Sex-determination system - a biological system that determines the development of sexual characteristics in an organism
Most sexual organisms have two sexes.
Occasionally there are hermaphrodites in place of one or both sexes. *sila ung may both male and female reproductive organs.
There are also some species that are only one sex due to parthenogenesis, the act of a female reproducing without fertilization. *form of asexual reproduction by self-impregnation resulting in the production of a zygote from an unfertilized egg.
Sex Determination In Humans
When you were born, after the doctor and your parents determined that you were healthy, what is the next question your parents probably asked?
“Is it a boy or a girl?”
True or False
The father determines the sexual category of the offspring. - TRUE – The male sperm has 2 types of chromosome– X and Y– the Y chromosome determines the sexual category of the child
Ex: King Henry VIII
3 Levels of Sexual Development
Chromosomal sex -Presence or absence of the Y chromosome
Gonadal sex (primary sex determination) - whether the gonads develop as testes or ovaries depends on the presence or absence of the SRY gene, usually found on the Y chromosome
phenotypic sex (secondary sex determination) - all of the internal and external structures develop along male or female lines depending on which hormones are secreted by the gonads.
Phenotypic sex also has a couple of distinct systems: the internal ducts, and the external genitalia
Two important times: pre-natal development and puberty
Chromosomal Sexual Determination
In humans, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes.
The 23rd pair of chromosomes is different.
Twenty two pairs of chromosomes are the same in both males and females. They determine general body characters. They are called the autosomes.
The twenty-third pair of chromosomes is different and determines sex. They are called the sex chromosomes.
There are two sorts of sex chromosomes:
The large one is called the X chromosome; and the smaller one is called the Y chromosome.
In humans, females have two similar X chromosomes (XX). Males have two different sex chromosomes: X and Y chromosome (XY).
Sex is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes.
Chromosomal Aberration - Any range resulting in the duplication, deletion, or rearrangement of the chromosome material.
Sex Chromosomal Aberration
**Klinefelter Syndrome (**XXY) - has an additional X chromosome at chromosome #23
Characteristics of Individuals:
general male physical characteristics
testes are small which do not normally produce sperm
mostly mentally retarded
arms are longer than average; breasts are developed, voice is high-pitched
talkative; have delicate skin, low IQ
usually will develop osteoporosis
**Turner Syndrome (**X0) - individuals have only 1 X chromosome
occurs in 2 out of 2000 people the sex chromosomes during meiosis
results from the nondisjunction of
Characteristics of Individuals:
general female physical characteristics
short stature (usually under 5ft)
short, webbed neck
broad, shield- like chest
mentally retarded however some may excel
secondary sex characteristics do not develop
usually sterile
Poly X (Superfemale, Metafemale) - individuals have more than 2 X chromosomes (XXX)
occurs in 1 out of 1, 200
Characteristics of Individuals:
physically female, sterile and retarded
perfectly normal, however, in some case, have underdeveloped sex characteristics
Jacob’s Syndrome (Metamale) individuals have more than 2 Y chromosomes (XYY)
occurs in 1 in every 250 live male births
Characteristics of Individuals:
above average height, low IQ
physically normal but are slightly epileptic
Autosomal Chromosome Aberration
a. Aneuploidy (2n +/- chromosome) - addition or loss of a single chromosome
i. Monosomy - loss of 1 chromosome
Cri-du-chat syndrome (cry of the cat) - deletion of chromosome #5 lower arm
anatomic malformation
mentally retarded
malformed larynx and glottis
ii. Trisomy – addition of 1 chromosome
Down Syndrome (Mongoloid) - addition of 1 chromosome on chromosome #21
low IQ (70), short lifespan
mentally retarded, rounded
short, prone to respiratory illness
Edward Syndrome - addition of 1 chromosome on chromosome #16,#17 or #18
elongated skull, short neck
mentally retarded, malformed ears
Patau Syndrome - addition of 1 chromosome on chromosome #13,#14 or #15
Polydactyl *baby is born with one or more extra fingers, cleft palate
mentally retarded, malformed ears
Structural Abnormalities
i. Deletion/ Deficiency - a condition where a portion of a chromosome is lost; breaks in the chromosome
Philadelphia Syndrome - deletion of an arm on chromosome #21
ii. Duplication - a condition where there is duplication of chromosomes
iii. Inversions - a segment of a chromosome is turned around 180 degrees
iv. Translocations - involves the movement/change of location of a segment of a chromosome to a new place in the genome
Other Chromosomal Abnormalities
Tay-Sachs Disease – multiple kinds of mutations in chromosome #15
13 Q Deletion Syndrome – deletion of the lower arm of the chromosome #13
Aniridia-Wilms Tumor Syndrome – deletion of the upper arm of the chromosome #11; blindness, kidney tumor, mentally retarded and retarded growth
18 Q Deletion Syndrome – deletion of the arms on chromosome #18; heart diseases, large eyes and ears but normal lifespan
Prader-Willi Syndrome - deletion of the arms in chromosome #15; respiratory problems, bird-like head, obese
Sex Determination in Animals
ZW Sex Chromosomes - found in birds, some reptiles, and some insects and other organisms.
