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Chapter 17 - The Civil War

Abraham Lincoln

  • 1856 - Joined Republican Party

  • 1858 - Ran against Stephen Douglas

  • Achievements included the Lincoln-Douglas debates + inaugural address + Gettysburg Address during the Civil War

  • After he won the election of 1860, the South seceded

  • Famous for the Emancipation Proclamation

  • Andrew Johnson served as his VP in the Election of 1864

  • Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

Jefferson Davis

  • Famous for his contributions to the Black Hawk War + Mexican War

  • Democrat

  • 1861 - Served as the President of the Confederate States of America

    • Authoritarian

    • Held back by states’ rights

  • Imprisoned from 1865-1867

Fort Sumter

  • South Carolina

  • 1861 - Fired upon by Confederates

  • Lincoln responded militarily, which is believed to have provoked a Confederate attack in response

Border States

  • 1861 - 4 border states stayed, 4 border states seceded

  • Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia

  • If they were allowed not to have slavery, they were convinced not to secede

  • Lincoln used military force + police powers, which was unconstitutional

Robert E. Lee

  • Declined offer to lead Union army

  • 1862 - Became Commander of Confederacy instead

  • 1865 - Surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, ending the Civil War

  • Urged a peaceful end to war

Forts Henry and Donelson

  • Ulysses S. Grant captured both forts

  • Marked a major Union victory

  • Grant kept Kentucky from seceding

Ulysses S. Grant

  • 1863 - Became commander of Union forces

  • Victories at Vicksburg + the freeing of the Mississippi River

  • Called a butcher of his own men

  • Elected president in 1868

    • There were many scandals during his presidency in the Gilded Age

First Battle of Bull Run

  • 1861

  • Because “Stonewall” Jackson refused to retreat, it ended as a Southern victory

  • Caused the first realization that the Civil War would be long and bloody

Trent Affair

  • The Trent was a British ship

  • A conflict that almost resulted in the British allying with the Confederates during the Civil War


  • 1862 - Fought in western Tennessee

  • Resulted in a Union victory

  • Caused the Confederacy to lose Albert Sydney Johnston

  • Almost caused the end to Ulysses Grant’s career

Monitor v. Merrimac

  • 1862

  • The Merrimac, a Confederate ship, was destroying wooden Union ships

  • Ended in a draw

  • The Merrimac avoided capture


  • Was a successful Confederate raider

  • Was a source of diplomatic crisis between the UK + US

Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson

  • A brilliant Confederate commander

  • Led victories in the Shenandoah Valley + Chancellorsville

  • His death in 1863 hurt the Confederacy


  • 1862

  • The bloodiest one-day battle in US history

  • Robert E. Lee’s retreat was good news for the Union

  • Sparked the Emancipation Proclamation

  • Stopped foreign support of Confederacy

Emancipation Proclamation

  • 1863

  • Put forward a moral justification for the Civil War

  • Recruitment of Black soldiers

  • All Southern states that had been conquered by the Union were forced to follow it


  • 1862

  • Setback for Union

  • Severe Union casualties


  • 1863

  • Large + crucial battle

  • Unsuccessful Confederate attacks (ex. Pickett’s Charge)

  • Doomed the Confederacy for the rest of the war

Siege of Vicksburg

  • 1863

  • General Grant’s siege resulted in the Confederate’s hold on the Mississippi River falling

  • Demoralized the South

  • Geographically split the Confederacy

Sherman’s March to the Sea

  • 1864

  • Marched from Atlanta to Savannah

  • “Total war” - Making war on civilians’ property (like destroying fields, killing animals, etc.)

  • Further demoralized South

Election of 1864

  • 1864

  • Reelected Lincoln

  • Andrew Johnson served as Lincoln’s VP

  • Defeated Copperheads


  • Northern Democrats opposed to Civil War

  • 1863 - Openly attacked Lincoln + his war policies

  • 1864 - Supported George McClellan in election

Appomattox Courthouse

  • 1865 - General Lee surrendered to General Grant

  • Lee urged his men to surrender + return to a normal, peaceful life after the end of the war


  • 1862 - Conscription began for Confederacy

  • 1863 - Conscription began for Union

  • Needed troops

  • New York Draft Riots

    • Irish immigrants lynched + destroyed the property of African Americans

    • Put down by troops


  • 1861

  • Paper currency printed during the Civil War

  • Because it wasn’t backed by precious metals, a high amount of inflation resulted


  • Civil War - Opposing interpretations of fed. gov’t

  • Total warfare - Civil populations + resources attacked + destroyed

  • Abraham Lincoln’s skillful management → Role model + legacy

  • End of Civil War → More powerful + authoritative fed. gov’t

  • Consequences - Changing race relationships + economic transformations

Chapter 17 - The Civil War

Abraham Lincoln

  • 1856 - Joined Republican Party

  • 1858 - Ran against Stephen Douglas

  • Achievements included the Lincoln-Douglas debates + inaugural address + Gettysburg Address during the Civil War

