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World history Test Unit 5 part 1

  1. Arms Race: A period of intense competition between nations, particularly in Europe leading up to World War I, characterized by the rapid development and stockpiling of military weaponry and technology.

  2. The Balkans: A region in Southeast Europe with a history of ethnic and political tensions, often considered a powder keg due to the potential for conflict arising from these tensions.

  3. “Powder Keg of Europe”: A term used to describe the Balkans due to the volatile mix of ethnic and political tensions that could potentially spark a major conflict.

  4. Allied Powers (Triple Entente): The coalition of nations, primarily France, Russia, and Great Britain, along with their allies, who opposed the Central Powers during World War I.

  5. Central Powers (Triple Alliance): The coalition of nations, primarily Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (later joined by the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria), who opposed the Allied Powers during World War I.

  6. Gavrilo Princip: A Bosnian Serb nationalist who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo in 1914, an event that precipitated the outbreak of World War I.

  7. Pull in Effect: The idea that alliances and treaties could draw nations into a conflict even if they were not directly involved in the initial dispute.

  8. Schlieffen Plan: A military strategy developed by Germany prior to World War I, which aimed to quickly defeat France in the west before turning to face Russia in the east, thereby avoiding a two-front war.

  9. Militarism: The belief in or reliance on military power as a means of advancing national interests and achieving national security.

  10. Alliances: Formal agreements between nations to cooperate and support each other in times of war or conflict.

  11. Imperialism and Rivalries: The competition among European powers for colonial possessions and influence, which contributed to tensions and rivalries that eventually erupted into World War I.

  12. Nationalism: A strong sense of pride, loyalty, and devotion to one's nation or ethnic group, which can lead to competition and conflict between nations.

  13. Plan XVII: A French military strategy developed before World War I, which focused on launching an offensive against Germany in the event of war.

  14. Total War: A conflict in which nations mobilize all available resources and populations towards the war effort, often involving civilian populations and economies in addition to military forces.

  15. War of Attrition: A prolonged conflict in which each side attempts to wear down the other through sustained attacks and continuous losses.

  16. World War I Technology: Technological advancements such as machine guns, tanks, poison gas, and aircraft that revolutionized warfare during World War I.

  17. Trench Warfare & “No Man's Land”: A form of warfare characterized by fighting from trenches, with little movement and heavy casualties, and "No Man's Land" refers to the area between opposing trench lines.

  18. Battle of Gallipoli: A major Allied campaign during World War I, primarily fought on the Gallipoli Peninsula in present-day Turkey, aimed at securing a sea route to Russia and knocking the Ottoman Empire out of the war.

  19. Stalemate: A situation in which neither side in a conflict is able to gain a decisive advantage, resulting in a deadlock.

  20. Propaganda: Information, often biased or misleading, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view, especially during wartime.

  21. Zimmerman Telegram: A secret diplomatic communication sent by the German Empire to Mexico during World War I, proposing a military alliance against the United States, intercepted and decoded by British intelligence, which significantly influenced the U.S. decision to enter the war.

  22. Sinking of the Lusitania: The torpedoing and sinking of the British passenger liner RMS Lusitania by a German submarine in 1915, resulting in the deaths of nearly 1,200 civilians, including 128 Americans, and contributing to growing anti-German sentiment in the United States.

  23. Western Front: The main theater of operations during World War I, characterized by trench warfare and heavy fighting along the Western European borders of France, Belgium, and Germany.

  24. Eastern Front: The theater of operations on the Eastern European border during World War I, primarily between the Central Powers and Russia.

  25. Weimar Republic: The democratic government established in Germany following World War I, named after the city of Weimar where the new constitution was written, and replaced by the Nazi regime in 1933.

  26. Armistice: A formal agreement to cease fighting, often a preliminary step to negotiating a peace treaty.

  27. Paris Peace Conference: The meeting of Allied powers following World War I to negotiate the terms of peace, resulting in the Treaty of Versailles and other peace treaties with defeated nations.

  28. Lloyd George: The British Prime Minister during World War I, who played a key role in the Allied negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference.

  29. Georges Clemenceau: The French Prime Minister during World War I, known for his uncompromising stance towards Germany at the Paris Peace Conference.

