By the end of today's class, students will be able to:
Define key terms in Saussure’s theory of semiotics: signifier, signified, and sign.
Perform a close reading analysis of word-making in Fifteen Dogs.
Explain how connotations influence the interpretation of signs.
Upcoming Assignments:
Essay #2 is due on Dec. 4 (final submission deadline).
Composition Quiz #3 will take place on Nov. 27.
Exam Information:
The exam is scheduled for Dec. 20, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, in room ENG 1B71.
An exam preparation class will be held on Dec. 2.
Next Class Activities:
Student Learning Questionnaire will take place. Students are encouraged to bring an electronic device.
Active Voice: The subject performs the action of the verb.
Example: "Zombies ate my brain."
Passive Voice: The subject receives the action of the verb.
Example: "My brain was eaten by zombies."
Understanding this difference is crucial for effective writing.
The passive voice can dilute clarity and conciseness in writing. Examples include:
"It can be concluded that Pat is deceiving herself."
"The significance of the concept is revealed by X."
"Deception has been revealed."
Active voice often leads to stronger, more direct statements.
Topics to be covered in upcoming classes:
Introduction to key concepts.
Discussion of intolerance in language.
Exploration of the uncanny.
Examination of monstrosity.
Saussure posits that language is a structured system of signs that express ideas.
A sign consists of a concept (signified) and a sound image (signifier).
Language does not merely communicate but actively influences the ideas it conveys.
Key elements that provide meaning in language: the connection of word (signifier) to concept (signified).
Signifier: The physical form of a word/image.
Signified: The mental concept or meaning evoked.
Understanding this relationship is fundamental for dissecting meaning in texts.
Apply Saussure’s concepts by breaking down signs into signifiers and signifieds.
Specific words to analyze include:
"Narwhal" and "Unicorn" - The figurative use of the word for door.
Insights from Yoda and Shakespeare in Agatha’s discourse on hunger.
Transformation of the word for human in context.
Choose one example from above for in-depth discussion in teams.
Students are encouraged to prepare for the next class focused on the narrative and thematic dissection of Fifteen Dogs.
Bring any necessary materials and be ready for collaborative exploration.