  • After he won the election of 1860, the South seceded

  • Famous for the Emancipation Proclamation

  • Andrew Johnson served as his VP in the Election of 1864

  • Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

Jefferson Davis

  • Famous for his contributions to the Black Hawk War + Mexican War

  • Democrat

  • 1861 - Served as the President of the Confederate States of America

    • Authoritarian

    • Held back by states’ rights

  • Imprisoned from 1865-1867

Fort Sumter

  • South Carolina

  • 1861 - Fired upon by Confederates

  • Lincoln responded militarily, which is believed to have provoked a Confederate attack in response

Border States

  • 1861 - 4 border states stayed, 4 border states seceded

  • Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia

  • If they were allowed not to have slavery, they were convinced not to secede

  • Lincoln used military force + police powers, which was unconstitutional

Robert E. Lee

  • Declined offer to lead Union army

  • 1862 - Became Commander of Confederacy instead

  • 1865 - Surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, ending the Civil War

  • Urged a peaceful end to war

Forts Henry and Donelson

  • Ulysses S. Grant captured both forts

  • Marked a major Union victory

  • Grant kept Kentucky from seceding

Ulysses S. Grant

  • 1863 - Became commander of Union forces

  • Victories at Vicksburg + the freeing of the Mississippi River

  • Called a butcher of his own men

  • Elected president in 1868

    • There were many scandals during his presidency in the Gilded Age

First Battle of Bull Run

  • 1861

  • Because “Stonewall” Jackson refused to retreat, it ended as a Southern victory

  • Caused the first realization that the Civil War would be long and bloody

Trent Affair

  • The Trent was a British ship

  • A conflict that almost resulted in the British allying with the Confederates during the Civil War


  • 1862 - Fought in western Tennessee

  • Resulted in a Union victory

  • Caused the Confederacy to lose Albert Sydney Johnston

  • Almost caused the end to Ulysses Grant’s career

Monitor v. Merrimac

  • 1862

  • The Merrimac, a Confederate ship, was destroying wooden Union ships

  • Ended in a draw

  • The Merrimac avoided capture


  • Was a successful Confederate raider

  • Was a source of diplomatic crisis between the UK + US

Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson

  • A brilliant Confederate commander

  • Led victories in the Shenandoah Valley + Chancellorsville

  • His death in 1863 hurt the Confederacy


  • 1862

  • The bloodiest one-day battle in US history

  • Robert E. Lee’s retreat was good news for the Union

  • Sparked the Emancipation Proclamation

  • Stopped foreign support of Confederacy

Emancipation Proclamation

  • 1863

  • Put forward a moral justification for the Civil War

  • Recruitment of Black soldiers

  • All Southern states that had been conquered by the Union were forced to follow it


  • 1862

  • Setback for Union

  • Severe Union casualties


  • 1863

  • Large + crucial battle

  • Unsuccessful Confederate attacks (ex. Pickett’s Charge)

  • Doomed the Confederacy for the rest of the war

Siege of Vicksburg

  • 1863

  • General Grant’s siege resulted in the Confederate’s hold on the Mississippi River falling

  • Demoralized the South

  • Geographically split the Confederacy

Sherman’s March to the Sea

  • 1864

  • Marched from Atlanta to Savannah

  • “Total war” - Making war on civilians’ property (like destroying fields, killing animals, etc.)

  • Further demoralized South

Election of 1864

  • 1864

  • Reelected Lincoln

  • Andrew Johnson served as Lincoln’s VP

  • Defeated Copperheads


  • Northern Democrats opposed to Civil War

  • 1863 - Openly attacked Lincoln + his war policies

  • 1864 - Supported George McClellan in election

Appomattox Courthouse

  • 1865 - General Lee surrendered to General Grant

  • Lee urged his men to surrender + return to a normal, peaceful life after the end of the war


  • 1862 - Conscription began for Confederacy

  • 1863 - Conscription began for Union

  • Needed troops

  • New York Draft Riots

    • Irish immigrants lynched + destroyed the property of African Americans

    • Put down by troops


  • 1861

  • Paper currency printed during the Civil War

  • Because it wasn’t backed by precious metals, a high amount of inflation resulted


  • Civil War - Opposing interpretations of fed. gov’t

  • Total warfare - Civil populations + resources attacked + destroyed

  • Abraham Lincoln’s skillful management → Role model + legacy

  • End of Civil War → More powerful + authoritative fed. gov’t

  • Consequences - Changing race relationships + economic transformations
