Goal: Improve spoken English for everyday situations.
Use as self-study or supplementary material.
Focus on various speaking skills:
Starting, continuing, directing, and ending conversations.
Dealing with interruptions and asking for clarification.
Making requests, giving advice, sharing opinions.
Structure: 20 units, each with a consistent format.
Useful tips, conversations, understanding exercises, speaking practice, language and cultural notes.
Tips for Small Talk:
Comment on ordinary things with enthusiasm.
Find common ground with listeners.
Match listener's mood; avoid one-word answers.
Key Strategies:
Find commonalities, show interest.
Effective Responses:
Use any information from the speaker to keep the conversation flowing.
Echo their words for engagement.
Ask open-ended questions.
Polite Interruptions:
Wait for an appropriate moment to add your point.
Use phrases like "Excuse me," or "Sorry, can I just say...?"
Handling Interruptions:
Remind listeners you were speaking to regain the conversation flow.
Offer information before asking questions.
Use indirect questioning with statement tags.
Build relationships by using names and inclusive language.
Use simpler words, explain the word, or compare it with opposites.
Use examples to clarify meanings.
Tips for Changing Topics:
Self-interrupt respectfully to transition topics.
Maintain some connection to the previous subject for smooth transitions.
Strategies for Suggestions:
Apologize for negative responses; suggest alternatives.
Be positive when responding.
Polite Requests:
Use "Could," "Would you mind," etc., to soften requests.
Start with apologies to show consideration.
Advice Giving:
Show empathy and understand the other’s situation.
Help them consider all options.
Expressing Opinions:
Neutral: "In my view..."
Strong: "I strongly believe..."
Use phrases like "I totally agree" or express qualified agreement.
Start with a polite apology, then state your disagreement.
Delivering Bad News:
Be gentle, express empathy, and offer support where possible.
Polite Refusals:
Emphasize with "really" or "very" with apologies and brief explanations.
Complaining Tactfully:
Apologize for needing to complain, assume no malice in the issue, and suggest solutions.