

  • Welcome to week two lecture two in the Psychology of Aging.

  • Topic: Biopsychosocial changes in aging, focusing on neurobiological and physical changes across the adult lifespan.

  • Acknowledgment of traditional owners of Australia and their culture.

Aging Population

  • Significant demographic shift in Australia:

    • ~16% of the population (around 3.9 million people) are 65 years or older (Australian Bureau of Statistics).

    • Increased need for assistance in older populations:

      • 4 times greater cognitive/emotional assistance need for those 85+ compared to 65-84.

Importance of Studying Psychology of Aging

  • Understanding developmental changes in longer life spans is essential.

  • Aging is dynamic; the trajectory of development is expanding as lifespans increase.

  • Aim to enhance positive experiences of aging and optimize interventions.

Perceptions of Aging

  • Changing perceptions of what constitutes 'old':

    • 'Young old' (65-74), 'Old old' (75-84), 'Oldest old' (85+).

  • Recognizing varied cultural perspectives on aging.

Jared Diamond's TED Talk

  • Discusses societal perspectives on aging, contrasting traditional and modern societies.

    • Traditional societies often honor elderly individuals and keep them within families.

    • Variations in treatment of elderly across different societies.

    • Discusses potential usefulness of elderly and the wisdom they can offer.

Cultural Factors in Aging

  • Eastern cultures often hold older adults in higher regard than western cultures.

  • Contradictory research found varied perspectives and cultural attitudes towards aging.

  • Importance of understanding different cultural views on aging.

Neurobiological Changes Across the Adult Lifespan

  • Brain development:

    • Complete by age 25, particularly in the prefrontal cortex.

    • Increased myelination improves neural impulse speed and supports executive functions (planning, decision-making).

  • Aging effects on the brain:

    • Cerebral atrophy leads to loss of neurons and connections, affecting cognitive functions.

    • Volume decreases about 5% per decade after age 40, with accelerated decline post-70.

    • Specific areas like the frontal lobe (12% loss) and hippocampus show pronounced volume loss.

  • Neurotransmitter changes:

    • Decrease in neurotransmitter synthesis due to reduced enzyme activity affects mood, sleep, and cognitive functions.

    • Key neurotransmitters affected:

      • Acetylcholine (memory decline)

      • Dopamine (cognitive and motor decline)

      • Norepinephrine (alertness and sleep pattern changes)

      • Serotonin (mood changes)

Physical Health Changes With Aging

  • Common physical changes include:

    • Decline in eyesight and skin elasticity; wrinkles and gray hair appear.

    • Reduction in bone mass and muscle mass; increased body fat.

    • Higher susceptibility to infections and diseases (diabetes, heart disease, arthritis).

  • Activity Levels:

    • Physical activity typically declines, influenced by self-perception and societal stereotypes.

  • Vicious cycle of health:

    • Decrease in physical health leads to less physical activity, further exacerbating health issues.

Increased Incidence of Falls

  • Falls are significant risks, particularly for those 65+, accounted for:

    • 42% of injury hospitalizations

    • 40% of injury deaths.

  • Cognitive impairment increases the risk of falling.

Impact on Health Systems

  • Increased aging population leads to:

    • Higher demand for healthcare services and costs.

    • Understanding biopsychosocial changes is necessary for optimizing aging and developing interventions.

Summary of Key Points

  • Importance of examining age-related changes and cultural perspectives on aging.

  • Neurobiological changes and physical health declines associated with aging.

  • Increased risks of falls related to age and cognitive decline impact health systems.

  • Next week: Focus on changes in memory and cognition in part two of the biopsychosocial changes.
