Eva : IT & AI in marketing planning
Eva : marketing strategies to enter international markets
researched report of marketing objectives and marketing strategy to achieve those aims
Aim of business
Situational analysis - what’s the position of the business in the market
Marketing objectives (SMART)
Marketing strategy
Marketing mix details
Marketing budget
Marketing plan should be consistent, if image of business is not consistent and different from customer perception, message will be misleading
Marketing mix should be aligned with marketing objective
Promotion should be considered with available budget
Make future decisions more focused, effectively, avoid unnecessary work
With research, shape marketing objectives to be more realistic, reduce risk of failure
Provide clear aim, prepare business better
(HRM - plan enough employees
Finance - control cash flow )
The plan is detailed, a change in market means the plan need to be redo constantly
Poor employees skills, bad information will ruin the plan, making future decisions fail
Cheap, quick, reach a lot of people
Collect sales data, customer needs => improve marketing
Able to process large amount of data in a short time
Analyse consumer search key words, monitor sales and predict trends in real time
Collect data might disrupt customer privacy, pressure-group actions
Significant investment in IT, computing power
Home market is saturated or downturn
Spread risk (have income in different countries)
Legal difference create opportunities
Need to understand the new international market
National level (political, law,…)
Economy state (GDP growth,…)
Opportunity for business (any potential supplier available?, location?)
Sell same product the same way for the world whole
Cheap - use same advertisement for the whole world
Same product - product recognition
Economies of scale
Cultural, religious differences
Different law in different country
Countries have different income levels, set same price for every country is bad
Super luxury brands (Rolex, Rolls Royce). Already established a famous identity, cultural difference don’t matter
Mass-appeal brands (Nike), famous worldwide, economy of scale
Different marketing plan for different countries
Products will fit laws of different countries
Meet local taste, sell more
Reduced economies of scale
Average income level (GPD per head)
Legal differences
Cultural differences
Setting up a business can be long and expensive in some countries
Export product via international trade agents
Trade agents have knowledge about local market (sell more)
Pay commission
International franchising
Inefficiency communication - Training and communication for different franchises in countries can be complex
Joint venture
Shared costs & risks
Get more resources
Working cultural clash
All partners pay for a mistake 1 partner makes
Sell the rights to produce a product in another country
Same with franchise, but have more freedom in how you sell it (does not follow licensee rule)
unethical production by licensee bring bad publicity to licensor
Direct investment in foreign subsidies
Instead of takeover a local business, buy shares of a local business and let them do their work
Keep all profit
Easy operation - parent company has full control over subsidiary
Expensive (senior staff need to visit those countries)
Foreign operations can be banned with changes in local law
If subsidiary so something wrong, the parent company will have bad publicity