Adherence to collective norms contributes to societal issues.
Feminism advocates for the equal status of women in cultural, political, social and economic spheres.
Suffragettes: advocating for women’s rights to vote
Ability to own property
People’s Case → the Famous Five and the right for women to be interpreted as persons by law.
Equal opportunity & pay
Reproductive rights & abortion
$0.77 for every $1 made by men
3x more house spend domestically
35% of women have experienced violence.
Gender equality from legislation with legal penalties
Maternity/paternity leave → illustrating the evolution of social norms.
Violence and the #MeToo movement
Affirmative action to bring women into the workplace
~286 years necessary to remove discriminatory laws
science, knowledge, freedom expressed as obedience to laws, reason & rational thinking
No set of ideas can dominate cultural and gender differences → sees modernism as imposition.
Skeptics of progress
“Grand governing nature” which causes concern for race, gender and other parts of cultures.
objectively against grand governance
Can be critiqued as a rejection of common sense & common ground