  30. Vittorio Orlando: The Italian Prime Minister during World War I, who represented Italy at the Paris Peace Conference.

  31. Self-Determination: The right of people to choose their own political status, which was a key principle advocated by Woodrow Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference.

  32. League of Nations: An international organization established after World War I to promote peace and cooperation among nations, although it ultimately failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II.

  33. Treaty of Versailles: The peace treaty signed in 1919 at the end of World War I, which imposed harsh penalties on Germany, including territorial losses, military restrictions, and reparations payments.

  34. Article X: A provision of the Treaty of Versailles that committed signatories to support any member state that was attacked, a precursor to collective security arrangements.

  35. War Guilt Clause: Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, which placed sole responsibility for the outbreak of World War I on Germany and its allies, leading to significant resentment and contributing to the rise of extremism in Germany.

  36. Balfour Declaration (1917): A statement issued by the British government during World War I, expressing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.

  37. Mexican Revolution: A major armed struggle in Mexico between various factions and the government from 1910 to 1920, which significantly impacted Mexican politics and society.

  38. Tsar Nicholas II: The last Emperor of Russia, whose reign ended with the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent establishment of a communist government.

  39. Vladimir Lenin: The leader of the Bolshevik Party and the main architect of the Russian Revolution, who became the first leader of the Soviet Union.

  40. Bolsheviks: A faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, led by Lenin, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917 and established a communist government in Russia.

  41. Red Army: The military forces of the Soviet Union, established by the Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution.

  42. Joseph Stalin: The leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s

  43. Great Purge: A brutal campaign of political repression orchestrated by Joseph Stalin in the late 1930s, targeting perceived enemies of the Soviet state through mass arrests, executions, and forced labor in Gulags, aimed at consolidating Stalin's power and eliminating potential threats to his regime.

Imperialism and Rivalries

  • 1898 England and france argued over rights to the sudan in Africa (Fashoda incident: of a series of territorial disputes in Africa between GB and France)

  • 1899 Germany England and Russia argued over rights to build a railroad in India

  • 1905 1908 and 1911 Germany and france Almost went to war over Morocco


  • Many Europeans believed their national power was determined by their military strength

  • The industrial revolution led to large advanced armies and navies with new industrial weapons

  • European countries tried to keep up with each other inevitably an arms race began

  • This made it difficult to settle minor problems by talking things out.


  • Nationalism=Feelings of great pride and united the citizens of a country and some countries want revenge for previous war

  • Fr wanted revenge against GR for its loss during the franco prussian war in 1871

  • Nationalism also divided people 

    • The most tense place in Europe by 1914 was the Balkans as serbia Greece Albania Bulgaria and Romania all broke from the ottoman empire to make new nations

    • Slavic people wanted to unite and form a slavic Nation (Yugoslavia) but austria hungary did not want this to happen


  • No nation wanted to fight in a war by itself so nations formed Alliances  

  • EN FR and RU made up the Triple entre (Allied powers) Germany Austria  Hungary Ottoman Empire and Italy made up the Triple (Central powers)

  • These alliances did not make Europe more secure they made it more tense

Causes of WWI

  • By 1914 Euro was in a bad position 

  • Powerful European nation had large armies and navies

  • Militarism supported the idea was war can be good and can bring nationalism to a nation and its people

  • Nations were tied together by alliances

    • Pull in effect

The war BEGINS!

  • On June 28 1914 the Austro Hungarian Archduke Franz was assassinated by Gavrillo Princip-Blankhand

The war BEGINS! Part 2 

  • On July 23 Austria hungary issued an Ultimatum to Serbia: Either allow Austria Hungarian officials to investigate the Assassination or go to war

  • On July 28 1914 Serbia declined the Ultimatum and Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia

Pull in Effect

  • July 28 1914 Russia declares war on Austria hungary in order to Defend serbia

  • August 1 Germany due to their alliance with Austria Hungary declare war on Russia

  • August 3 Germany pre Emptively declares war on France due to their rivalry

    • Also France was a ally of Russia germany thought it was inevitable

    • August 4 GB Joins in due to their alliances with france and russia

Battle of Marne and Battle of Tannenberg

The Schlieffen Plan seemed like it was working as the germans had early wins and seemed ready to take paris but English and french saved paris at the battle of Marne

