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SPH3U - Unit 4 - Waves and Sound

Vibrations and Waves

  • Vibration - The cyclical motion of an object about an equilibrium point

  • Mechanical Wave - The transfer of energy through a material due to vibration

    • Medium - The material that permits the transmission of energy through vibrations

    • The nature of the medium dictates the actual speed (particle spacing, forces between particles)

  • Waves - Disturbances that carry energy and cause particles to vibrate

    • The particle will eventually return to its original position

Waves Properties

  • Waves can be transverse or longitudinal

    • Transverse Wave - A wave in which particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the flow of energy

      • ex. light, electromagnetic waves

    • Longitudinal Wave - A wave in which particles vibrate parallel to the direction of the flow of energy

      • ex. sound

      • Can’t travel through liquids

      • Compression - The region in a longitudinal wave in which the medium’s particles are closer together

      • Rarefaction - The region in a longitudinal wave in which the medium’s particles are farther apart

  • Amplitude - The maximum height of the wave from equilibrium position

  • Wavelength - The distance between a point on one wave and the same point of the next wave

    • Represented by λ

  • Period - The time for a vibrating particle to complete one cycle

    • Represented by T

  • Frequency - The number of complete cycles that occur in a unit of time

    • Measured in hertz, or Hz (one cycle per second)

    • Represented by f

    • f = 1/T

  • Phase - The x-coordinate of a unique point of the wave in a continuous wave

    • The relative displacement of two waves at the same time

    • In Phase - The state of two identical waves that have the same phase shift

    • Out of Phase - The state of two identical waves that have different phase shifts

Wave Speed

  • Wave Speed - The rate at which a wave in travelling through a medium; also a measure of how fast the energy in the wave is moving

    • Represented by v, and measured in distance/time

    • v = λf

  • Factors affecting wave speed

    • v = √(Tension/Linear Density)

    • Temperature - Increase in temperature causes an increase in motion and a faster wave

    • Density - Decrease in density increases wave speed, as they are easier to move

    • Tension - Increase in tension causes an increase in speed, as it transmits energy faster

    • Linear Density - The mass per unit distance of string

      • The mass divided by length

      • An increase in linear density will decrease the speed

Sound Waves

  • Human hearing ranges from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz

    • Sound waves with a frequency higher than 20,000 Hz are ultrasonic

    • Sound waves with a frequency lower than 20 Hz are infrasonic

  • The speed of sound in air is 330m/s

    • Contingent on altitude (sea level) and temperature (20 degrees)

    • To calculate varying temperatures:

      • 331.4 + 0.606T, where T is temperature

  • Mach Number - The ratio of the airspeed of an object to the local speed of sound

    • Mach = (speed of object)/(local speed of sound)

  • Sound Intensity - The amount of sound energy being transferred per unit area

    • Related to the air pressure

    • Pressure = Force/Area

      • Measured in N/m², or Pascals (Pa)

    • Loudness is also related to the amount of energy carried by the wave

      • Loudness is measured in Watts/m² or on the logarithmic decibel (dB) scale


  • Interference - The process of generating a new wave when two or more waves meet

    • When waves interact

    • Interference doesn’t affect the properties of the waves

  • Superposition - At any point the amplitude of two interfering waves is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves

    • Constructive Interference - The process of forming a wave with a larger amplitude when two or more waves combine

    • Destructive Interference - The process of forming a wave with a smaller amplitude when two or more waves combine

    • The waves must be in phase

Waves at Media Boundaries

  • In a free-end, the waves are reflected in phase

  • In a fixed end, the waves are reflected out of phase

  • At boundaries that are neither fixed nor free ends:

    • When moving from a slower medium to a faster medium, the transmitted and reflected wave will be in phase

    • When moving from a faster medium to a slower medium, the transmitted wave will be in-phase, and the reflected wave will be inverted

Standing Waves

  • Standing Wave - A wave created by interference of waves that have the same amplitude and wavelength that appears to be stationary

    • The wave from the source interacts with the wave from the boundary

    • A pattern of nodes (no vibrations) and antinodes (maximum vibrations) form

  • Fundamental Frequency - The lowest frequency that can produce a standing wave in a given medium

  • Harmonics - Whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency

  • If both ends are fixed, the ends act as nodes, and there will always be one less antinode than nodes

    • For the first harmonic, there are two nodes and one single wave

    • This occurs at the natural frequency, or f0

    • L = (nλ)/2

  • If one end is fixed, the end is a node

    • This takes place in an air column

    • The first harmonic is a quarter of the wavelength, and every harmonic after is an additional half

    • L = [(2n-1)/4](λ)


  • Beat - Periodic change in sound intensity caused by the interference between two nearly identical sound waves

    • This creates a tone whose volume changes

  • The frequency at which the volume changes is equal to fb = f1 - f2

  • As the frequency difference increases, the beat frequency increases


  • Damping - A reduction in the amplitude of a wave as a result of energy absorption or destructive interference

  • Resonant Frequency - The frequency at which a medium vibrates most easily

    • If a wave is constant at the resonant frequency, it will reach the maximum amplitude

