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Example Exam Question: Identify which event contributes to muscle cell relaxation during excitatory-contraction coupling (EC-coupling).
Answer options include:
A. Signal arriving via t-tubules
B. SERCA pump moves calcium into SR
C. Activation of voltage-gated channel (DHPR)
D. Ryanodine receptor releases calcium from SR.
After the lecture, you should be able to:
Describe the sequence of events in a cross-bridge cycle.
Explain determinants of skeletal muscle force generation.
Distinguish between fast and slow muscle fibres.
Related readings included.
Composed primarily of actin and myosin.
Actin: thin filament, structural scaffold, resembles a rope.
Myosin: thick filament, motor molecule, generates force to pull actin, resembles people with hands acting as myosin heads.
Calcium presence allows actin and myosin binding, forming cross-bridges for contraction.
Power stroke finishes: actin/myosin cross-bridges present.
ATP binds to myosin, prompting actin release.
Myosin uses ATP to change shape for another contraction cycle.
Energized myosin can bind to actin again if calcium is present.
Cross-bridge pulls actin, shortening sarcomere and causing muscle contraction.
Identify two key proteins in myofilament.
Order the five states in the cross-bridge cycle and when filament slides.
Events needed for cross-bridge formation and release.
Depends on:
Number of fibres recruited.
Rate of muscle stimulation.
Recruitment: more neurons active increases force output.
Single action potential leads to a twitch; multiple in rapid succession leads to sustained contraction (summation) and potential plateau (tetanus).
Each muscle has an optimal length for strength; too stretched or compressed leads to weaker contraction due to filament overlap.
Fast Fibres: fatigue quickly, large diameter, few capillaries, low mitochondria, quick peak tension.
Slow Fibres: steady force, small diameter, many capillaries, high mitochondria, high fatigue resistance.
Cross-bridge formation relies on calcium presence; ATP powers the force generation through actin pulling.
Muscle force relates to fibre recruitment and stimulation frequency, culminating in maximal force (tetanus).
Fast fibres generate quick, powerful contractions but fatigue rapidly; slow fibres are more endurance-oriented.