Introduction to Computing
What is computer?
• An electronic machine that can store and
process information. It is defined as
stored program digital computing
• A Computer is an electronic device of
wires, transistors, circuits, instructions,
and data can transmit, store and
manipulate information.
• A Computer is a machine that accepts
data and processes that data (data may be
numbers, letters or both or even sounds).
• A computer accepts information using an
input device.
History of Computer
The computer as we know it today had its
beginning with a 19thcentury English
mathematics professor named Charles Babbage.
Computer Generations
First Generation 1946 - 1958
The first computers used vacuum tubes for
circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and
were often enormous, taking up entire rooms.
They were very expensive to operate and in
addition to using a great deal of electricity,
generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause
of malfunctions. Input was based on punched
cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on
Second Generation 1959 - 1964
Transistors replaced the vacuum tubes and
ushered in the second generation of computers.
One transistor replaced the equivalent of 40
vacuum tubes. Allowing computers to become
smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient
and more reliable.
Third Generation 1965 - 1970
The development of the integrated circuit was the
hallmark of the third generation of computers.
Transistors were miniaturized and placed on
silicon chips, called semiconductors, which
drastically increased the speed and efficiency of
computers. Much smaller and cheaper compare to
the second generation computers. It could carry
out instructions in billionths of a second.
Computers for the first time became accessible to
a mass audience because they were smaller and
cheaper than their predecessors.
The Fourth Generation 1971 - today
The microprocessor brought the fourth generation
of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits
were built onto a single silicon chip. As these
small computers became more powerful, they
could be linked together to form networks, which
eventually led to the development of the Internet.
Fifth Generation Today to future
Based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Still in
development. The use of parallel processing and
superconductors is helping to make artificial
intelligence a reality. The goal is to develop
devices that respond to natural language input and
are capable of learning and self-organization.
There are some applications, such as voice
recognition, that are being used today.
A tally stick was an ancient memory aid device
to record and document numbers, quantities, or
even messages.
The abacus is an ancient calculating tool used for
performing arithmetic operations, consisting of
beads that slide along rods or wires it was
invented in Babylonia in 2400 B.C., first use in
China around 500 B.C.
Napier’s Bones
Invented by John Napier in 1614. Allowed the
operator to multiply, divide and calculate square
and cube roots by moving the rods around and
placing them in specially constructed boards.
Slide Rule
Invented by William Oughtred in 1622. Used
primarily for multiplication, division, root,
logarithms, Trigonometry. Not normally used for
addition or subtraction.
Introduction to Computing
Invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642. It was its
limitation to addition and subtraction it is also too
Stepped Reckoner
Invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1672.
The machine that can add, subtract, multiply and
divide automatically.
Jacquard Loom
It is a mechanical loom, invented by Joseph-
Marie Jacquard in 1881. It an automatic loom
controlled by punched cards.
A mechanical calculator invented by Thomas de
Colmar in 1820, The first reliable, useful and
commercially successful calculating machine.
The machine could perform the four basic
mathematic functions. The first mass-produced
calculating machine.
The Difference Engine was a mechanical
calculator designed by Charles Babbage in the
1822 to perform polynomial calculations and
generate mathematical tables.
The Analytical Engine, also designed by
Babbage in 1834, was an advanced mechanical
general-purpose computer that featured
components like an arithmetic unit, control flow,
and memory, making it the conceptual
predecessor to modern computers.
First Computer Programmer
In 1840, Augusta Ada Byron suggests to Babbage
that he use the binary system. She writes
programs for the Analytical Engine.
Scheutzian Calculation Engine
Invented by Per Georg Scheutz in 1843. Based on
Charles Babbage's difference engine. The first
printing calculator.
Tabulating Machine
Invented by Herman Hollerith in 1890. To assist
in summarizing information and accounting.
Havard Mark 1
Also known as IBM Automatic Sequence
Controlled Calculator (ASCC). Invented by
Howard H. Aiken in 1943 The first electromechanical
The first programmable computer. Created by
Konrad Zuse in Germany from 1936 to 1938. To
program the Z1 required that the user insert punch
tape into a punch tape reader and all output was
also generated through punch tape.
Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
It was the first electronic digital computing
device. Invented by Professor John Atanasoff an
graduate student Clifford Berry at Iowa State
University between 1939 and 1942.
Stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer. It was the first electronic generalpurpose
computer. Completed in 1946.
Developed by John Prespe Eckert and John W.
The UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer
1) was the first commercial computer. Developed
in the United States by the company Remington
Ran in year 1951. Designed by J. Presper Eckert
and John Mauchly.
Stands for Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer. The First Stored Program
Computer Designed by Von Neumann in 1952. It
has a memory to hold both stored program as well
as data.
The First Portable Computer
Osborne 1 – the first portable computer. Released
in 1981 by the Osborne Computer Corporation.
Introduction to Computing
The First Computer Company
The first computer company was the Electronic
Controls Company. Founded in 1949 by J.
Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
Classification of Computers
Computers differ based on their data processing
abilities. They are classified according to
purpose, data handling, and functionality.
• Analog Computers: It accepts analog
input and provides analog output
information. It represents physical
quantities like acceleration, temperature,
distance or voltages in mechanical or
electrical circuits and does not need any
storage device. Examples of the analog
computer are thermometer, speedometer
and analog clock.
• Digital Computer: This computer
accepts digital input and provides digital
output after processing information and
the operation are in a binary system of 0
and 1. By manipulating the binary digits
and numbers it can perform any task like
analyze data, mathematical calculations
etc. Examples of digital computers are
Apple Macintosh, IBM PC.
