatred; the quality of being an enemy
104. Incredulous, adj. – disbelieving; amazed
105. Furtive, adj. – secretive; avoiding attention; sneaky
106. Efflorescence, n. – the state of flowering; the result of growth and development
107. Ebullience, n. – strong feelings of joy or approval
108. Festoon, v. – to decorate, ornament, or make attractive
109. Retronym, n. – a modified term that refers to an older version of that term (i.e. “acoustic guitar”)
110. Declivity, n. – a downward slope
111. Exhilarate, v. – to energize; to make cheerful or happy
112. Indignant, adj. – feeling or expressing displeasure at something considered unjust or offensive
113. Effigy, n. – a physical representation of a thing or person
114. Gesticulate, v. – to use dramatic motions to emphasize what one is saying
115. Tremulous, adj. – nervous; shaking; weak
116. Diffident, adj. – lacking confidence in one’s ability/worth
117. Leviathan, n. – a monstrous sea creature, one which often symbolized evil in the Old Testament
118. Discursive, adj. – rambling; digressive; passing aimlessly from one subject to another
119. Incantation, n. – the chanting of words in order to invoke magical powers
120. Mutinous, adj. – engaged in or involving revolt against authority