Meanwhile Russia Mobilized Faster Than Expected 

Germany had to divert troops from France to fight the Russian army in the east

Total war

  • Take all resources of their nation to win the War

  • Soldiers were drafted the Media was censored propaganda was created to support the ar

  • The enemy became the other nation not just its soldiers

  • New weapons were introduced 

  • Machine guns  tanks airplanes flamethrowers poison gas blimps heavy artillery and U boats

  • To protect themselves both the Allies and central Power built trenches on the Western front

Battle of Gallipoli

  • The Gallipoli Campaign was a military campaign in the First world war that took place on the Gallipoli Peninsula from February 17 1915 to January 9 1916 

  • The Entente power britain France and Russia sought To weaken the ottoman empire one of the Central power by taking control of the Turkish strait

Total War part like 4

  • Trench warfare made it difficult for either side to win a victory

  • WW1 became a war of attrition in which both 

The U.S Enters the War

  • Most Americans believed the US should stay neutral during WWI

    • Us President wilson felt WWI was a Euro conflict Immigrant quarrels

  • The Germans used Unrestricted Submarine warfare around England to keep the Allies from getting Aid from other countries

    • Germany attacked Any ship arriving in England

      • The Us grew angry with Germany because Americans were on these ships but the U.S wa a neutral nation

  • In March 1917 British intercepted the Zimmerman Telegram was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the Germany foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United states entered World War I against germany

  • The british shared this with the United states in hope of having them join the war on the allied powers side

Battlefront 1917-1918

  • When the US entered the war in 1917 the Allies faced Defeat  U Boats effectively Limited Allied supplies

  • The Russian surrendered Following the Russian Revolution treaty of brest litovsk this allied the Germans to move their full army to the western front

  • Mutinies were becoming common in the French army

  • The british lost the third battle of ypres (Flanders belgium)

Turning point

  • The Arrival of Us Troops raised Allied Morale at a crucial time

  • Turk Austria hungary and Bulgaria all surrendered 

  • By November 1918 the German King knew the War was over so he abdicated the throne

  • A new German democracy was created known as the weimar Republic

The fighting Comes to an End

  • Leaders of the New weimar Republic signed an armistice

  • Happened on the 11th hour of 11th day of 11th month of 1918

War in the Trenches

  • WWI was total war

  • Artillery's poison gas grenades machine guns led to trench warfare and war of attrition

  • 9 million soldiers and 20 million civilians died

  • The Allies faced 52% casualty rates and central powers had 57% casualty rates

  • The US had only 320,00 casualties (6.8%)

Paris Peace Conference-1919

Big Four Woodrow Wilson David lloyd George Georges Clemeuceau Vittorio Orlando

No germany No Russia

Woodro Wilson’s 14 points post war plan for peace didn’t didn't want to punish anyone

  1. No secret treaties

  2. Freedom of seas

  3. Free trade

  4. Reduction of Armies and navies

  5. Let colonies self rule no imperialism

  6. Suggestions for changing borders and making new nations

14. League of nations Permanent Int’l org that would avert future wars

14 Part 2. Dealt with the creation of a League of Nations

  1. Wilson helped to establish the League of nations to keep peace by resolving disputes b/t nation 

  2. Placed European colonies in Africa Asia and Latin Amer Control of league of nations and are required to report in under the mandate system

No easy Way out

  • Lloyd George and Clemenceau were indifferent to the League and sought Harsher terms for Germany

    • France Particularly feared Future german attack wanted to permanently weaken Germany and Create a Weaken Germany and Create a Barrier b/t the two countries

Treaty of Versailles

  • Treaty B/t France great Britain and Germany June 28 1919 

  • Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

    • League of nations

  • All allies and neutral countries except

  • No Germany

  • No Russia

  • No United states

    • Germany lost territory all taken during war colonies Alsace Lorraine

    • Military restriction no making/importing weapons limits on size of army and navy no air force

    • War Guilt Clause War is Germany’s Fault must pay 33 billion in Reparations to Allies