• Hybrid Computer: This computer is the
combination of both analog and digital
computers in terms of speed and
accuracy. Hybrid computers can measure
physical and digital quantities. Examples
of the hybrid computer are the machine
measure heartbeat in hospital, devices
installed fuel pumps.
Types of Computer
Super Computer - The fastest and most powerful
type of computer Supercomputers are very
expensive and are employed for specialized
applications that require immense amounts of
mathematical calculations.
Mainframe Computer - A very large and
expensive computer that is capable of supporting
hundreds or even thousands of users
Mini Computer - A midsized computer called
minicomputers lie between workstations and
Micro Computer or Personal Computer
• Desktop Computer: a personal or
micro-mini computer sufficient to fit on a
• Laptop Computer: a portable computer
complete with an integrated screen and
keyboard. It is generally smaller in size
than a desktop computer and larger than
a notebook computer.
Digital Diary /Notebook /PDAs: a hand-sized
computer. Palmtops have no keyboard but the
screen serves both as an input and output device.
What is Computer Memory?
The computer memory is a storage area inside the
computer system. Memory is mainly divided into
two types: Primary memory is computer
memory that a processor or computer accesses
first or directly. Secondary memory is where
programs and data are kept on a long-term basis.
Primary memory - is the computer's main
storage, used to temporarily store data and
instructions that are actively being used by the
CPU for quick access.
• RAM (Random Access Memory) is a
type of volatile primary memory that
temporarily stores data and instructions
for the CPU, allowing for quick access
and processing during active tasks.
• ROM (Read-Only Memory) is a type of
non- volatile memory that permanently
stores firmware and essential instructions
for booting up the computer, which
cannot be modified or written to easily.
Types of ROM
Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) - is
a type of memory that can be programmed once
to store permanent data, and it cannot be changed
Introduction to Computing
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
(EPROM) - is a type of memory that can be
programmed and erased multiple times using
ultraviolet light, making it reusable for storing
Secondary memory - is a type of storage that
retains data permanently, providing long-term
storage for files and applications, and includes
devices like hard drives, solid-state drives, and
optical disks.
Hard drive - is a storage device that uses magnetic
disks to permanently store digital data .
Optical disk - is a storage medium that uses laser
technology to read and write data, commonly
used in CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs for storing
music, videos, and software.
Flash Disk - A storage module made of flash
memory chips.
Magnetic tape - is a storage medium that uses a
plastic strip coated with magnetic material to
record data, often used for backups and archiving.
Floppy disks are portable storage devices that
use a flexible magnetic disk to store data,
commonly used before modern storage methods
became popular.
CDs (Compact Discs) are optical storage media
that use laser technology to read and write data,
typically used for storing music, software, and
other digital information.
CPU Central Processing Unit - is brain of a
computer. It is responsible for all functions and
The three commonly used types of CDs are:
1. CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only
Memory): A pre-recorded disc that
contains data that can be read but not
modified or erased.
2. CD-R (Compact Disc Recordable): A
writable disc that allows users to record
data once; it cannot be erased or
3. CD-RW (Compact Disc Rewritable): A
rewritable disc that enables users to
record, erase, and rewrite data multiple
Computer Components
Hardware is the physical parts of a computer
system that perform computing functions.
Input devices - any peripheral (piece of computer
hardware equipment to provide data and control
signals to an information processing system such
as a computer or other information appliance.
1. Monitor
2. Modem
3. System Unit
4. Mouse
5. Speaker
6. Printer
7. Keyboard
CPU Central Processing Unit - is brain of a
computer. It is responsible for all functions and
The CPU is comprised of three main parts:
- Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) - is a
component of the CPU that performs
arithmetic operations (like addition and
subtraction) and logical operations (such as
- Control Unit (CU) - is a part of the CPU that
directs and coordinates the operations of the
computer by interpreting and executing
- instructions from memory.
Registers - is a small, high-speed storage location
in the CPU used to hold data and instructions
temporarily during processing.
Introduction to Computing
Software is what allows you to perform tasks on
your computer. It can be divided into two main
System software is a type of software designed
to manage and control computer hardware and
provide a platform for running application
What is an Operating System?
- The operating system is the most important
software on your computer.
• Developed by Microsoft, Windows is one of
the most widely used operating systems
globally, known for its user-friendly interface
and extensive software compatibility.
• Versions include Windows 10, Windows 11,
• Developed by Apple, macOS is designed for
Mac computers and is known for its sleek
design, stability, and integration with other
Apple products.
• Recent versions include macOS Monterey
and macOS Ventura.
• An open-source operating system that is
highly customizable and widely used in
servers, embedded systems, and as a desktop
• Distributions include Ubuntu, Fedora, and
Device Drivers - Allow the operating system to
communicate with hardware devices.
Utility Software - Provides maintenance and
optimization tools.
- Antivirus Software: Norton, McAfee,
Bitdefender, Windows Defender
- Backup Software: Acronis True Image,
Time Machine (macOS)
- Disk Cleanup Tools: CCleaner, Disk
Firmware – Low level of software embedded in
hardware to control specific function.
- BIOS/UEFI Firmware: BIOS for older
PCs, UEFI for modern PCs
- Embedded Systems Firmware:
Firmware in routers, printers, and
embedded devices
Application software is designed to perform
specific tasks for users, such as word processing
or graphic design, and includes programs like
Microsoft Office and web browsers.
Productivity Software: Helps users create, edit,
and manage documents and data.
- Word Processing: Microsoft Word, Google
- Spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel, Google
- Presentation Software: Microsoft
PowerPoint, Google Slides
Web Browser: Allows users to access and
interact with contents on the web.
Media Players: plays audio and video files
Graphic and Design Software: Used for
creating and editing images and designs.
