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MGT quiz ch.10

Voluntary: turnover A departure initiated by an employee

Involuntary turnover: An employee terminated by the organization against their own wishes

Dismissal Employment: termination because the worker fails to meet organizational expectations

Layoffs Organizationally: initiated termination of employment due to economic or strategic reasons

Tardiness Being late to work without giving advance notice

Absenteeism: Unscheduled absences from work

Unfolding model of turnover: A model that recognizes that employees often leave without lining up a new job and that turnover is often a result of “shocks” to the system

Job embeddedness model: A model that explains that employees stay because of their links to others and fit with the context at work and in their communities, and how much they would have to sacrifice by leaving their work and communities

Pulse surveys: Short, frequent surveys

Boomerang employees: Former employees who rejoin an organization

Bridge employment: Reducing one’s hours or reducing job demands within the same or a different organization in preparation for full retirement

Progressive discipline: The process of using increasingly severe steps to correct a performance problem

Employment at will: When organizations have the right to terminate the employment of anyone at any time, and employees have the right to quit at any time

Wrongful dismissal: A dismissal that violates the law

Unemployment insurance: Payment made to unemployed individuals

Severance pay: Payments made to departing employees during organizationally initiated turnover

MGT quiz ch.10

Voluntary: turnover A departure initiated by an employee

Involuntary turnover: An employee terminated by the organization against their own wishes

Dismissal Employment: termination because the worker fails to meet organizational expectations

Layoffs Organizationally: initiated termination of employment due to economic or strategic reasons

Tardiness Being late to work without giving advance notice

Absenteeism: Unscheduled absences from work

Unfolding model of turnover: A model that recognizes that employees often leave without lining up a new job and that turnover is often a result of “shocks” to the system

Job embeddedness model: A model that explains that employees stay because of their links to others and fit with the context at work and in their communities, and how much they would have to sacrifice by leaving their work and communities

Pulse surveys: Short, frequent surveys

Boomerang employees: Former employees who rejoin an organization

Bridge employment: Reducing one’s hours or reducing job demands within the same or a different organization in preparation for full retirement

Progressive discipline: The process of using increasingly severe steps to correct a performance problem

Employment at will: When organizations have the right to terminate the employment of anyone at any time, and employees have the right to quit at any time

Wrongful dismissal: A dismissal that violates the law

Unemployment insurance: Payment made to unemployed individuals

Severance pay: Payments made to departing employees during organizationally initiated turnover