Part II:Russian Revolution

Lead up to the Russian revolution

  • 1905s Russia’s loss to the Japanese in the Russo Japanese war ld to a near revolution

  • Rather than be overthrow the Tsar appeased the people by allowing the formation of representative assembly the Duma

  • Things ere temporarily settled in Russia WWI would bring a new set of problem

  • Germany was winning WWI the working class and peasant of russia were overtaxed and lacking food and land

  • The lower class grew increasingly upset with the amount of land and power enjoyed by russia elites

  • The Duma would be dissolved during the Russian revolution in february of 1917

Russian revolution

  • W/ Lack of food land and military success in WWI Russian peasant began to rebel in the summer of 1917

  • Communist leader vladimir Lenin used the anger and mob violence of the peasant/worker to his advantage

  • The bolsheviks Lenin lead a communist party built on the Slogan peace land and bread in order to draw support from the lower class 

  • While the military losses to Germany continued under the provisional government led by the Duma Bolsheviks and the petrograd soviet gained enough momentum = second revolution in october

  • The Bolshevik revolution Lenin's bolshevik party and the petrograd soviet removed the Duma got and immediately enacted the following changes to address the concerns of the lower class peasants and workers

  • Ru surrendered to Germany to RU tenure in conflict

  • Named it to the Union of soviet socialist republics

  • Land and factories were redistributed to peasants via a peasant committee

  • Agriculture was collectivized in order to distribute evenly to all


  • Rose to power through the use of political alliances

  • Put his enemies against each other

  • Would align with one group to discredit another

  • Then separate himself from that group to discredit it

  • Stalin became the head of the communist party in 1928

  • He believed in communism in one country

  • Which opposed of Lenin’s idea to spread communism abroad

  • He changed lenin’s NEP to his own five year plan

    • Designated the desired goals to the Russian economy for the next five years

Life under Stalin

  • Russia was turned into a police state under the control of a totalitarian gov’t

  • Many people died of starvation and anyone suspected of criticizing the gov’t as arrested and sent to siberia or killed in the great purge

Part III: Other Impacts of War

Other impacts of the war

  • Many Arabs nations were also disappointed with having to live under FR and British rule

    • A. More complicated after Balfour declaration (1917)

  • Officially stated british support for the creation of Israel

    • B. Palestine is where it would be taken from and had traditionally been under Muslim control

  • Lastly allowed and prompted the start of many new nations

  • (Mostly slavic) to start in former empires of Germany and Austro hungarian

Ottoman Empire

  • Primary power and threat to European through the 16th/ 17th centuries the OE declined into irrelevance in the 19th

  • Still held at large land empire European powers and Independence movement by slavs and Arabs would contribute to its demise

  • OE had depended almost entirely on military conquest and agriculture for its economy 

  • When it could no longer gain territory and when it fought attempts to industrialize its lost its source of wealth

  • In a last ditch effort to revive territorial standing during WWI it allied itself with an incredibly powerful Germany

  • Ith Gr and its allies defeat by 1918 the OE would be dismantled and the Sultan removed in favor of a Constitutional republic in 1922

  • Former territory was dismantled and distributed between victorious powers in the League of nation’s

  • Mandate System a system that granted OE GR and italians imperial territories to Britain and France

Qing Dynasty

  • By like 1911 Quing dynasty had suffered defeat from Europe and Japan

  • Fall from power in E. Asia marked the end of the 2k years of sole dominance and the Han felt the Manchu had lot the mandate of Heaven

  • Wanting to overthrow the Ineffective government Sun yat sen led a revolt to overthrow the Dynasty in favor of a W constitutional republic 

  • Qing abdicated in 1912 a brief constitutional republic formed the People’s republic of China that quickly ran into trouble 

  • Civil war would continue between communist and capitalist  forces in China once the Japanese had been defeated by the americans in 1945

Mexican Revolution

  • Diaz got his presidency extended by the revolution he was not a fan of traditional establishments such as land owning elites foreign investors and the catholic Church growing calls for reform and even elements of social justice defined the extensive revolutionary struggle

  • Constitution est. fundamental social rights like the right  to free public education health science and culture disestablished

World history Test Unit 5 part 1

  1. Arms Race: A period of intense competition between nations, particularly in Europe leading up to World War I, characterized by the rapid development and stockpiling of military weaponry and technology.

