henretta chapter 7

  • The Federalists Implement the Constitution o DevisingthenewGovernment:

    • Washington’s Cabinet: _________ – Jefferson, _________________ – Hamilton, War – ___________

    • Judiciary Act of 1789 – created the _________________ _______________ with 6 justices, and lower courts

      o TheBillofRights:

    • Safeguard against government power; protection of

      ___________________ powers

    • Added to mollify the Antifederalists to ______________

      the Constitution

  • Hamilton’s Financial Program

    o PublicCredit:RedemptionandAssumption

    • Hamilton advocated buying back all loans plus interest


    • Controversial plan – some speculators bought up bonds

      at cheap prices

    • Hamilton proposed assuming all state _______________

    • Only after D.C. would be located in the South did his

      plan pass

    • Hamilton favored the national debt – thought it was a

      _____________________________ o CreatingaNationalBank:

    • Bank of the US (________) – cornerstone of his financial plan; would provide ___________ to businesses and help the economy

    • ______________________________ interpretation o RaisingRevenueThroughTariffs:

    • Excise tax – tax on ________________ goods

    • Tariff – tax on _____________________ goods (revenue

      for the government)

  • Jefferson’s Agrarian Vision:

o Firstpartysystem(Hamiltonians/Federalistsand____________ _______________________________)

o Jeffersonbelieved________________werethebackboneofthe economy

The French Revolution Divides Americans: o ProclamationNeutrality:

Washington issued to remain _____________ in conflict between Britain and France

o IdeologicalPolitics:

  • French Revolution – Jeffersonians saw it as an

    _______________________ of the American Revolution

  • Whiskey Rebellion – PA farmers rebelled against the

    excise tax; ______________ by the national government o Jay’sTreaty:

What amendment did the sedition act violate?

  • Britain seized American ships, Jay hoped to protect ships

  • Treaty did little to fix problems o TheHaitianRevolution:

  • Toussaint L’Ouverture helped Haiti gain independence

  • Many US _______________________ feared the impact

    of the revolution on their slaves

The Rise of Political Parties:

o Republicanstendedtobe:

  • __________________ (west and south), immigrants, and

    subsistence farmers in the north

  • Pro-____________ and power to the _______________

o XYZAffair–Frenchdiplomatsdemandedabribefrom____US ambassadors, war hysteria ensued

o TheNaturalization,Alien,andSeditionActs:

  • Meant to silence ______________________________ to

    Federalists or President Adams

  • Naturalization – increased residency requirement from 5

    – 14 years

  • Alien Act – president could _______________ foreigners

  • Sedition Act – illegal to _______________________ the


  • VA and KY Resolutions – urged states to _____________

    the Alien and Sedition Acts (Compact Theory)

o The“Revolutionof1800”

  • ______________________ becomes President, peaceful transition of power between political parties

  • “____________________________________________ _____________________________________________”

    A Republican Empire Is Born

Sham Treaties and Indian Lands:
o AftertheRev.War,Nativeswerepushedfurtherandfurther

o TheTreatyofGreenville:

Western Confederacy gave up most of _____________ to Americans

o AssimilationRejected:

  • Natives were encouraged to _______________________

    (act America)

  • Most Natives resisted this – it ran contrary to their ways

    of life

  • Migration and the Changing Farm Economy

    o SouthernMigrants:

    • A few, wealthy individuals owned significant land

    • ________ of white men owned no land in KY

    • Cotton! – King Cotton; _________________________ ->

      expansion into MI and AL

  • The Jefferson Presidency:

o “VirginiaDynasty”–TJ,JM,JM
o JeffersonhadtodealwithaFederalistjudiciarybranch–

“midnight judges”
o ***________________________________***-S.C.rulesalaw

How did the Supreme Court increase the power of the federal government in the early 19th century?

o Jefferson’sadministrationeliminatedtheexcisetax,keptthe

_____________ Jefferson and the West:

o Pinckney’sTreaty–USandSpain,UScould_________________ the Mississippi, store goods in NO

o TheLouisianaPurchase:

  • Napoleon gained by the LA territory in 1803; US feared

    they would be cut out of the Mississippi River, so......

  • Jefferson wants to by ________

  • Impact of LA Purchase? Doubles the size of the US,

    Jefferson switches from __________________________

    _________________ interpretation

o SecessionistSchemes:

Aaron Burr (Jefferson’s VP) flees to the SW, tries to create a new country

o LewisandClarkMeettheMandansandSioux:
Sent to explore the newly acquired territory, many

interactions with Natives along the way

The War of 1812 and the Transformation of Politics

Conflict in the Atlantic and the West
o __________________________–Britishpracticeofseizingships

and forcing sailors (many Americans) into the British Navy o TheEmbargoof1807:

  • Response to the Chesapeake incident

  • US cut off ____ trade with ALL countries – huge disaster

  • Other embargoes follow (Non-intercourse Act, Macon’s

    Bill #2)

o WesternWarHawks(HenryClay!)

  • Tecumseh and Natives were provided guns by the British – eventually defeated by _________________________ ________ (future President) at the Battle of Tippecanoe

  • _______________________! was elected Speaker of the House on his first day of office

  • He and other Southern and Western Congressmen (John C. Calhoun) pushed for war

  • Most Federalists were against the war, why? _________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

    The War of 1812
    o Notverysuccessful
    o WashingtonD.C.andBuffalowereburned o FederalistOpposetheWar:

Hartford Convention – meeting of Federalists to address _______________________________________

  • Propose some amendments

  • Some urge _______________________

  • Huge blow to the Federalist Party

    o PeaceOverturesandaFinalVictory:

Treaty of Ghent (Henry Clay!)

How could the Monroe Doctrine be seen as a continuation of Washington’s Farewell Address?

  • No land was gained or lost

  • 2 weeks later, Battle of ____________________

    ________________ (Andrew Jackson)

The Federalist Legacy:
o Nationalist-Republicanspursuedpoliciessimilartothe

Federalists (Henry Clay!)
o Marshall’sFederalistView:

Strengthened the power of the ____________________ government AND the Supreme Court

o AssertingNationalSupremacy:

  • McCulloch v. Maryland – BUS was declared

    __________________________________; states cannot

    tax a federal government agency

  • Gibbons v. Ogden – Only ____________________, NOT

    states, can control INTERstate commerce

o UpholdingVestedPropertyRights:

Dartmouth College v. Woodward – contracts cannot be impaired by the government

o TheDiplomacyofJohnQ.Adams(SecretaryofState–stepping stone)

  • Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) – US gained ______________, gave up claims to TX

  • Monroe Doctrine – Europe must stay out of the ______________________________________, America will not get involved in European affairs
