WW2 Review

1. What factors contributed to the rise of Nazism in Germany?

2. What was the effect of Hitler's policy of expansion?

3. What was the effect of a battleship fire in Hawaii on December 7th, 1941?

4. Why did President Roosevelt sign a declaration of war?

5. What events occurred during World War II?

6. How did the political boundaries of Germany change in sequence of World War II?

7. What was the main goal of Florida's State Defense Council?

8. How did Americans become mobilized for entry into World War II?

9. What was the purpose of the Lend Lease Act?

10. Why didn't Americans want to assist Britain and France in the early years of World War II?

11. What was the purpose of the camo at Auschwitz?

12. Why were women needed by the U.S. Nay during the war?

13. What challenges did African Americans face while serving in the armed forces?

14. What opportunities arose for women and ethnic minorities during World War II?

15. What was the decision in Korematsu v. United States (1944)?

16. How did World War II affect the rights of Japanese Americans?

17. What was the purpose of the Office of War Information?

18. What was the purpose of the War production Board and Selective Service System?

19. What was the purpose of the Nuremberg Trials (1945)?

20. What was an important reason for the formation of the United Nations?

21. What practice did the government implement to reduce the effects of shortages caused by mandatory rationing?

22. What long term outcome of World War Il were the signers of President Harry Truman's petition predicting?

23. What was the purpose of Justice Robert H. Jackson at Nuremberg Trials in 1945's opening statement?

24. What was the consequence of the 1945 Potsdam Declaration?

25. What limited the consumption of goods that could be used for the war effort?