- Photo Editing: Adobe Photoshop, GIMP
- Vector Graphics: Adobe Illustrator,
- 3D Modeling: Blender, Autodesk Maya
Communication Software : Facilitates
communication and collaboration.
- Email Clients: Microsoft Outlook, Gmail
- Messaging Apps: WhatsApp, Discord,
Microsoft Teams
- Video Conferencing: Zoom, Microsoft
Games and Entertainment Software: Provides
entertainment through interactive experiences.
Introduction to Computing
Development tools: Helps developers write,
debug, manage code, create games, softwares and
- Integrated Development
Environments (IDEs): Visual Studio,
- Code Editors: Sublime Text, VS Code
- Game Engines: Unreal Engine, Unity,
Networking Basic
A computer network is a group of interconnected
computers that can share resources, such as files,
applications, and internet access, enabling
communication and data exchange.
Types of Networks
1. Local Area Network (LAN):
- A LAN connects computers and devices
within a limited geographical area, such as a
home, office, or school. It typically offers
high data transfer rates and low latency,
enabling fast communication and resource
2. Wide Area Network (WAN):
- A WAN covers a larger geographical area,
connecting multiple LANs, cities, or
countries. It typically uses public or leased
telecommunication lines, and examples
include the internet and corporate networks.
Other Types of Networks:
• Metropolitan Area Network (MAN):
Covers a city or a large campus, connecting
multiple LANs within that area.
• Personal Area Network (PAN): A small
network for personal devices, typically
within a range of a few meters (e.g.,
connecting smartphones, tablets, and
Networking Hardware
1. Router- A device that connects different
networks and directs data packets between
them. Routers determine the best path for
data to travel and can also provide security
features, such as firewalls.
2. Switch-A networking device that connects
devices within a LAN, allowing them to
communicate with each other. Switches
operate at the data link layer and use MAC
addresses to forward data only to the intended
3. Access Point- A device that allows wireless
devices to connect to a wired network using
Wi-Fi. It acts as a bridge between the wireless
network and the wired network.
4. Modem- A device that modulates and
demodulates signals for data transmission
over telephone lines or cable systems. It
connects a local network to the internet.
The Internet
The Internet is a global network of interconnected
computers and devices that communicate using
standardized protocols, allowing users to share
information, access services, and connect with
others across the world.
History of the Internet
1. Origins (1960s-1970s):
The Internet's origins trace back to ARPANET,
created by the U.S. Department of Defense in
1969 to facilitate research sharing among
universities and institutions. The first successful
message over ARPANET was also sent that year.
2. Development of Protocols (1970s-1980s):
In the 1970s, the Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) were developed,
creating rules for data transmission. Together,
TCP/IP became the standard for connecting
networks, leading to the term "Internet."
3. Growth and Expansion (1980s-1990s):
In the 1980s, the National Science Foundation
(NSF) NSFNET expanded Internet access by
connecting academic networks. In the early
Introduction to Computing
1990s, Tim Berners-Lee revolutionized online
information sharing with the World Wide Web,
making it accessible through web browsers.
4. Commercialization and Popularization
The Internet became commercially available in
the mid-1990s, spurring rapid growth in websites,
online services, and e-commerce. By the late
1990s and early 2000s, it became essential to
daily life for millions globally.
are software applications that allow users to
access and interact with content on the World
Wide Web. They interpret and display web pages,
enabling users to navigate the Internet, view
multimedia content, and utilize web applications.
Functions of Web Browsers
1. Rendering Web Pages: Browsers
convert HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into
visually formatted pages.
2. Navigation: Users can navigate the web
by entering URLs, using bookmarks, and
following hyperlinks.
3. Security Features: Browsers provide
security measures, such as HTTPS
support, pop-up blockers, and phishing
4. Extensions and Add-ons: Users can
enhance browser functionality through
various extensions and add-ons.
5. Privacy Settings: Browsers offer
features to manage cookies, tracking, and
browsing history.
Differences Between Popular Browsers
Google Chrome is fast and has a vast extension
library, but raises privacy concerns. Mozilla
Firefox emphasizes privacy and customization,
while Safari is optimized for Apple devices,
offering a seamless user experience and strong
privacy features.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
HTML is the foundational markup language
used to create the structure of web pages.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
CSS is a stylesheet language used to control the
presentation and layout of HTML elements.
JavaScript is a dynamic scripting language that
adds interactivity and functionality to web pages.
When creating a website, HTML provides the
structure, CSS enhances the visual appearance,
and JavaScript adds interactivity. Together, they
create a seamless user experience, allowing for
engaging and functional web applications.
Search engines operate by crawling the web to
index content, which allows them to retrieve
relevant information when users perform
searches. The process typically involves three key
1. Crawling: Search engines use automated
bots (also known as spiders or crawlers)
to browse the web, discovering and
gathering data from web pages.
2. Indexing: The collected data is
organized and stored in a massive
database, known as an index. This index
enables quick retrieval of information
when users search for specific terms.
3. Retrieving Results: When a user
submits a query, the search engine
processes the request and retrieves
relevant results from its index, ranking
them based on relevance and quality.
Search engines use complex algorithms to
determine the ranking of web pages in search
results. These algorithms consider numerous
factors, including:
• Relevance: How closely the content
matches the user's query.
Introduction to Computing
• Quality: The credibility and authority of
the source, often influenced by backlinks
and user engagement.
• User Experience: Factors like page load
speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall
• Freshness: The recency of the content,
with newer information often prioritized
for certain queries.
Tips for Effective Searching
1. Use Specific Keywords: Be as specific
as possible with your search terms to
yield more relevant results.
2. Use Quotation Marks: For exact
phrases, use quotation marks to search
for the exact sequence of words (e.g.,
"climate change").
