Little Fires Everywhere Book Character Chart

| **Character: Mia** | **What does this reveal about the character?** |
| **Things they think:** “Mia never invited outsiders” | Mia didn't want people to enter her apartment because she had a lot of secrets and personal items that she didn't want anyone to see. This reveals her secretive character trait. |
| **Things they say:**  “Was I wanted?” “Wanted where?” With one careful lick of the brush, Mia supplied a Prussian-blue tire in the empty fork of the bike. Here. I mean, did you want me. When I was a baby…Were you wanted?” Mia said. “Oh, yes. You were wanted. Very, very much” | Deeply emotional and sensitiveCares deeply about her daughter Maia is somewhat secretive and not always forthcoming with information |
| **Things they do:** Rents out a property from Mrs.Richardson. Works as a waitress in a Chinese restaurant and also as a housekeeper for the Richardsons in order to support herself and Pearl financially. Takes photographs of people and places without their permission as she wants a real and true perspective on whatever is happening. | Displays that she is a determined woman who is willing to do whatever it takes to support herself and Pearl even if it means working multiple jobs. Mia's hobby and passion for photography show how she wants to capture the truth in a scene rather than staged moments. Her support in Bebe Chow's court case highlights her strong sense of justice for others as she fights for what she believes is right, even if it means going against others.  \n |

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| **Character: Mrs.Richardson** | **What does this reveal about the character?** |
| **Things they think:** “Mrs. Richardson looked at the house as a form of charity. She kept the rent low—real estate in Cleveland was cheap, buy apartments in good neighborhoods like Shaker could be pricey—and she rented only to people she felt were deserving but who had, for one reason or another, not quite gotten a fair shot in life. It pleased her to make up the difference” (Ng 12). | Shows her altruism because she sees renting out her property at a lower rate to those who are deserving but have not gotten a fair chance in life as a form of charity.This is also bad as she believes she is superior to her tenants like Mia and Mr.Yang |
| **Things they say:** “She had learned, with Izzy’s birth, how your life could trundle along on its safe little track and then, with no warning, skid spectacularly off course. Every time Mrs. Richardson looked at Izzy, that feeling of things spiraling out of control coiled around her again, like a muscle she didn’t know how to unclench. Izzy, sit up straight,” she would say at the dinner table, thinking: Scoliosis. Cerebral palsy” | Mrs.Richardson is an overprotective mother towards her daughter Izzy because of her premature birth. |
| **Things they do**: A successful journalist at a local newspaper. Rents out a property to Mia and Pearl. Hires Mia as a housekeeper. Is part of the court case between Bebe Chow and the McCulloughs, siding with the Mcculloughs’. | Reveal that she is wealthy and is kind enough to rent to people who really deserve the space. Also, she provides jobs to people who need to earn money. Elena choosing McCullogh's side shows how supportive she is of her best friend Linda. |

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| **Character: Pearl** | **What does this reveal about the character?** |
| **Things they think:**  Pearl can think and remember “passages after reading them through just once…Moody’s grades came from meticulous studying and plenty of flash cards, but everything seemed to come easily to Pearl: she could glance at a math problem and intuit the answer while Moody dutifully worked line after line of algebra down the page” | This reveals how Pearl is highly intelligent and has the gift of amazing memory. The comparison between Pearl and Moody shows how separated her intelligence is from others. |
| **Things they say:** “It seemed an excellent deal—just a few hours of work per day for the equivalent of their rent—but Pearl was displeased. “Why did she ask you?” she demanded with a groan, and Mia bit her tongue and reminded herself that her daughter was, after all, fifteen. “Because she’s trying to be nice to us,” she retorted, and thankfully, Pearl let the subject drop. But inside she was furious at the thought of Mia invading what she thought of as her space” | Pearl is at a part in her life where she is trying to establish her own independence, become social by being friends with the Richardsons, and she is unhappy with the arrangement of her mother cleaning the Richardson's house because she feels that it is an invasion of their personal space. |
| **Things they do:** Pearl becomes friends with Moody at the beginning of the story but slowly starts having a romantic and sexual relationship with Trip. Pearl becomes interested in learning more about her past and specifically her father. | Pearl is a complex character who is capable of handling a range of emotions and relationships. Pearl's curiosity about her father suggests she values her personal family history and identity. |