The ZW sex-determination system is reversed compared to the XY system: females have two different kinds of chromosomes (ZW), and males have two of the same kind of chromosomes (ZZ).
UV Sex Chromosomes - In some Bryophyte and some algae species. females carry a U chromosome, whereas males carry a V chromosome
Mendelian Genetics: Pedigree Analysis
Pedigree Analysis - Used to study the inheritance of genes in humans. Useful when studying any population when progeny data from several generations is limited or any population with uncontrolled crosses.
Useful when studying species with a long generation time.
Family Pedigree - Shows the history of a trait or illness in a family
Allows geneticists to analyze human traits and/or diseases.
Human Pedigrees
Symbols are used to represent different aspects of a pedigree such as the following
Heterozygous who fail to express a recessive train, when known to be heterozygous with certainty, have only the left half of their square or circle shaded. (i.e. carrier)
Instructions for Analyzing a Pedigree Chart
Determine whether the trait is sex linked or autosomal.
If the trait is sex linked, it will be expressed more frequently in males, whereas if it is autosomal it will appear in both sexes equally.
Determine if the trait is dominant or recessive
If the trait is dominant, every child that expresses the trait will have a parent that expresses the trait; if it is recessive, both parents can appear normal as both parents may be heterozygous for the trait.
Sex Related Inheritance
Sex-Limited Traits
Many traits, especially secondary sex characteristics, are only expressed in one sex.
It affects a structure or function of the body that is present in only male or only females.
A good example is lactation, which is limited to females. However, as any dairy farmer knows, daughter of “good bulls” give more milk
Sex-Influenced Traits
Traits that are dominant in one sex but recessive in the other are said to be sex influenced.
Horns in sheep, coat color in ayrshire cattle and pattern baldness in humans are all good examples.
Traits governed by genes in the sex chromosomes. Another example is, color blindness in humans (X Chromosomes) and hairy ears in humans (Y Chromosomes).
Mode of Inheritance
Y–linked inheritance
X linked recessive inheritance
X-linked dominant inheritance
Autosomal dominant inheritance
Autosomal recessive inheritance
mtDNA-Linked inheritance
Y-Linked VS X-Linked Inheritances
Genes carried to the Y chromosomes are said to be Y-Linked, and those on the X chromosomes are X-Linked
Y-linked traits are rare because the Y chromosomes have few genes. These traits are passed from male to male only. Also known as holandric inheritance, is the determination of a phenotypic trait by an allele (or gene) on the Y chromosome. E.g. infertility
Y linked VS X-Linked inheritance
Genes on the X chromosome have different patterns of expression in females and males.
In females, X-linked traits are passed just like autosomal traits – that is 2 copies are required for a recessive allele, and one for a dominant allele
In male, however, a single copy of an X-linked allele causes expression of the trait or illness. A man inherits an X-linked trait only from his mother.
X-linked traits are always passed on the X chromosomes from mother to son or from either parent to daughter, BUT there can be NO direct male-to-male transmission of X-linked traits
X-Linked Recessive inheritance
X - linked recessive trait is if the causative allele is present in two copies.
Criteria for an X-linked Recessive trait:
Always expressed in the male
Expressed in a female homozygote but very rarely in heterozygote.
Passed from a heterozygote or homozygote mother to an affected son.
Affected female has an affected father and a mother who is affected or a heterozygote.
Rules of Inheritance X-Linked Recessive
More males than females are affected
Affected sons are usually born to unaffected mothers, thus the trait skips generations
Approximately, ½ of carrier mothers’ son are affected
It is never passed from father to son
All daughters of affected fathers are carriers
X-Linked Dominant Inheritance
Dominant x-linked conditions and traits are rare and gene expression differs between the sexes.
A female who inherits a dominant x-linked allele has the associated trait or illness, but a male who inherits the allele is usually severely affected because he has no other allele to mask its effect.
Criteria for an X-Linked Dominant Inheritance
Expressed in female in one copy
Much more severe effect in males
High rates of miscarriages due to early lethality in males.
Passed from male to all daughters but to no sons.
Rules of Inheritance X-Linked Dominant
Both males and females are affected; ;often more females than males are affects
Does not skip generations
Affected sons must have an affected mother; affected daughters must have either an affected mother or an affected father
Affected fathers will pass the trait on to all their daughters
Affected mothers if heterozygous will pass the trait on to ½ of their sons and ½ of their daughters