3. Utilize Advanced Search Operators:
Familiarize yourself with operators like
AND, OR, and NOT to refine your
4. Explore Search Filters: Use filters
(such as time, location, and content type)
provided by search engines to narrow
5. Check Source Credibility: Assess the
reliability of the sources before trusting
the information presented in search
Web development involves the creation and
maintenance of websites and web applications. It
encompasses various tasks, from designing user
interfaces to managing server-side logic and
databases. Web development can be categorized
into two main areas: front-end and back-end
Front-End Development
Front-end development focuses on the client side
of web applications—the parts users interact
with directly. Key components include:
• HTML (HyperText Markup
Language): Structures the content of
web pages.
• CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Styles
the visual elements, such as layout,
colors, and fonts.
• JavaScript: Adds interactivity and
dynamic features, enhancing user
experience through functionalities like
form validation and animations.
Front-end developers ensure that websites are
visually appealing, responsive, and user-friendly
across different devices.
Back-End Development
Back-end development pertains to the server
side of web applications, where data processing
and application logic occur. Key components
• Server-Side Languages: Common
languages include Python, Ruby, PHP,
Java, and Node.js, which handle requests
and server operations.
• Databases: Systems like MySQL,
PostgreSQL, and MongoDB store and
manage data efficiently.
• Web Servers: Software such as Apache
or Nginx manages HTTP requests and
serves web content to users.
Back-end developers ensure the server,
application, and database work together
seamlessly, managing tasks like user
authentication and data retrieval.
Online Safety and Security
Understanding Online Threats
Online threats can take various forms, posing
risks to individuals and organizations. Common
types of online threats include:
1. Malware: Malicious software, such as
viruses, worms, and ransomware,
designed to damage or disrupt devices
and networks.
2. Phishing: Deceptive attempts to trick
users into revealing sensitive
Introduction to Computing
information, like passwords or credit
card details, often through fraudulent
emails or websites.
3. Hacking: Unauthorized access to
systems or networks, often to steal data
or cause damage.
4. Identity Theft: The unauthorized use of
someone's personal information to
commit fraud or other crimes.
Cybersecurity Basics
Cybersecurity involves protecting systems,
networks, and data from cyber threats. Key
concepts include:
• Firewalls: Security systems that monitor
and control incoming and outgoing
network traffic based on predetermined
security rules.
• Encryption: The process of encoding
data to prevent unauthorized access
during transmission or storage.
• Antivirus Software: Programs designed
to detect and remove malware from
• Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): A
security measure that requires users to
provide multiple forms of verification
before accessing an account.
Best Practices for Safe Browsing
To enhance online safety, consider the following
best practices:
1. Use Strong Passwords: Create complex
passwords with a mix of letters, numbers,
and symbols, and change them regularly.
2. Be Cautious with Links and
Attachments: Avoid clicking on
suspicious links or downloading
attachments from unknown sources.
3. Keep Software Updated: Regularly
update your operating system, browsers,
and security software to protect against
4. Use Secure Connections: Ensure
websites are secure (look for "https://" in
the URL) and avoid using public Wi-Fi
for sensitive transactions.
5. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about
the latest online threats and cybersecurity
trends to recognize potential risks.
The Internet and Media
The Internet is a global network of interconnected
computers and servers that enables the exchange
of data and information across vast distances. It
operates on standardized protocols, allowing
different devices to communicate seamlessly. The
Internet comprises millions of websites,
applications, and services that facilitate
communication, information sharing, and
Significance in Modern Society
The Internet has transformed nearly every aspect
of daily life and plays a crucial role in modern
1. Communication: It has made it easier
for individuals and organizations to
connect globally.
2. Access to Information: This has
democratized information access and
empowered self-directed learning.
3. Commerce: Online shopping, digital
payment systems, and services have
transformed traditional retail and created
new economic opportunities.
4. Social Interaction: This has led to the
rise of digital activism and global
5. Entertainment: It offers endless choices
and personalized experiences.
6. Innovation and Development: The
Internet has driven technological
advancements and innovation, enabling
the development of new applications,
services, and industries.
Types of Media
Media plays a vital role in shaping public
opinion, disseminating information, and
providing entertainment. It can be broadly
Introduction to Computing
categorized into digital media, traditional media,
and social media, each with distinct
characteristics and formats.
1. Digital Media
Digital media encompasses any content that is
created, stored, and distributed in digital form.
This includes:
• Websites and Blogs: Platforms for sharing
information, articles, and personal insights.
• Streaming Services: Platforms like Netflix
and YouTube that provide video and audio
content on-demand.
• Podcasts: Digital audio files that users can
stream or download, covering various topics
and genres.
• E-books and Online Magazines: Digital
versions of books and periodicals that are
accessible on various devices.
Significance: Digital media allows for instant
access to information and entertainment, often
enabling user interaction and engagement.
2. Traditional Media
Traditional media refers to conventional forms of
mass communication that have existed before the
digital age. This includes:
• Television (TV): A widely used medium for
broadcasting news, entertainment, and
educational content to a broad audience.
• Radio: Audio broadcasts that provide news,
music, and talk shows, often accessible
through AM, FM, or digital platforms.
• Print Media: Newspapers, magazines,
brochures, and other printed materials that
disseminate information to the public.
Significance: Traditional media has historically
been a primary source of information and
entertainment, often reaching large audiences
through established channels.
3. Social Media
Social media refers to online platforms that
enable users to create, share, and interact with
content and each other. Examples include:
• Social Networking Sites: Platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn that
allow users to connect and share personal
• Microblogging Sites: Services like Twitter
that facilitate short, rapid exchanges of
information and ideas.
• Content Sharing Platforms: Sites like
TikTok and Pinterest that focus on sharing
visual content and creative projects.