  2. The Balkans: A region in Southeast Europe with a history of ethnic and political tensions, often considered a powder keg due to the potential for conflict arising from these tensions.

  3. “Powder Keg of Europe”: A term used to describe the Balkans due to the volatile mix of ethnic and political tensions that could potentially spark a major conflict.

  4. Allied Powers (Triple Entente): The coalition of nations, primarily France, Russia, and Great Britain, along with their allies, who opposed the Central Powers during World War I.

  5. Central Powers (Triple Alliance): The coalition of nations, primarily Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (later joined by the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria), who opposed the Allied Powers during World War I.

  6. Gavrilo Princip: A Bosnian Serb nationalist who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo in 1914, an event that precipitated the outbreak of World War I.

  7. Pull in Effect: The idea that alliances and treaties could draw nations into a conflict even if they were not directly involved in the initial dispute.

  8. Schlieffen Plan: A military strategy developed by Germany prior to World War I, which aimed to quickly defeat France in the west before turning to face Russia in the east, thereby avoiding a two-front war.

  9. Militarism: The belief in or reliance on military power as a means of advancing national interests and achieving national security.

  10. Alliances: Formal agreements between nations to cooperate and support each other in times of war or conflict.

  11. Imperialism and Rivalries: The competition among European powers for colonial possessions and influence, which contributed to tensions and rivalries that eventually erupted into World War I.

  12. Nationalism: A strong sense of pride, loyalty, and devotion to one's nation or ethnic group, which can lead to competition and conflict between nations.

  13. Plan XVII: A French military strategy developed before World War I, which focused on launching an offensive against Germany in the event of war.

  14. Total War: A conflict in which nations mobilize all available resources and populations towards the war effort, often involving civilian populations and economies in addition to military forces.

  15. War of Attrition: A prolonged conflict in which each side attempts to wear down the other through sustained attacks and continuous losses.

  16. World War I Technology: Technological advancements such as machine guns, tanks, poison gas, and aircraft that revolutionized warfare during World War I.

  17. Trench Warfare & “No Man's Land”: A form of warfare characterized by fighting from trenches, with little movement and heavy casualties, and "No Man's Land" refers to the area between opposing trench lines.

  18. Battle of Gallipoli: A major Allied campaign during World War I, primarily fought on the Gallipoli Peninsula in present-day Turkey, aimed at securing a sea route to Russia and knocking the Ottoman Empire out of the war.

  19. Stalemate: A situation in which neither side in a conflict is able to gain a decisive advantage, resulting in a deadlock.

  20. Propaganda: Information, often biased or misleading, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view, especially during wartime.

  21. Zimmerman Telegram: A secret diplomatic communication sent by the German Empire to Mexico during World War I, proposing a military alliance against the United States, intercepted and decoded by British intelligence, which significantly influenced the U.S. decision to enter the war.

  22. Sinking of the Lusitania: The torpedoing and sinking of the British passenger liner RMS Lusitania by a German submarine in 1915, resulting in the deaths of nearly 1,200 civilians, including 128 Americans, and contributing to growing anti-German sentiment in the United States.

  23. Western Front: The main theater of operations during World War I, characterized by trench warfare and heavy fighting along the Western European borders of France, Belgium, and Germany.

  24. Eastern Front: The theater of operations on the Eastern European border during World War I, primarily between the Central Powers and Russia.

  25. Weimar Republic: The democratic government established in Germany following World War I, named after the city of Weimar where the new constitution was written, and replaced by the Nazi regime in 1933.

  26. Armistice: A formal agreement to cease fighting, often a preliminary step to negotiating a peace treaty.

  27. Paris Peace Conference: The meeting of Allied powers following World War I to negotiate the terms of peace, resulting in the Treaty of Versailles and other peace treaties with defeated nations.

  28. Lloyd George: The British Prime Minister during World War I, who played a key role in the Allied negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference.

  29. Georges Clemenceau: The French Prime Minister during World War I, known for his uncompromising stance towards Germany at the Paris Peace Conference.

