World Religions - Hinduism Vocabulary

Belief and Philosophy

Ahimsa - the teaching of non-violence

Atman = Brahman - our individual share of universal energy (we are all equal)

Dharma - ethical duty based on the divine order of reality; one of the four goals of life. 

Four Desires (Tanhas):

  • Sukkah - pleasure

  • Artha - wealth/success

  • Dharma - duty

  • Moksha - a release from this limited realm of existence into the divine; united forever with the divine having returned to the sacred source

Karma - the moral law of cause and effect of actions determines the nature of one's reincarnation

Monism - the doctrine that reality is made up of only one essence

Monotheistic-Polytheism - various gods and goddesses are viewed strictly as embodiments or avatars of one God, Braham

Reincarnation - rebirth in new life forms

Samsara - the cycle of birth death and rebirth

Concept of God

“God is one, all-pervasive, divine presence.”

“While not unknowable, God is entirely unsearchable.”

Chief Attributes of God:

  • Sat - being

  • Chit - awareness

  • Ananda – bliss


  • Brahma/Sarasvati

    • "the creator"

    • 4 heads, drawn sitting down

    • Saravati (goddess of knowledge) is Brahman's female counterpart

  • Shiva/Parvati

    • "the preserver"

    • blue skin, drawn with cobra and water

    • Lakshmi (goddess of good fortune and beauty) is Vishnu's female counterpart

  • Vishnu/Lakshmi

    • "the destroyer" (of evils)

    • drawn with trident, and animal furs

    • Parvati (goddess of evil) is Shiva's female counterpart

Other Commonly Worshipped Gods:

  • Rama - the avatar of Vishnu, a central figure of the Ramayana

  • Sita - avatar of Lakshmi, wife of Rama, represents good virtue

  • Ganesha - the elephant god, god of success

  • Hanuman - monkey god, represents courage, power, and selfless service

Structure and Practice

Caste System (Varna/Jati):

  • Brahmin - the highest, traditionally made up of priests

  • Kshatriya - the second, traditionally made up of warriors and administrators

  • Vaisya - the third, traditionally made up of producers such as farmers, merchants, and artisans

  • Sudra - the lowest, traditionally made up of servants and laborers

  • Hari-jan/Dalit (technically outside of caste system) - untouchables, outcasted from society

Four Ashramas (Stages of Life):

  • Student - brahmacharga

  • Householder

  • Forest Dweller

  • Renunciant - sanyasin

Four Yogas (Paths to Moksha):

  • Karma Yoga

    • "the path of works"

    • performing right actions according to one's dharma

    • concern for the world and one's fellow human

  • Jnana yoga

    • "the path of knowledge"

    • knowing the true nature of reality through learning and mediation

    • 3 schools of philosophy (Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga)

  • Bhakti Yoga

    • "the path of devotion"

    • most popular

    • loving devotion to one's chosen god or goddess

  • Raja Yoga

    • the path of meditation

Holy Books


  • Samhitas

    • Rig - oldest and most important, gods are formally identified, caste system

    • Sama - verses for chanting

    • Yajur - most authoritative instructions for rituals

    • Atharva - medicine book with spells

  • Brahmanas 

    • philosophy of rituals

  • Aranyakas

    • anecdotal information; interpretations

  • Upanishads (at the feet of)

    • ataman=brahman


  • Ramayana - one of two classical Hindu epics telling of the banishment of Rama from his kingdom the abduction of his wife by a demon and Rama's restoration to the throne

  • Mahabharata - the longest single poem in the world, about a war fought between two branches of the same family. Main Character: Arjuna.

    • Bhagavad-Gita - a section of the Indian epic the Mahabharata

  • Puranas - popular epics, collections of stories and poems about favorite sectarian gods and sages