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| **Character: Moody** | **What does** **this reveal about the character?** |
| **Things they think:** “This was how Moody made a decision he would question for the rest of his life. Until now he had said nothing about Pearl or her mother to his family, guarding their friendship like a dragon guard's treasure: silently, greedily. Deep down he had the feeling that somehow it would change everything, the way in fairy tales magic was spoiled if you shared the secret” | Moody is a private person as he is hesitant to share certain information with overprotective of his friendship with PearlWorried that revealing this information will somehow spoil the relationship Values his relationships and is careful about who he shares personal details with |
| **Things they say:** “Lexie, I’m taking you out for a fancy brunch this weekend to celebrate,” Mrs. Richardson said at dinner. “After all, it’s not every day you get into Yale. We’ll have some fun girl time.” “What about me?” Moody said. “I just get to stay home and eat cereal?” “She said fun girl time.” Trip laughed, and Moody scowled. “You want in on fun girl time?” | Suggests that Moody may feel left out or excluded from certain situations. Easily takes things personally. |
| **Things they do:** Friends with Pearl and develops a crush on her and is also upset when he learns Pearl is romantically involved with Trip. Interested in Pearl’s background, where she came from, and why she moves so often to understand the privileged lifestyle that many people in Shaker Heights enjoy | A caring person who values his close relationships Reveals that he wants to learn about others’ perspectives that are different from his Humble about his luxurious lifestyle |

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| **Character: Lexie** | **What does this reveal about the character?** |
| **Things they think:** “This wasn’t supposed to happen,” she blurted out. She felt an intense need to explain herself, to make sure Mia did not think ill of her” | Now that Lexie encountered an unplanned situation, specifically an unplanned pregnancy, she doesn't know how to handle herself and starts panicking. This reveals that she is not physiologically strong and gets stressed out easily. |
| **Things they say:** “Listen to this dumbass question,” \[Lexie\] groaned, fishing the application from her bag. “Rewrite a famous story from a different perspective. For example, retell The Wizard of Oz from the point of view of the Wicked Witch.” | Reveals how Lexie does not understand others perspectives as she has lived a perfect luxury life in Shaker Heights. |
| **Things they do:** Asks Pearl to write her Yale essay. Dated Brian. Has a secret abortion without telling anyone but Pearl and Mia. | Cannot understand life from others’ perspectives so she asks Pearl to write her Yale essay for her.Capable of having a serious relationship at such a young teen Can be very secretive when she needs to be |


| **Character: Trip** | **What does this reveal about the character?** |
| **Things they think:** Trip thought of “Izzy as if she were a dog that might go rabid at any minute” | Does not have respect for his sister Izzy Not empathetic or trying to help as an older brother |
| **Things they say:** “Mrs. Richardson said at dinner. “After all, it’s not every day you get into Yale. We’ll have some fun girl time.” “What about me?” Moody said. “I just get to stay home and eat cereal?” “She said fun girl time.” Trip laughed, and Moody scowled. “You want in on fun girl time?” “Now, Moody,” Mrs. Richardson said. “It’s like Trip said. This is just to celebrate Lexie”. | Reveals that Trip is understanding that it is only a celebration for Lexie. Does not take situations personally and jokes about his brother Moody as he takes the situation personally which shows how less he cares about his brothers’ feelings |
| **Things they do:** Plays hockey. Has a sexual relationship with Pearl and keeps it a secret. | Athletic teenager and uses Pearl for sex which is really messed up |


| **Character: Izzy** | **What does this reveal about the character?** |
| **Things they think:** “We, Izzy thought. Her father had become part of this already. She thought of the image the newspaper kept running of Bebe Chow: the sadness in her eyes, the palm-sized photo of baby May Ling in her hand” | This shows how Izzy believed her father was in the wrong for supporting Mirabelle and how her father is making Bebe Chow really sad. Overall, this displays how Izzy opposed her parents. |
| **Things they say:** “Mia had said when Izzy had asked who she was, and if Mia trusted Bebe, Izzy knew where her loyalties lay. “Baby stealer,” she said.” | Reveals how she opposes her parents and supports Mia and Pearl’s perspective |
| **Things they do:** Burns the Richardsons’ house down. Becomes friends with Mia. Opposed her family by burning her hair and runs away from the house at the end of the story. | Reveals how she hates her family and would much rather stay with *the* Warrens |

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| **Character: Mr.Richardson** | **What does this reveal about the character?** |
| **Things they think:** Thinks about his children and supposes his wife Elena is too harsh on Izzy | Cares deeply about his children and that Mr.Richardson wants to be the best father he can possibly be. |
| **Things they say:** “Mr. Richardson announced, “Mark and Linda McCullough called this afternoon to ask if I’d work with their lawyer. Seems he doesn’t have a lot of court experience, and they thought I might be a good backup.” | Mr.Richardson really wants the Mcculloughs the win the court case as they are his wife’s good friends. Shows how he can be helpful by supporting someone with less experience |
| **Things they do:** McColloghs lawyer wins the case for them. His occupation specifically is a defense attorney. | This shows the good lawyer that Mr.Richardson is as he is good at finding evidence and persuasive towards the judge and court case \n |