Significance: Social media has transformed how
people communicate and engage with content,
fostering real-time interactions and communitybuilding
across diverse interests.
The Computer and Mobile Devices
Mobile devices are portable electronic devices
designed for communication, information access,
and various applications. They typically have
touchscreen interfaces, compact designs, and the
capability to connect to the Internet through
cellular networks or Wi-Fi.
Types of Computer
are stationary computers designed for regular use
at a single location. They consist of separate
components, including a monitor, keyboard,
mouse, and a central processing unit (CPU)
housed in a tower or case.
are portable computers that integrate all
components (monitor, keyboard, touchpad, and
CPU) into a single unit, making them easy to
carry and use in various locations.
Introduction to Computing
Types of Mobile Devices
1. Smartphones:
Multifunctional devices that combine the features
of a mobile phone with advanced computing
Examples include Apple iPhone, Samsung
Galaxy, and Google Pixel.
2. Tablets:
Larger than smartphones, tablets provide a bigger
display for reading, browsing, and media
Examples include Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy
Tab, and Microsoft Surface.
3. Wearables:
Devices worn on the body that often track health
and fitness metrics or provide notifications.
Examples include Apple Watch, Fitbit, and
Google Glass.
Differences Between Mobile Devices and
1. Portability:
Mobile devices are designed for portability and
can easily be carried and used on the go, while
traditional computers (desktops and laptops) are
typically bulkier and less convenient to transport.
2. User Interface:
Mobile devices primarily use touchscreen
interfaces, while computers generally rely on
keyboard and mouse input, although touchscreen
computers are becoming more common.
3. Operating Systems:
Mobile devices usually run on specialized
operating systems such as iOS (Apple) and
Android (Google), optimized for touch
interactions. Computers often use operating
systems like Windows, macOS, or Linux,
designed for more extensive multitasking and
processing capabilities.
4. Functionality:
While mobile devices can perform many tasks,
computers generally offer greater processing
power, storage capacity, and the ability to run
more complex software applications, making
them suitable for tasks like programming, video
editing, and graphic design.
5. Connectivity:
Mobile devices often have cellular connectivity,
allowing them to function independently of Wi-Fi
networks, whereas computers usually rely on
wired or Wi-Fi connections for Internet access.
The Program and Application
Types of Application Software
Refers to programs designed to help users perform
specific tasks. Here are some common types of
application software:
1. Word Processing Software
Software used for creating, editing, and formatting
text documents.
• Example: Microsoft Word
2. Spreadsheet Software
Programs that allow users to organize, analyze, and
manipulate data in tabular form.
• Example: Microsoft Excel
3. Presentation Software
Tools used to create visual presentations for meetings,
lectures, or educational purposes.
• Example: Microsoft PowerPoint
4. Database Software
Applications used to create, manage, and manipulate
databases for storing and retrieving data.
• Example: Microsoft Access
5. Graphics and Design Software
Programs used for creating and editing images,
illustrations, and designs.
• Example: Adobe Photoshop
Introduction to Computing
6. Web Browsers
Software applications that enable users to access and
navigate the internet.
• Example: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
7.Communication Software
Applications designed to facilitate communication
between users through various means.
• Example: Email Clients (e.g., Microsoft
Outlook) and Messaging Apps (e.g., Slack)
Software Updates and Maintenance
Importance of Keeping Software Updated
Regular software updates are crucial for maintaining
the performance, security, and functionality of
devices and applications. Key benefits include:
1. Security Improvements: Updates often
include patches that fix vulnerabilities,
protecting systems from malware, hacking,
and other cyber threats.
2. Bug Fixes: Updates address software bugs
and glitches, improving stability and
reducing crashes or errors.
3. New Features and Enhancements: Updates
can introduce new features, improve existing
ones, and enhance the overall user
4. Compatibility: Keeping software updated
ensures compatibility with new hardware,
other software, and evolving standards.
How to Check for Updates
1. Operating System Updates:
For Windows, go to Settings > Update & Security
> Windows Update and click Check for updates.
For macOS, open the Apple menu > System
Preferences > Software Update.
For mobile devices (iOS/Android), go to Settings
> System > Software Update.
2. Application Updates:
Most software has a built-in update feature. For
example, in Microsoft Office, go to File >
Account > Update Options.
For apps downloaded from app stores (e.g.,
Google Play, App Store), updates can be managed
directly from the store.
3. Automatic Updates:
Enabling automatic updates ensures that software
is always up-to-date without manual intervention,
providing ongoing protection and new features.
Maintenance Practices
1. Regular Backups: Regularly back up
important files and data to protect against
data loss due to software issues or
2. Disk Cleanup: Remove unnecessary files
and uninstall unused applications to free
up storage space and improve system
3. Antivirus Scans: Perform regular
antivirus and malware scans to identify
and remove any potential threats.
4. System Performance Monitoring: Use
tools to monitor system performance and
resource usage, and address issues like
overheating or memory overload.
5. Update Drivers: Keep hardware drivers
updated to ensure compatibility and
proper functioning of peripherals like
printers and graphics cards.
Programming Languages
Programming languages are formal languages
used to write instructions that a computer can
execute. They allow developers to create software
applications, from simple scripts to complex
systems, by providing a structured way to
communicate with computers. Each
programming language has unique features that
make it suitable for specific tasks.
Introduction to Computing
Role in Developing Software Applications
Programming languages play a crucial role in
software development by enabling developers to:
• Write Code: Create instructions for
computers to perform tasks, process data, and
execute operations.
• Solve Problems: Implement algorithms and
logic to solve various computational
• Create Applications: Develop a wide range
of software applications, including web
applications, mobile apps, games, and
embedded systems.
