Belief and Philosophy
Ahimsa - the teaching of non-violence
Atman = Brahman - our individual share of universal energy (we are all equal)
Dharma - ethical duty based on the divine order of reality; one of the four goals of life.
Four Desires (Tanhas):
Sukkah - pleasure
Artha - wealth/success
Dharma - duty
Moksha - a release from this limited realm of existence into the divine; united forever with the divine having returned to the sacred source
Karma - the moral law of cause and effect of actions determines the nature of one's reincarnation
Monism - the doctrine that reality is made up of only one essence
Monotheistic-Polytheism - various gods and goddesses are viewed strictly as embodiments or avatars of one God, Braham
Reincarnation - rebirth in new life forms
Samsara - the cycle of birth death and rebirth
Concept of God
“God is one, all-pervasive, divine presence.”
“While not unknowable, God is entirely unsearchable.”
Chief Attributes of God:
Sat - being
Chit - awareness
Ananda – bliss
"the creator"
4 heads, drawn sitting down
Saravati (goddess of knowledge) is Brahman's female counterpart
"the preserver"
blue skin, drawn with cobra and water
Lakshmi (goddess of good fortune and beauty) is Vishnu's female counterpart
"the destroyer" (of evils)
drawn with trident, and animal furs
Parvati (goddess of evil) is Shiva's female counterpart
Other Commonly Worshipped Gods:
Rama - the avatar of Vishnu, a central figure of the Ramayana
Sita - avatar of Lakshmi, wife of Rama, represents good virtue
Ganesha - the elephant god, god of success
Hanuman - monkey god, represents courage, power, and selfless service
Structure and Practice
Caste System (Varna/Jati):
Brahmin - the highest, traditionally made up of priests
Kshatriya - the second, traditionally made up of warriors and administrators
Vaisya - the third, traditionally made up of producers such as farmers, merchants, and artisans
Sudra - the lowest, traditionally made up of servants and laborers
Hari-jan/Dalit (technically outside of caste system) - untouchables, outcasted from society
Four Ashramas (Stages of Life):
Student - brahmacharga
Forest Dweller
Renunciant - sanyasin
Four Yogas (Paths to Moksha):
Karma Yoga
"the path of works"
performing right actions according to one's dharma
concern for the world and one's fellow human
Jnana yoga
"the path of knowledge"
knowing the true nature of reality through learning and mediation
3 schools of philosophy (Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga)
Bhakti Yoga
"the path of devotion"
most popular
loving devotion to one's chosen god or goddess
Raja Yoga
the path of meditation
Holy Books
Rig - oldest and most important, gods are formally identified, caste system
Sama - verses for chanting
Yajur - most authoritative instructions for rituals
Atharva - medicine book with spells
philosophy of rituals
anecdotal information; interpretations
Upanishads (at the feet of)
Ramayana - one of two classical Hindu epics telling of the banishment of Rama from his kingdom the abduction of his wife by a demon and Rama's restoration to the throne
Mahabharata - the longest single poem in the world, about a war fought between two branches of the same family. Main Character: Arjuna.
Bhagavad-Gita - a section of the Indian epic the Mahabharata
Puranas - popular epics, collections of stories and poems about favorite sectarian gods and sages