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Unit 6.1 Data Security


  • Understand the difference between security, privacy and integrity of data.

  • Understand the different cybersecurity threats that computer systems face and the measures that can be taken to defend against these.

Data Security

Protecting computers? consider:

  • Security - measures taken to protect computer system/network/data from unauthorised access/attacks/breaches.

  • Privacy - Rights and regulations surrounding collection/use/dissemination of personal info/sensitive data.

  • Integrity - accuracy/consistency/reliability of data


Cyber Threats


Software containing malicious code that damages computer systems and files, it can get on by

  • Attaching itself to email attachments

  • Phishing by influencing the user to download files that appear genuine

  • Visiting untrustworthy websites

  • Exchanging memory sticks between users.

Malware Types
  • Virus - Corrupt data/delete files/disrupt computers operations or simply annoy, needs a user action to spread e.g. sending infected files by email or memory stick

  • Computer Worm - Similar to virus but can spread on its own

  • Spyware - software that gathers info about users activities e.g browsing history and keystrokes

  • Trojan Horse - Software pieces that look genuine to users, when opened run malicious code that can damage computer systems.

  • Ransomware - Software that encrypts users computer so it cant be accessed, user asked to make a ransom payment in exchange for restoring files.

Malware can be stopped by Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware software


Can be stopped by using usernames, passwords and firewall software




Hacker needs permission

Operate between White & Black-Hat

Hacker doesn’t have permission

Uses skills to ID vulnerabilities in the organisations system and reports these back

May choose to hack without permission but still report to organisation to help improve their security

Exploits computer system for personal gain e.g. make profit

Follows ethical guidelines and standards

May choose to hack without permission but not carry out malicious actions

Doesn’t follow ethical guidelines or standards


Way of gaining sensitive info by influencing people to give it away illegally e.g. name/address/bank details etc. e.g. phone by impersonating employee or email impersonating business with a link to form.

Once info obtained may be used for malicious purposes

Can be stopped by:

  • Not opening/responding to email from unknown sources

  • Blocking email address


Malware used to direct user from genuine to fake website without knowledge/consent where they then enter personal info.

Measures to Protect Computer Systems

User Accounts

  • Set of credentials given to user who has authorised access to computer/network

  • Usually paired with password/other authentication

  • Users can have different access levels


  • Set of characters used to verify/authenticate user identity

  • Usually paired with User Accounts

Strong passwords important! General rules:

  • 8 char min,

  • Mix of no/lower/uppercase

  • Special symbols

  • Don’t include personal details

  • Change regularly (every 2-3 months)


Software that checks all incoming traffic from pc/network before it reaches computer

(Settings based) blocks access to source if it detects unauthorised access

Examines all requests made externally e.g. websites visited and compares them against allowable rules list, if its in its allowed access, if then blocked


Software that runs in the background virus checking by:

  • Signature Detection - scans every single data/request accessing pc and compares data/request against known virus database

  • Heuristic Analysis - analyses behaviour of files to ID previously unknown virus without signature, see if it acts maliciously e.g. deleting files

If a Virus is detected:

  • Quarantines - isolates virus so it cant spread and do further damage

  • Repairs - attempts to disinfect the infected files by removing malicious code

  • Deletes - if it poses significant risk to PC it deletes the virus

  • Alert User - tells user about virus and actions taken to handle the virus.

Needs to be updated frequently so database is updated and it can detect new viruses


Works similarly to Anti-Virus by scanning files to ID traces of spyware/unwanted programs and matches these against known spyware signatures/behaviours

Then removes/quarantines files, Anti-Spyware also needs to be updated regularly (same as Anti-Virus reason)


Encoded (scrambled) data so it cant be easily understood, should be encrypted when:

  • Being transmitted - includes over the internet & over wi-fi network

  • Being stored - actual storage device used to store data, adds extra security in case someone else accesses it physically.


Symmetric Encryption

Asymmetric Encryption

Key amounts

One Key

Two keys

Key types

Single key to Encrypt & decrypt

1 Encryption (Public) key and 1 Decryption (Private) key

How it works

Both parties need to know the key. (Rarely used for sensitive info)

Public key exchanged between sender/recipient, public key encrypts then recipient decrypts data with private key.


  • Not as secure, both parties need to know the keys.

  • Attacker could access data and intercept key.

  • More secure, even if public key known, cant decrypt without private key.

  • Public key can be public and anyone can access, Private key should only be known by recipient.


Able to confirm identity of person


What is Input


One Factor

Something you know

  • Password

  • PIN

  • Answer to secret Q

Two Factor (AKA MFA)

Something you have

  • ID Card

  • Memory cards/sticks with ID on

  • Mobile phone with security stick.

Three Factor (AKA MFA)

Something you are

  • Fingerprint Scanner

  • Facial Recognition

  • Retinal Scanner

Digital signatures can verify authenticity of digital message sent by known sender to know its not been altered.

To create digital signature, sender uses cryptographic algorithm and their private key to generate unique digital signature.

Recipient can verify by using senders public key, typically available to anyone who wants to verify

Biometrics can also be used to verify ID e.g.

  • Fingerprint recognition - capture fingerprint patterns using special scanners, then they are analysed.

  • Facial recognition - uses algorithms to analyse facial features e.g. eye distance, nose & mouth

  • Voice recognition - analyse unique characteristics of a voice, including pitch, tone, pronunciation.

Access Rights

Allows different groups/users to access/denied specific parts of network

Access Rights include: Read, Write, Delete & Create

Unit 6.1 Data Security


  • Understand the difference between security, privacy and integrity of data.