Examples of Programming Languages
1. Python
Overview: Python is a high-level, generalpurpose
programming language known for its
readability and simplicity. It has a vast library of
tools and frameworks, making it suitable for web
development, data analysis, automation, and
artificial intelligence.
Use Cases: Web development (Django, Flask),
data science, machine learning, automation
2. Java
Overview: Java is an object-oriented
programming language that is widely used for
building cross-platform applications. Its "write
once, run anywhere" capability makes it popular
for enterprise software, mobile apps, and largescale
Use Cases: Android app development, enterprise
applications, web services, server-side
3. C++
Overview: C++ is an extension of the C
programming language and is known for its
performance and control over system resources.
It is often used in systems programming, game
development, and applications requiring high
Use Cases: Game development, system software,
embedded systems, performance-critical
User Interface Design
Basics of Designing User-Friendly
User Interface (UI) design focuses on creating
visually appealing and functional interfaces that
provide a smooth user experience. The goal is to
make it easy for users to interact with the
application and achieve their objectives without
frustration. Here are some key principles of userfriendly
UI design:
1. Simplicity: The interface should be
intuitive and straightforward, avoiding
unnecessary elements. A clean design
helps users focus on the main tasks
without distraction.
2. Consistency: Maintaining consistent
visual elements (such as colors, fonts,
and layout) across the application helps
users learn and navigate more easily.
Familiar icons and controls also
contribute to a consistent experience.
3. Visibility and Feedback: Important
information and controls should be easily
visible to users. The interface should
provide feedback to inform users that
their actions have been recognized (e.g.,
confirmation messages, loading
4. Accessibility: Design should consider
diverse user needs, including those with
disabilities. This includes using readable
fonts, high contrast, and providing
alternatives like screen reader support.
5. Navigation: Clear and predictable
navigation helps users move through the
application without confusion. Menus,
links, and buttons should be easy to
locate and understand.
6. Error Prevention and Recovery:
Interfaces should minimize the risk of
errors by providing constraints and clear
instructions. When errors occur, users
Introduction to Computing
should receive helpful messages to
recover from them.
Importance of Usability
Usability is a crucial aspect of user interface
design and directly affects how successfully users
can interact with the application. Key reasons
usability is important include:
1. Improved User Experience: A welldesigned
interface that is easy to use
enhances user satisfaction, making users
more likely to continue using the
2. Efficiency: User-friendly applications
allow users to accomplish tasks quickly
and accurately, improving productivity.
3. Reduced Learning Curve: A simple and
consistent interface helps new users learn
the system faster, minimizing the time
and effort required to become proficient.
4. Fewer Errors: Good UI design helps
prevent user errors, reducing frustration
and improving overall system reliability.
5. Increased Engagement: Applications
that are easy to navigate and visually
appealing are more engaging, leading to
increased usage and retention rates.
Inside Computer and Mobile devices
Components Inside Computers and Mobile
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The CPU, often called the "brain" of the device,
is responsible for executing instructions and
performing calculations. It manages all the
processes needed for running software and
responding to user commands.
In computers, CPUs are typically more powerful,
with multiple cores for handling heavy
In mobile devices, CPUs (often referred to as SoC
- System on Chip) are optimized for power
Memory (RAM)
RAM (Random Access Memory) is the shortterm
memory of the device, used to store data that
the CPU needs quickly. It helps run applications
smoothly by temporarily holding data and
instructions. More RAM allows for better
multitasking and faster performance, particularly
when running multiple applications.
Hard Disk Drives (HDD) or Solid State Drives
(SSD) in computers, and Flash Storage in mobile
devices, are used to store data long-term,
including the operating system, applications, and
user files.
SSDs and flash storage are faster and more
durable than traditional HDDs, making them
suitable for both computers and mobile devices.
The motherboard is a circuit board that connects
all internal components, including the CPU,
memory, and storage. It ensures that these
components communicate with each other
effectively. In mobile devices, this component is
compact and integrated to fit the small form
Power Supply and Battery
In desktop computers, the power supply unit
(PSU) converts electricity from an outlet into
usable power for the internal components.
Laptops and mobile devices use batteries, which
store energy to provide portable power, allowing
the device to be used without being plugged in.
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
The GPU handles rendering images, videos, and
graphics. In computers, it may be integrated into
the CPU or a separate card, especially for gaming
or graphic design.
Mobile devices have integrated GPUs optimized
for power efficiency, enabling smooth visuals and
Cooling System
Computers often include fans or liquid cooling to
dissipate heat generated by the CPU, GPU, and
Introduction to Computing
other components. Mobile devices rely on passive
cooling, as they generate less heat and need to
stay compact.
Network Interface
Network Interface Cards (NICs) in computers
and Wi-Fi modules in mobile devices are used for
network connectivity, enabling devices to
connect to the Internet and other networks.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU), often
referred to as the "brain" of the computer or
mobile device, is responsible for executing
instructions and managing the operations of the
entire system. The CPU processes data by
performing calculations, making logical
decisions, and controlling input/output
operations. Its key functions include:
1. Fetching Instructions: The CPU retrieves
instructions from the computer's memory
to be processed.
2. Decoding Instructions: Once fetched, the
CPU decodes the instructions to
understand the specific tasks required.
3. Executing Instructions: The CPU
performs arithmetic and logical
operations, executes data transfers, and
controls the flow of information based on
the decoded instructions.
4. Storing Results: After executing an
instruction, the CPU stores the results in
memory for further use or output.
The performance of the CPU is crucial to the
overall speed and responsiveness of a device, as
it determines how quickly tasks are completed.
The CPU's performance is influenced by factors
such as clock speed (measured in GHz), number
of cores (enabling multitasking), and cache
memory (allowing for fast access to frequently
used data).