  30. Vittorio Orlando: The Italian Prime Minister during World War I, who represented Italy at the Paris Peace Conference.

  31. Self-Determination: The right of people to choose their own political status, which was a key principle advocated by Woodrow Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference.

  32. League of Nations: An international organization established after World War I to promote peace and cooperation among nations, although it ultimately failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II.

  33. Treaty of Versailles: The peace treaty signed in 1919 at the end of World War I, which imposed harsh penalties on Germany, including territorial losses, military restrictions, and reparations payments.

  34. Article X: A provision of the Treaty of Versailles that committed signatories to support any member state that was attacked, a precursor to collective security arrangements.

  35. War Guilt Clause: Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, which placed sole responsibility for the outbreak of World War I on Germany and its allies, leading to significant resentment and contributing to the rise of extremism in Germany.

  36. Balfour Declaration (1917): A statement issued by the British government during World War I, expressing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.

  37. Mexican Revolution: A major armed struggle in Mexico between various factions and the government from 1910 to 1920, which significantly impacted Mexican politics and society.

  38. Tsar Nicholas II: The last Emperor of Russia, whose reign ended with the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent establishment of a communist government.

  39. Vladimir Lenin: The leader of the Bolshevik Party and the main architect of the Russian Revolution, who became the first leader of the Soviet Union.

  40. Bolsheviks: A faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, led by Lenin, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917 and established a communist government in Russia.

  41. Red Army: The military forces of the Soviet Union, established by the Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution.

  42. Joseph Stalin: The leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s

  43. Great Purge: A brutal campaign of political repression orchestrated by Joseph Stalin in the late 1930s, targeting perceived enemies of the Soviet state through mass arrests, executions, and forced labor in Gulags, aimed at consolidating Stalin's power and eliminating potential threats to his regime.

Imperialism and Rivalries

  • 1898 England and france argued over rights to the sudan in Africa (Fashoda incident: of a series of territorial disputes in Africa between GB and France)

  • 1899 Germany England and Russia argued over rights to build a railroad in India

  • 1905 1908 and 1911 Germany and france Almost went to war over Morocco


  • Many Europeans believed their national power was determined by their military strength

  • The industrial revolution led to large advanced armies and navies with new industrial weapons

  • European countries tried to keep up with each other inevitably an arms race began

  • This made it difficult to settle minor problems by talking things out.


  • Nationalism=Feelings of great pride and united the citizens of a country and some countries want revenge for previous war

  • Fr wanted revenge against GR for its loss during the franco prussian war in 1871

  • Nationalism also divided people 

    • The most tense place in Europe by 1914 was the Balkans as serbia Greece Albania Bulgaria and Romania all broke from the ottoman empire to make new nations

    • Slavic people wanted to unite and form a slavic Nation (Yugoslavia) but austria hungary did not want this to happen


  • No nation wanted to fight in a war by itself so nations formed Alliances  

  • EN FR and RU made up the Triple entre (Allied powers) Germany Austria  Hungary Ottoman Empire and Italy made up the Triple (Central powers)

  • These alliances did not make Europe more secure they made it more tense

Causes of WWI

  • By 1914 Euro was in a bad position 

  • Powerful European nation had large armies and navies

  • Militarism supported the idea was war can be good and can bring nationalism to a nation and its people

  • Nations were tied together by alliances

    • Pull in effect

The war BEGINS!

  • On June 28 1914 the Austro Hungarian Archduke Franz was assassinated by Gavrillo Princip-Blankhand

The war BEGINS! Part 2 

  • On July 23 Austria hungary issued an Ultimatum to Serbia: Either allow Austria Hungarian officials to investigate the Assassination or go to war

  • On July 28 1914 Serbia declined the Ultimatum and Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia

Pull in Effect

  • July 28 1914 Russia declares war on Austria hungary in order to Defend serbia

  • August 1 Germany due to their alliance with Austria Hungary declare war on Russia

  • August 3 Germany pre Emptively declares war on France due to their rivalry

    • Also France was a ally of Russia germany thought it was inevitable

    • August 4 GB Joins in due to their alliances with france and russia

Battle of Marne and Battle of Tannenberg

The Schlieffen Plan seemed like it was working as the germans had early wins and seemed ready to take paris but English and french saved paris at the battle of Marne

