1. Glycaemic index (GI):
GI ranks food on a scale from 0-100 according to their actual effect on blood
glucose levels
Is the rate at which glucose is released into the blood stream
2. Blood glucose level:
The amount of glucose in the blood
3. Low blood glucose (hypoglycaemia): hypo means under
Is a condition in which the glucose level in the blood falls abnormally low
4. High blood glucose (hyperglycaemia): hype means over
is a condition in which the glucose level in the blood becomes abnormally high
5. Diabetes:
Is a chronic disease in which the blood –glucose level is abnormally high because
the body cannot control it properly
It is a disease in which the pancreas produces no insulin/little insulin or the body
does not use insulin effectively
As a result there is excess glucose and the body cannot control it
6. Soluble fibre:
Fibre that dissolves to form a gel in water. It slows the entry of sugar (glucose)
into the blood stream
7. Insoluble fibre:
Fibre that cannot be digested as it does not dissolve in water, but rather binds
and holds water as it passes through the body
8. Cholesterol:
Cholesterol is a soft, white waxy substance produced in the liver and body cells.
The liver produces all the cholesterol that the body needs
9. High blood cholesterol:
High levels of cholesterol in the blood can cause a build-up of fatty plaque on
the inner walls of arteries, obstructing blood flow through the arteries
10. Atherosclerosis:
Is the clogging, narrowing and closing of arteries due to the build-up of
cholesterol and other fatty substances in the walls of the arteries
11. Osteoporosis: (means porous bones)
Results from a low-calcium diet intake over a long period
Calcium is withdrawn from the bones at a faster rate than it is replaced
The bone gradually becomes smaller, thinner and so fragile that it breaks easily
This leads to an increase risk of fractures of hips, legs and wrists
12. Saturated fats:
Fats found mainly in animals and solid at room temperature
13. Unsaturated fats:
Fats found mainly in plants and liquid at room temperature
14. Hydrogenated/trans fats:
Hydrogenation is the process of converting vegetable oils into solids(fats)
15. Anaemia:
Is a condition in which the blood contains fewer red blood cells than normal in
the blood or
lack of haemoglobin in the red blood cells due to shortage of iron, vitamin B12
and folic acid
It is due to lack of iron
16. High blood pressure (hypertension):
Is the condition that occurs when the blood in the arteries pump at a higher
pressure than usual
Is the pressure of the blood against the artery walls is so high as it circulates
through the body