Memory stores data temporarily or permanently,
enabling devices to perform tasks.
1. RAM (Random Access Memory):
Temporary storage used by the CPU to
store data currently being processed. It
allows fast access, enabling smooth
multitasking and quick response times.
2. ROM (Read-Only Memory):
Permanent memory that contains
essential instructions, such as the system
firmware, needed for booting the device.
It cannot be modified during normal
3. Cache Memory: Small, high-speed
memory located close to the CPU, used
to store frequently accessed data,
reducing data retrieval time and speeding
up processing.
Storage Devices store data permanently:
1. Hard Drives (HDDs): Traditional
mechanical storage with spinning disks,
used in computers for large storage
capacity at a lower cost.
2. Solid State Drives (SSDs): Faster, more
durable storage without moving parts,
providing quicker data access and better
performance compared to HDDs.
3. Internal Storage in Mobile Devices:
Flash storage used in smartphones and
tablets, offering fast read/write speeds,
crucial for apps and data on mobile
The motherboard is the main circuit board that
connects and allows communication between all
components of a computer or mobile device. It
houses essential components like the CPU,
RAM, storage interfaces, and expansion slots,
and includes connectors for power, input/output
devices, and peripherals. It acts as the backbone
of the system, ensuring all parts work together
Power Supply and Battery manage device
1. Power Supply Unit (PSU): Converts
electricity from an outlet into usable
power for computer components.
2. Battery: Provides portable power for
laptops and mobile devices, allowing
operation without being plugged in.
Introduction to Computing
Input/Output Ports and Interfaces
Input/Output (I/O) ports and interfaces are
essential components of computers and mobile
devices, allowing them to connect with peripheral
devices for data transfer, charging, and
communication. Here are some key types:
1. USB (Universal Serial Bus):
Role: USB ports allow for the connection of
various peripherals, including keyboards, mice,
printers, and external storage devices. They also
support data transfer and charging.
Types: Includes USB-A, USB-B, USB-C, and
Micro USB, each with different shapes and
capabilities (e.g., USB-C supports faster data
transfer and power delivery).
2. HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia
Role: HDMI ports transmit high-definition audio
and video signals from a computer or mobile
device to displays like monitors, TVs, or
Usage: Commonly used in home entertainment
systems, presentations, and gaming setups for
high-quality media output.
3. Charging Ports:
Role: These ports allow devices to connect to a
power source for charging. They can be dedicated
charging ports or multi-functional ports like
Types: Common charging ports include Micro
USB, Lightning (for Apple devices), and USB-C,
with USB-C becoming increasingly popular due
to its versatility.
4. Audio Jacks:
Role: Standard 3.5mm audio jacks are used to
connect headphones, microphones, and speakers
for audio input and output.
Usage: Essential for listening to music, making
calls, and audio recording.
5. Ethernet Ports:
Role: Ethernet ports allow for wired network
connections, providing stable internet access and
data transfer capabilities.
Usage: Common in desktops and some laptops,
especially in office environments for reliable
network connections.
6. SD Card Slots:
Role: Secure Digital (SD) card slots enable the
expansion of storage by allowing users to insert
removable memory cards.
Usage: Frequently used in cameras, laptops, and
some mobile devices to store photos, videos, and
7. Display Ports (e.g., DisplayPort,
Role: Used to connect external monitors and
projectors, transmitting video and audio signals.
Usage: Essential for multi monitor setups and
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
specializes in rendering graphics by leveraging
parallel processing. Here’s how it works:
1. Parallel Processing: The GPU has many
cores that perform multiple calculations
simultaneously, ideal for handling complex
graphics tasks.
2. Rendering Pipeline: It processes graphics
through stages:
• Vertex Processing: Converts 3D
coordinates to 2D.
• Rasterization: Turns images into pixels.
• Pixel Processing: Applies textures and
effects to pixels.
3. Memory Management: The GPU uses
dedicated memory (VRAM) for quick access
to graphical data.
Introduction to Computing
4. Output: Finally, the GPU sends the rendered
images to the display.
Cooling Systems
Cooling systems are essential for maintaining
optimal temperatures in computers and devices to
prevent overheating. Key components include:
1. Fans: Move air through the system to
dissipate heat generated by components
like the CPU and GPU.
2. Heat Sinks: Metal structures that absorb
and dissipate heat away from critical
components, enhancing cooling
3. Thermal Management: Techniques that
monitor temperatures and control cooling
mechanisms, ensuring stable
performance and prolonging component
Sensors in Mobile Devices
Mobile devices are equipped with various
sensors that enhance functionality and user
experience. Key sensors include:
1. Accelerometers: Measure the device's
acceleration and orientation, enabling
features like screen rotation and step
2. Gyroscopes: Detect rotational motion
and orientation changes, improving
navigation and gaming experiences by
providing precise motion sensing.
3. GPS (Global Positioning System):
Provides location information by
connecting to satellites, enabling
navigation, location tracking, and
location-based services.
Communication Modules in Mobile Devices
Communication modules enable mobile devices
to connect and exchange data wirelessly. Key
modules include:
1. Wi-Fi: Allows devices to connect to
local networks and the Internet,
providing high-speed data transfer over
short distances.
2. Bluetooth: Facilitates short-range
wireless communication between
devices, commonly used for connecting
accessories like headphones and fitness
3. Cellular Modems: Enable mobile
devices to connect to cellular networks
for voice calls and mobile data, allowing
users to access the Internet on the go.
Operating System Integration
Operating systems (OS) manage hardware
interactions in devices, acting as intermediaries
between hardware and software. Here’s how they
1. Device Drivers: The OS uses device
drivers to communicate with hardware
components, translating OS commands
into hardware-specific instructions.