Meanwhile Russia Mobilized Faster Than Expected 

Germany had to divert troops from France to fight the Russian army in the east

Total war

  • Take all resources of their nation to win the War

  • Soldiers were drafted the Media was censored propaganda was created to support the ar

  • The enemy became the other nation not just its soldiers

  • New weapons were introduced 

  • Machine guns  tanks airplanes flamethrowers poison gas blimps heavy artillery and U boats

  • To protect themselves both the Allies and central Power built trenches on the Western front

Battle of Gallipoli

  • The Gallipoli Campaign was a military campaign in the First world war that took place on the Gallipoli Peninsula from February 17 1915 to January 9 1916 

  • The Entente power britain France and Russia sought To weaken the ottoman empire one of the Central power by taking control of the Turkish strait

Total War part like 4

  • Trench warfare made it difficult for either side to win a victory

  • WW1 became a war of attrition in which both 

The U.S Enters the War

  • Most Americans believed the US should stay neutral during WWI

    • Us President wilson felt WWI was a Euro conflict Immigrant quarrels

  • The Germans used Unrestricted Submarine warfare around England to keep the Allies from getting Aid from other countries

    • Germany attacked Any ship arriving in England

      • The Us grew angry with Germany because Americans were on these ships but the U.S wa a neutral nation

  • In March 1917 British intercepted the Zimmerman Telegram was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the Germany foreign Office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico if the United states entered World War I against germany

  • The british shared this with the United states in hope of having them join the war on the allied powers side

Battlefront 1917-1918

  • When the US entered the war in 1917 the Allies faced Defeat  U Boats effectively Limited Allied supplies

  • The Russian surrendered Following the Russian Revolution treaty of brest litovsk this allied the Germans to move their full army to the western front

  • Mutinies were becoming common in the French army

  • The british lost the third battle of ypres (Flanders belgium)

Turning point

  • The Arrival of Us Troops raised Allied Morale at a crucial time

  • Turk Austria hungary and Bulgaria all surrendered 

  • By November 1918 the German King knew the War was over so he abdicated the throne

  • A new German democracy was created known as the weimar Republic

The fighting Comes to an End

  • Leaders of the New weimar Republic signed an armistice

  • Happened on the 11th hour of 11th day of 11th month of 1918

War in the Trenches

  • WWI was total war

  • Artillery's poison gas grenades machine guns led to trench warfare and war of attrition

  • 9 million soldiers and 20 million civilians died

  • The Allies faced 52% casualty rates and central powers had 57% casualty rates

  • The US had only 320,00 casualties (6.8%)

Paris Peace Conference-1919

Big Four Woodrow Wilson David lloyd George Georges Clemeuceau Vittorio Orlando

No germany No Russia

Woodro Wilson’s 14 points post war plan for peace didn’t didn't want to punish anyone

  1. No secret treaties

  2. Freedom of seas

  3. Free trade

  4. Reduction of Armies and navies

  5. Let colonies self rule no imperialism

  6. Suggestions for changing borders and making new nations

14. League of nations Permanent Int’l org that would avert future wars

14 Part 2. Dealt with the creation of a League of Nations

  1. Wilson helped to establish the League of nations to keep peace by resolving disputes b/t nation 

  2. Placed European colonies in Africa Asia and Latin Amer Control of league of nations and are required to report in under the mandate system

No easy Way out

  • Lloyd George and Clemenceau were indifferent to the League and sought Harsher terms for Germany

    • France Particularly feared Future german attack wanted to permanently weaken Germany and Create a Weaken Germany and Create a Barrier b/t the two countries

Treaty of Versailles

  • Treaty B/t France great Britain and Germany June 28 1919 

  • Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

    • League of nations

  • All allies and neutral countries except

  • No Germany

  • No Russia

  • No United states

    • Germany lost territory all taken during war colonies Alsace Lorraine

    • Military restriction no making/importing weapons limits on size of army and navy no air force

    • War Guilt Clause War is Germany’s Fault must pay 33 billion in Reparations to Allies

