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The Four Constitutions

Sacrosanctum Concilium

Reform of the Liturgy:

  • More participation by the laity in Mass

  • Mass could be celebrated in the local language

  • Eucharist could be received in both forms

  • Revision of the lectionary so more of the Bible is used in Mass

Lumen Gentium

Beliefs about the Church:

  • Possibility of salvation for non-Christians and even atheists

  • Encouraged bishops to work together more

  • References to priesthood of the faithful and universal call to holiness for all Catholics

  • Explanation on the role of Mary

  • Emphasis on the importance of the laity

Dei Verbum


  • The Word of God is not a book, but Jesus

  • Bible and tradition are equally important

  • Bible is the Word of God written by humans, inspired by the Holy Spirit

  • Gospels are particularly important

Gaudium et Spes

Humanity and Society:

  • Covers economics, poverty, social justice, culture, science, technology, and ecumenism (unity among all denominations)

  • Highlighted impact of science and technology

  • Reflected on the importance of talking with non-believers and other Christians


The Four Constitutions

Sacrosanctum Concilium

Reform of the Liturgy:

  • More participation by the laity in Mass

  • Mass could be celebrated in the local language

  • Eucharist could be received in both forms

  • Revision of the lectionary so more of the Bible is used in Mass

Lumen Gentium

Beliefs about the Church:

  • Possibility of salvation for non-Christians and even atheists

  • Encouraged bishops to work together more

  • References to priesthood of the faithful and universal call to holiness for all Catholics

  • Explanation on the role of Mary

  • Emphasis on the importance of the laity

Dei Verbum


  • The Word of God is not a book, but Jesus

  • Bible and tradition are equally important

  • Bible is the Word of God written by humans, inspired by the Holy Spirit

  • Gospels are particularly important

Gaudium et Spes

Humanity and Society:

  • Covers economics, poverty, social justice, culture, science, technology, and ecumenism (unity among all denominations)

  • Highlighted impact of science and technology

  • Reflected on the importance of talking with non-believers and other Christians