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Information systems project notes + Business intelligence

Introduction to the Healthy Living Platform

  • Example of a website created by students focusing on healthy living.

  • Incorporates a social problem component as part of the project.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Students are expected to understand and address problems related to SDGs.

  • Each SDG needs to be defined and linked to relevant information within the project.

  • Some SDGs require solutions that involve data and services.

Project Requirements

  • Define the specific SDG that will be addressed in the project.

  • Explain the brand context around the SDG and the associated problem.

  • Outline the business idea including:

    • The objective of the project.

    • Three categories of products to be offered:

      • Business-to-Business (B2B)

      • Click and Play type or Click and Break type

Importance of Wireframes and Sitemaps

  • Wireframes are crucial for visualizing the website's layout.

    • They indicate where elements like robots, images, and action buttons will be located on the website.

  • A clear wireframe demonstrates the functionality and user interaction on the platform.

Content Management System (CMS) Selection

  • Specific CMS must be chosen to build the website.

  • Only one member from the group should submit the final project to maintain coordination.

    • Poor group coordination can lead to issues like inconsistent section submissions.

  • Identify explicit actions like "subscribe" or "apply" for services, particularly for websites focused on courses.


  • Closing remarks emphasize the need for clear navigation and interactive features in the project.

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