Church and Its Mission Semester 2 Test 2

  • Stereotype – A generalized belief about a group of people.

  • Prejudice – A negative opinion about someone based on bias rather than facts.

  • Discrimination – Unfair treatment of people based on race, gender, or other factors.

  • Rerum Novarum – A document by Pope Leo XIII defending workers' rights and fair wages.

  • Populorum Progressio – A document by Pope Paul VI calling for economic justice and helping poor nations.

  • Laborem Exercens – A document by Pope John Paul II emphasizing the dignity of work and workers' rights.

  • Just Working Conditions – Fair pay, reasonable hours, and safe workplaces.

  • Ethical Trade – Buying and selling goods in a way that is fair to workers.

  • Vulnerable Workers – People at high risk of exploitation, like migrants and child laborers.

  • God as Liberator – The idea that God wants freedom and justice for the oppressed.

  • Jesus as Social Reformer – Jesus' role in challenging injustice and helping the poor.

  • Care for the Least of Us – The belief that society should prioritize helping the poor and vulnerable.

  • Poverty as Social Sin – Seeing poverty as a result of unfair systems rather than just personal failure.

  • Types of Poverty – Material (lack of necessities), spiritual (lack of purpose), and relational (loneliness).

  • Liberation Theology – A belief that faith should focus on freeing people from social and economic oppression.

  • Gustavo Gutiérrez – A priest who founded Liberation Theology.

  • Oscar Romero – A Catholic archbishop who fought for justice in El Salvador before being killed.

  • El Salvadorian Martyrs – Religious people killed for defending human rights in El Salvador.

  • Types of Violence – Physical (harm), psychological (mental abuse), structural (unfair systems), and cultural (harmful beliefs).

  • Shalom – A Hebrew word meaning peace, wholeness, and well-being.

  • Love Your Neighbor – The Christian call to treat others with kindness and justice.

  • Pacifism – The belief that violence is never justified.

  • Just War Theory – A set of rules for when war can be morally acceptable, developed by St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.

  • Role Models of Pacifism – People like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. who fought injustice without violence.
