Unit 1 English 9


  • TONE

  • FLAT CHARACTER - only shows 1 trait

  • STATIC CHARACTER - does not change throughout the story

  • ROUND CHARACTER - shows many traits, faults, and virtues

  • DYNAMIC CHARACTER - grows and changes over the course of the story

  • SETTING - where the story takes place; time, place, etc.

  • THEME - central message or insight into life that is revealed through a piece of literature

  • EXTERNAL CONFLICT - a disagreement between a character and a external force

  • INTERNAL CONFLICT - a disagreement between a character and themself

  • SIMILE - a comparison using like or as

  • CLIMAX - the high point of a conflict

A Retrieved Reformation

  • ENDING? - After Jimmy Valentine / Ralph Spencer open the safe and turns himself into Ben Price, Price pretends not to know him and lets him go.

  • WHO WAS IN VAULT? - Jimmy’s niece, Agatha

  • 1ST THINGS AFTER JAIL - he went to a restaurant

  • JOB IN JAIL - making shoes

  • WHY DECIDE TO QUIT BREAKING INTO SAFE - he is happy with his life, shoe maker, wife, etc. 

  • WHAT DOES PRICE VOW TO DO ABOUT THE NEW ROBBERIES? - find Jimmy Valentine and make sure he serves his full sentence this time

  • HOW LONG IN JAIL? - sentenced to 4 years, only stayed for 10 months

Who Am I This Time?

  • WHY DOES HARRY AVOID SOCIAL THINGS - he has no personality without a script and is shy

  • WHY DOES THE TOWN LOVE HIM - he is the only real actor in the whole town


  • WHAT CHARACTERS WILL THEY PLAY? - the part played by Marlon Brando and Stella

  • WHY DOES LYDIA THINK WILL HAPPEN TO H? - she's going to be heartbroken when she meets the real personality of Harry

Want to Get into College? Learn to Fail.

  • HOW DOES AUTHOR FEEL ABOUT THE STUDENTS HE IS INTERVIEWING? - he likes that the student isn't perfect and does face challenges

  • WHO IS THE NARRATOR? - a college admissions officer at Pfizer College

  • WHY DOES THE YOUNG MANY WANT A CHANCE TO FAIL? - because he wants to try something more rigorous and new, his parents never let him fail

  • RIGOROUS ACTIVITY? - the boy wanted to take rigorous activity because his parents never let him take the riskier route and he wanted to try something new

  • WHY ISN’T PERFECTION THE ANSWER - perfection isn’t the answer because it creates unrealistic standards. A student who overcomes challenge is stronger than a student who doesn't face challenges

Dead Woman’s Secret - T/F

  • JOBS OF SON AND DAUGHTER - son - a magistrate, daughter - a nun

  • FATHER’S NAME - Rene

  • FEELINGS WHEN SHE FIRST PASSED - sorrow, sadness

  • FEELING AFTER THEY FOUND OUT THE SECRET - anger, upset, resentment

  • 1ST BATCH OF LETTERS - FEELINGS - love, closure

TED Talk:Top Students - T/F

  • SECOND LESSON - don’t aim to just work hard

  • #1 PREDICTOR OF HOW WELL A STUDENT WILL DO - how many practice exams they do


  • HIGH IQ?? - doesn’t really determine anything

The Friday Everything Changed

  • PROTAGONIST - Alma Niles


  • DO THEY LIKE THEIR TEACHER - yes, the girls like her nylon stockings and beauty,  and the boys like that she is authoritative and tuff. 

  • WHAT CHANGED? - girls were now allowed to carry the water too

  • WHAT HAPPENED TO RALSTON - she hit a homerun in softball and decided that the girls could also carry water

  • ALMA - WHAT ? - argued against the fact that only boys could get the water. 

  • WHERE DOES THE WATER COME FROM? - pump and the railway station
