University: Culverhouse College of Business, University of Alabama
Course: MIS 200
Focus: Information Systems, Statistics, and Management Science
Definition: Different hierarchical structures within an organization.
Various types of decisions made at each level: strategic, tactical, operational.
Information Systems (IS): Used at different levels for decision-making (e.g., executive information systems, management information systems).
Role: Add business value through strategic use of information systems.
Porter's Five Competitive Forces:
Framework to analyze a business's competitive environment.
Value Chain Analysis: Identifying key activities within a business that create value.
Technology/Strategy Fit: Importance of aligning technology with business strategy for effective operations.
Overview of typical roles (CEO, CFO, CIO, etc.) and their responsibilities in an organization.
Definition: Framework for generating revenue.
Typical Digital Revenue Models: Subscription, freemium, advertising, etc.
Open Innovation: Collaborating externally to foster innovation within businesses.
Lean Startup Methodology: Approach focusing on building a minimum viable product and iterating based on customer feedback.
Radical Innovation vs. Disruptive Technology: Definitions and distinctions between types of major technological advancements.
Definition: The collection of components that support an information system.
Hardware: Physical devices.
System Software: Software that supports the system’s operations.
Storage & Networking: Data management and communication systems.
Data Centers: Facilities that house IT equipment.
Overview of applications that run on top of an infrastructure and how databases are used for data storage and management.
Types of Networks:
PAN (Personal Area Network), LAN (Local Area Network), WAN (Wide Area Network).
Server & Client Structures: Basics of client-server architecture and peer-to-peer (P2P) systems.
Distinctions between the internet, intranet, and extranet.
Web Concepts: WWW, URL, Domain Names, IP Addresses explained.
Moore’s Law: The observation of doubling transistors on chips, leading to increased performance.
Impact of Big Data: How big data influences infrastructure needs and design.
Cloud Computing:
Considerations for using cloud solutions and their different service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
B2C, C2B, B2B, C2C: Definitions and examples for each type of e-commerce model.
G2C, G2B, G2G: Definitions and examples for each government-related service model.
Disintermediation: The process of removing intermediaries from a supply chain.
Fintech: Overview of financial technology and its impact on services.
B2C Strategies: Understanding Brick & Mortar, Click & Mortar, and Click Only strategies along with pros and cons of each.
Opportunities and Revenue Models: Key factors influencing successful e-tailing practices.
Mobile E-Commerce: Advantages and opportunities presented by mobile platforms.
Legal Issues: Challenges and regulations governing e-commerce practices.
Relational Functions: Understanding functions such as COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, and their usage.
Charts & Graphs: Importance of graphical representation of data for visualization.
XLOOKUP: Functionality for searching and retrieving data from a spreadsheet.
Skill Development: Building blocks of Excel skills; mastery of basic functions is critical for understanding advanced concepts needed for the exam.
ID Requirement: Bring identification to class for exam verification.
Submission Protocol: Ensure submission screen is maintained until reviewed by a TA as students leave.
Process: Show TA both the submission screen and ID before exiting.