world history 2 final

  1. Was lack of food an effect of the Plague(yes or no) yes

  2. What were the Jews blamed for concerning the Plague poisoning wells

  3. Why did close to 80% of Italians die due to the Plague the plague infected the trade routes

  4. Approximately what fraction of the world population died due to the Plague 1/3 - 1/2

  5. Where did the Plague originate outside Europe 

  6. Know common cures for the Plague aloe, heat, figs, etc.

  7. How did the Plague travel to Europe trade routes

  8. What was the host animal of the fleas rats

  9. Who designed the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica Michelangelo

  10. Who was a great family of bankers in Florence Medici

  11. Know the important city-states of Renaissance Italy Florence, Venice, Milan, Rome, Genoa

  12. What was the average mortality rate of the Bubonic Plague 50%

  13. What body parts swelled due to the Plague armpits, groin, neck

  14. What group increased in power and wealth after the Plague workers and peasants

  15. Where does the Black Death get its name from because it leaves some of your body parts dark

  16. Why did Plague doctors wear bird-like masks to protect themselves from the plague

  17. What did God have to do with the Plague people thought he brought it to the world to punish them

  18. Someone of many talents is known as a  __________ man renaissance man

  19. Who developed the printing press Johannes Gutenberg

  20. Who painted the Sistine Chapel Michelangelo

  21. What did da Vinci create the mona lisa and last supper

  22. What was Luther’s main complaint about the Catholic Church he didn't like the indulgences

  23. What is a fresco murals on plaster

  24. What is a vernacular written in common language

  25. Define Humanism intellectual movement based on the classics

  26. Who wrote the Prince which stated leaders should rule through fear and cunning Machiavelli 

  27. What did people resent paying for which led to the Reformation indulges

  28. Who started the reformation Martin Luther

  29. In what city did the Renaissance begin Florence

  30. What did Luther write that criticized the Church the 95 theses

  31. Define inductive reasoning another name for the scientific method

  32. What were Salons places for a place for scientist, philosophers, and thinkers to meet and discuss new ideas

  33. Define Heliocentric the sun is the center of the universe

  34. Understand Scientific Method question, hypothesis, experiment, prove hypothesis

  35. New scientific invention of the Renaissance printing press

  36. What did Galileo create the telescope

  37. What method Descartes and Bacon use to explore the physical world the scientific method

  38. Who discovered that the Earth revolves around the Sun Nicolaus Copernicus

  39. Francis Bacon was known as a _______ and a scientist inventor

  40. Who developed the Law of Gravity Issac Newton

  41. Who advocated for Women’s rights Mary Wallstonecroft

  42. African King who helped the slave trade progress King Afonoso

  43. Define the Triangular Trade traded between Africa (slaves), Americas (sugar, tobacco, cotton), and Europe (rum, textiles, manufactured goods)

  44. Another name for the Enlightenment is the Age of ________ reason

  45. What did philosophers question during the Enlightenment accepted beliefs / religion being the answer to all

  46. Why did music grow in popularity during the Enlightenment it became more affordable (to go to concerts)

  47. Who is known for the theory of Checks and Balances and separation of powers Montesquieu

  48. Define Checks and Balances each branch prevent the others from abusing power

  49. Who wrote about freedom of religion and speech Voltaire

  50. Who believed the government’s job was to protect our natural rights Locke

  51. He thought people were evil by nature Thomas Hobbes

  52. What did Enlightenment ideas motivate Colonists to do revolt against Great British

  53. What documents announced our desire for Independence from Great Britain Declaration of Independence

  54. Why did Europeans explore the New World god, gold, glory

  55. Who discovered Hispaniola and enslaved the population Columbus

  56. Define Conquistador Spanish conqueror

  57. Define Balance of Trade when a country exports more than it imports

  58. What did the French trade in the New World in order to grow wealthy fur

  59. Who is known for circumnavigating the globe Ferdinand Migellian

  60. What was the English’s main goal in the New World colonies and land expansion

  61. Who explored the St. Lawrence river area  Cartier

  62. Who explored the New England coastline for the English Cabot

  63. What is the Columbian Exchange the exchange of disease, plants, animals, etc. between the old world and the new world

  64. Define the Middle Passage body of water where african slaves were transported

  65. Who worked for the Dutch East Indie Company and explored present-day NY Henry Hudson

  66. What Church did Napoleon make peace with Catholic

  67. What is the Scorched Earth Policy The burning of your own farms and villages to stop the enemy from resupplying

  68. What is a document used to form a new government a constitution

  69. What agreement did France have with allies to keep Britain from selling goods treaty of alliance

  70. Define Bourgeoise middle class

  71. What was a symbol of the French Revolution bastille 

  72. What Estate consisted of Clergy first

  73. What did Robespierre want to create by wiping out France’s past a Republic of Virtue

  74. What is a missionaries job to spread christianity

  75. What percent of the Third Estate was made up of peasants 98%

  76. What Estate was made up of 98% of the people and paid all the taxes third

  77. Why did much of Europe declare war on France during the French Revolution they were scared that their king / queen would be killed in the same way

  78. Which Estate was made up of Nobility second

  79. Great Britain produced 80% of the world’s coal

  80. Who invented the steam engine (not perfected it) Thomas Newcomen

  81. What did Eli Whitney invent cotton gin

  82. An occupation in which you craft things in your home cottage industry

  83. Define a canal small river

  84. Define the Enclosure movement take land away from small farmers and resulted in surplus of workers

  85. What metal do you need for making steel iron

  86. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin britain

  87. Why did Napoleon attack Russia, a former ally Russia refused to stay in the continental system

  88. What spun multiple threads at one time spinning jenny

  89. What is Richard Trevithick known for put steam engine in the locomotive

  90. Angel Island is known for immigration on the west coast

  91. Ellis Island is known for immigration on the east coast

  92. What did mass production allow for large amounts of identical items to be manufactured

  93. Know what the Zimmerman Telegram is about and who it was to who it was from germany to mexico suggesting they invade america

  94. What did submarine warfare violate according to President Wilson freedom of the seas 

  95. The Triple Entente was France, russia, england

  96. What plan called for an invasion of France by Germany Schlieffen plan

  97. What government calls for economic equality socialism

  98. Define mercantilism importing as little as possible and exporting as much as possible

  99. Name the Triple Alliance Germany, austria-hungary, italy

Wilson tried to have a lasting peace with this plan 14 points