2. Resource Management: The OS
allocates resources (CPU, memory,
storage) to different hardware
components, ensuring efficient operation
and multitasking.
3. User Interface: The OS provides a user
interface to interact with hardware,
allowing users to control and manage
devices through graphical or commandline
Input Devices
Input devices are hardware components that
allow users to provide data and control signals to
a computer system. They enable interaction with
the system, facilitating tasks like data entry,
navigation, and communication.
Types of Input Devices:
Technology Behind Input Devices:
1. Keyboards: Used for typing text and
executing commands.
Introduction to Computing
Mechanical Keyboards: Use physical switches
that register key presses when activated.
Membrane Keyboards: Rely on a pressuresensitive
layer that completes a circuit when a key
is pressed.
2. Mice: Pointing devices that allow users to
navigate and interact with the graphical
Optical Mice: Use an LED light and sensor to
detect movement across surfaces.
Laser Mice: Utilize a laser for more precise
tracking on various surfaces.
3. Scanners: Convert physical documents and
images into digital formats.
Use optical sensors and light to capture images
and convert them into digital formats.
4. Microphones: Capture audio input for voice
commands, communication, or recording.
Convert sound waves into electrical signals using
diaphragm technology.
5. Touchscreens: Enable users to interact
directly with the display through touch
Capacitive TouchscreensDetect touch through
changes in electric fields when a finger makes
Resistive Touchscreens: Respond to pressure
applied to the screen's surface.
6. Game Controllers: Devices for gaming,
providing buttons and joysticks for control.
Use buttons, joysticks, and motion sensors to
send input signals to gaming systems.
7. Digital Cameras: Capture images and
videos, allowing for input of visual data into
the system.
Capture images using sensors that convert light
into digital signals.
Applications of Input Devices
Use Cases in Different Fields:
1. Gaming:
Game controllers and VR gloves provide
immersive experiences and precise control in
video games.
2. Graphic Design:
Tablets and styluses enable artists to create digital
illustrations with precision and sensitivity.
3. Data Entry:
Keyboards and scanners are commonly used in
offices for typing documents and digitizing paper
4. Audio Production:
Microphones are essential for recording vocals,
instruments, and sound effects in music
5. Education:
Interactive whiteboards and touchscreens
facilitate learning and collaboration in
6. Healthcare:
Medical imaging scanners (e.g., MRI, CT)
capture detailed images for diagnosis and
Output Devices
Definition and Function:
Output devices are hardware components that
receive data from a computer and present it to the
user in a readable or perceivable format. They
allow users to view, hear, or physically produce
information generated by the computer system.
Types of Output Devices:
1. Monitors: Display visual output from the
computer, including images, videos, and text.
2. Printers: Produce physical copies of digital
documents and images on paper.
3. Speakers: Output audio signals, allowing
users to hear sound from the computer.
4. Projectors: Display visual content onto large
surfaces for presentations and screenings.
Introduction to Computing
5. Headphones: Provide private audio output
for individual listening.
6. Plotters: Create high-quality graphical
output, often used for technical drawings and
How Output Devices Work
Technology Behind Output Devices:
1. Monitors:
• LCD (Liquid Crystal Display): Use
liquid crystals sandwiched between glass
layers, illuminated by backlighting to
display images.
• LED (Light Emitting Diode): Similar to
LCDs but use LEDs for backlighting,
offering better contrast and energy
2. Printers:
• Inkjet Printers: Spray tiny droplets of
ink onto paper to create images and text.
• Laser Printers: Use laser beams to fuse
toner onto paper, providing faster and
high-quality prints.
3. Speakers:
• Convert electrical signals into sound
through diaphragm vibrations.
4. Projectors:
• Use light sources to project images from
a computer onto a larger screen.
5. Plotters:
• Utilize pens or blades to draw images on
paper or other materials, often for
detailed graphics.
Applications of Output Devices
Use Cases in Various Fields:
1. Multimedia:
• Monitors and speakers are essential for
viewing and listening to movies, music,
and other media.
2. Design:
• Printers and plotters are widely used in
graphic design for producing prototypes,
posters, and technical drawings.
3. Education:
• Projectors and monitors facilitate
teaching by displaying presentations,
videos, and interactive content.
4. Healthcare:
• Printers are used for printing medical
records, while monitors display patient
information and imaging results.
Photomanipulation is the digital alteration of
images to enhance, modify, or create new visuals.
Its purpose spans artistic expression, advertising,
and media representation.
Photomanipulation is widely used in art,
advertising campaigns, and media production to
create compelling visuals that capture attention.
Tools and Software for Photomanipulation
Popular Software:
• Adobe Photoshop: Industry-standard
software for advanced editing.
• GIMP: A free alternative with robust
Tools and Features:
Common tools include brushes, selection tools,
layers, and filters, which facilitate various editing
Basic Techniques
1. Cropping and Resizing: Adjust image
dimensions for better composition.
2. Brightness and Color Adjustments:
Enhance image quality and appeal.
3. Removing Imperfections: Use cloning and
healing tools to fix flaws.
Layering Techniques
Introduction to Computing
1. Understanding Layers: Layers allow for
non-destructive editing and organization of
2. Blending Layers: Techniques for seamless
integration of multiple images.
3. Using Masks: Masks enable selective editing
of specific areas.
Advanced Manipulation Techniques
1. Composite Images: Combine multiple
photos to create a single cohesive image.
2. Special Effects: Add lighting, textures, and
other effects for creativity.
3. Perspective Manipulation: Alter viewpoints
and dimensions for artistic impact.
Text and Graphics Integration
1. Adding Text: Incorporate and edit text for
captions or titles.
2. Graphics Integration: Blend graphics and
illustrations into images for enhanced