  • Understand the different cybersecurity threats that computer systems face and the measures that can be taken to defend against these.

Data Security

Protecting computers? consider:

  • Security - measures taken to protect computer system/network/data from unauthorised access/attacks/breaches.

  • Privacy - Rights and regulations surrounding collection/use/dissemination of personal info/sensitive data.

  • Integrity - accuracy/consistency/reliability of data


Cyber Threats


Software containing malicious code that damages computer systems and files, it can get on by

  • Attaching itself to email attachments

  • Phishing by influencing the user to download files that appear genuine

  • Visiting untrustworthy websites

  • Exchanging memory sticks between users.

Malware Types
  • Virus - Corrupt data/delete files/disrupt computers operations or simply annoy, needs a user action to spread e.g. sending infected files by email or memory stick

  • Computer Worm - Similar to virus but can spread on its own

  • Spyware - software that gathers info about users activities e.g browsing history and keystrokes

  • Trojan Horse - Software pieces that look genuine to users, when opened run malicious code that can damage computer systems.

  • Ransomware - Software that encrypts users computer so it cant be accessed, user asked to make a ransom payment in exchange for restoring files.

Malware can be stopped by Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware software


Can be stopped by using usernames, passwords and firewall software




Hacker needs permission

Operate between White & Black-Hat

Hacker doesn’t have permission

Uses skills to ID vulnerabilities in the organisations system and reports these back

May choose to hack without permission but still report to organisation to help improve their security

Exploits computer system for personal gain e.g. make profit

Follows ethical guidelines and standards

May choose to hack without permission but not carry out malicious actions

Doesn’t follow ethical guidelines or standards


Way of gaining sensitive info by influencing people to give it away illegally e.g. name/address/bank details etc. e.g. phone by impersonating employee or email impersonating business with a link to form.

Once info obtained may be used for malicious purposes

Can be stopped by:

  • Not opening/responding to email from unknown sources

  • Blocking email address


Malware used to direct user from genuine to fake website without knowledge/consent where they then enter personal info.

Measures to Protect Computer Systems

User Accounts

  • Set of credentials given to user who has authorised access to computer/network

  • Usually paired with password/other authentication

  • Users can have different access levels


  • Set of characters used to verify/authenticate user identity

  • Usually paired with User Accounts

Strong passwords important! General rules:

  • 8 char min,

  • Mix of no/lower/uppercase

  • Special symbols

  • Don’t include personal details

  • Change regularly (every 2-3 months)


Software that checks all incoming traffic from pc/network before it reaches computer

(Settings based) blocks access to source if it detects unauthorised access

Examines all requests made externally e.g. websites visited and compares them against allowable rules list, if its in its allowed access, if then blocked


Software that runs in the background virus checking by:

  • Signature Detection - scans every single data/request accessing pc and compares data/request against known virus database

  • Heuristic Analysis - analyses behaviour of files to ID previously unknown virus without signature, see if it acts maliciously e.g. deleting files

If a Virus is detected:

  • Quarantines - isolates virus so it cant spread and do further damage

  • Repairs - attempts to disinfect the infected files by removing malicious code

  • Deletes - if it poses significant risk to PC it deletes the virus

  • Alert User - tells user about virus and actions taken to handle the virus.

Needs to be updated frequently so database is updated and it can detect new viruses


Works similarly to Anti-Virus by scanning files to ID traces of spyware/unwanted programs and matches these against known spyware signatures/behaviours

Then removes/quarantines files, Anti-Spyware also needs to be updated regularly (same as Anti-Virus reason)


Encoded (scrambled) data so it cant be easily understood, should be encrypted when:

  • Being transmitted - includes over the internet & over wi-fi network

  • Being stored - actual storage device used to store data, adds extra security in case someone else accesses it physically.


Symmetric Encryption

Asymmetric Encryption

Key amounts

One Key

Two keys

Key types

Single key to Encrypt & decrypt

1 Encryption (Public) key and 1 Decryption (Private) key

How it works

Both parties need to know the key. (Rarely used for sensitive info)

Public key exchanged between sender/recipient, public key encrypts then recipient decrypts data with private key.


  • Not as secure, both parties need to know the keys.

  • Attacker could access data and intercept key.

  • More secure, even if public key known, cant decrypt without private key.

  • Public key can be public and anyone can access, Private key should only be known by recipient.


Able to confirm identity of person


What is Input


One Factor

Something you know

  • Password

  • PIN

  • Answer to secret Q

Two Factor (AKA MFA)

Something you have

  • ID Card

  • Memory cards/sticks with ID on

  • Mobile phone with security stick.

Three Factor (AKA MFA)

Something you are

  • Fingerprint Scanner

  • Facial Recognition

  • Retinal Scanner

Digital signatures can verify authenticity of digital message sent by known sender to know its not been altered.

To create digital signature, sender uses cryptographic algorithm and their private key to generate unique digital signature.

Recipient can verify by using senders public key, typically available to anyone who wants to verify

Biometrics can also be used to verify ID e.g.

  • Fingerprint recognition - capture fingerprint patterns using special scanners, then they are analysed.

  • Facial recognition - uses algorithms to analyse facial features e.g. eye distance, nose & mouth

  • Voice recognition - analyse unique characteristics of a voice, including pitch, tone, pronunciation.

Access Rights

Allows different groups/users to access/denied specific parts of network

Access Rights include: Read, Write, Delete & Create