Part II:Russian Revolution

Lead up to the Russian revolution

  • 1905s Russia’s loss to the Japanese in the Russo Japanese war ld to a near revolution

  • Rather than be overthrow the Tsar appeased the people by allowing the formation of representative assembly the Duma

  • Things ere temporarily settled in Russia WWI would bring a new set of problem

  • Germany was winning WWI the working class and peasant of russia were overtaxed and lacking food and land

  • The lower class grew increasingly upset with the amount of land and power enjoyed by russia elites

  • The Duma would be dissolved during the Russian revolution in february of 1917

Russian revolution

  • W/ Lack of food land and military success in WWI Russian peasant began to rebel in the summer of 1917

  • Communist leader vladimir Lenin used the anger and mob violence of the peasant/worker to his advantage

  • The bolsheviks Lenin lead a communist party built on the Slogan peace land and bread in order to draw support from the lower class 

  • While the military losses to Germany continued under the provisional government led by the Duma Bolsheviks and the petrograd soviet gained enough momentum = second revolution in october

  • The Bolshevik revolution Lenin's bolshevik party and the petrograd soviet removed the Duma got and immediately enacted the following changes to address the concerns of the lower class peasants and workers

  • Ru surrendered to Germany to RU tenure in conflict

  • Named it to the Union of soviet socialist republics

  • Land and factories were redistributed to peasants via a peasant committee

  • Agriculture was collectivized in order to distribute evenly to all


  • Rose to power through the use of political alliances

  • Put his enemies against each other

  • Would align with one group to discredit another

  • Then separate himself from that group to discredit it

  • Stalin became the head of the communist party in 1928

  • He believed in communism in one country

  • Which opposed of Lenin’s idea to spread communism abroad

  • He changed lenin’s NEP to his own five year plan

    • Designated the desired goals to the Russian economy for the next five years

Life under Stalin

  • Russia was turned into a police state under the control of a totalitarian gov’t

  • Many people died of starvation and anyone suspected of criticizing the gov’t as arrested and sent to siberia or killed in the great purge

Part III: Other Impacts of War

Other impacts of the war

  • Many Arabs nations were also disappointed with having to live under FR and British rule

    • A. More complicated after Balfour declaration (1917)

  • Officially stated british support for the creation of Israel

    • B. Palestine is where it would be taken from and had traditionally been under Muslim control

  • Lastly allowed and prompted the start of many new nations

  • (Mostly slavic) to start in former empires of Germany and Austro hungarian

Ottoman Empire

  • Primary power and threat to European through the 16th/ 17th centuries the OE declined into irrelevance in the 19th

  • Still held at large land empire European powers and Independence movement by slavs and Arabs would contribute to its demise

  • OE had depended almost entirely on military conquest and agriculture for its economy 

  • When it could no longer gain territory and when it fought attempts to industrialize its lost its source of wealth

  • In a last ditch effort to revive territorial standing during WWI it allied itself with an incredibly powerful Germany

  • Ith Gr and its allies defeat by 1918 the OE would be dismantled and the Sultan removed in favor of a Constitutional republic in 1922

  • Former territory was dismantled and distributed between victorious powers in the League of nation’s

  • Mandate System a system that granted OE GR and italians imperial territories to Britain and France

Qing Dynasty

  • By like 1911 Quing dynasty had suffered defeat from Europe and Japan

  • Fall from power in E. Asia marked the end of the 2k years of sole dominance and the Han felt the Manchu had lot the mandate of Heaven

  • Wanting to overthrow the Ineffective government Sun yat sen led a revolt to overthrow the Dynasty in favor of a W constitutional republic 

  • Qing abdicated in 1912 a brief constitutional republic formed the People’s republic of China that quickly ran into trouble 

  • Civil war would continue between communist and capitalist  forces in China once the Japanese had been defeated by the americans in 1945

Mexican Revolution

  • Diaz got his presidency extended by the revolution he was not a fan of traditional establishments such as land owning elites foreign investors and the catholic Church growing calls for reform and even elements of social justice defined the extensive revolutionary struggle

  • Constitution est. fundamental social rights like the right  to free public education health science and culture disestablished