  • Resonance - The condition in which the frequency of a wave equals the resonant frequency of the wave’s medium

Doppler Effect

  • Doppler Effect - When a source of waves approaches an observer, the observed frequency of the waves increases; when the source moves away from an observer, the observed frequency of the wave decreases

    • In sound - moving towards is a higher pitch, and moving away is a lower pitch

    • In light - moving towards is blue/violet, and moving away is red

  • λ decreases as it moves closer

    • f2 = (f1vs)/(vs - v0)

  • λ increases as it moves away

    • f2 = (f1vs)/(vs + v0)

  • In equations:

    • f1 - frequency of source

    • f2 - frequency detected

    • vs - speed of sound

    • v0 - speed of object

  • The effect is also observed when the source of the waves is stationary and the observer is moving


SPH3U - Unit 4 - Waves and Sound

Vibrations and Waves

  • Vibration - The cyclical motion of an object about an equilibrium point

  • Mechanical Wave - The transfer of energy through a material due to vibration

    • Medium - The material that permits the transmission of energy through vibrations

    • The nature of the medium dictates the actual speed (particle spacing, forces between particles)

  • Waves - Disturbances that carry energy and cause particles to vibrate

    • The particle will eventually return to its original position

Waves Properties

  • Waves can be transverse or longitudinal

    • Transverse Wave - A wave in which particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the flow of energy

      • ex. light, electromagnetic waves

    • Longitudinal Wave - A wave in which particles vibrate parallel to the direction of the flow of energy

      • ex. sound

      • Can’t travel through liquids

      • Compression - The region in a longitudinal wave in which the medium’s particles are closer together

      • Rarefaction - The region in a longitudinal wave in which the medium’s particles are farther apart

  • Amplitude - The maximum height of the wave from equilibrium position

  • Wavelength - The distance between a point on one wave and the same point of the next wave

    • Represented by λ

  • Period - The time for a vibrating particle to complete one cycle

    • Represented by T

  • Frequency - The number of complete cycles that occur in a unit of time

    • Measured in hertz, or Hz (one cycle per second)

    • Represented by f

    • f = 1/T

  • Phase - The x-coordinate of a unique point of the wave in a continuous wave

    • The relative displacement of two waves at the same time

    • In Phase - The state of two identical waves that have the same phase shift

    • Out of Phase - The state of two identical waves that have different phase shifts

Wave Speed

  • Wave Speed - The rate at which a wave in travelling through a medium; also a measure of how fast the energy in the wave is moving

    • Represented by v, and measured in distance/time

    • v = λf

  • Factors affecting wave speed

    • v = √(Tension/Linear Density)

    • Temperature - Increase in temperature causes an increase in motion and a faster wave

    • Density - Decrease in density increases wave speed, as they are easier to move

    • Tension - Increase in tension causes an increase in speed, as it transmits energy faster

    • Linear Density - The mass per unit distance of string

      • The mass divided by length

      • An increase in linear density will decrease the speed

Sound Waves

  • Human hearing ranges from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz

    • Sound waves with a frequency higher than 20,000 Hz are ultrasonic

    • Sound waves with a frequency lower than 20 Hz are infrasonic

  • The speed of sound in air is 330m/s

    • Contingent on altitude (sea level) and temperature (20 degrees)

    • To calculate varying temperatures:

      • 331.4 + 0.606T, where T is temperature

  • Mach Number - The ratio of the airspeed of an object to the local speed of sound

    • Mach = (speed of object)/(local speed of sound)

  • Sound Intensity - The amount of sound energy being transferred per unit area

    • Related to the air pressure

    • Pressure = Force/Area

      • Measured in N/m², or Pascals (Pa)

    • Loudness is also related to the amount of energy carried by the wave

      • Loudness is measured in Watts/m² or on the logarithmic decibel (dB) scale


  • Interference - The process of generating a new wave when two or more waves meet

    • When waves interact

    • Interference doesn’t affect the properties of the waves

  • Superposition - At any point the amplitude of two interfering waves is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves

    • Constructive Interference - The process of forming a wave with a larger amplitude when two or more waves combine

    • Destructive Interference - The process of forming a wave with a smaller amplitude when two or more waves combine

    • The waves must be in phase

Waves at Media Boundaries

  • In a free-end, the waves are reflected in phase

  • In a fixed end, the waves are reflected out of phase

  • At boundaries that are neither fixed nor free ends:

    • When moving from a slower medium to a faster medium, the transmitted and reflected wave will be in phase

    • When moving from a faster medium to a slower medium, the transmitted wave will be in-phase, and the reflected wave will be inverted

Standing Waves

  • Standing Wave - A wave created by interference of waves that have the same amplitude and wavelength that appears to be stationary

    • The wave from the source interacts with the wave from the boundary

    • A pattern of nodes (no vibrations) and antinodes (maximum vibrations) form

  • Fundamental Frequency - The lowest frequency that can produce a standing wave in a given medium

  • Harmonics - Whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency

  • If both ends are fixed, the ends act as nodes, and there will always be one less antinode than nodes

    • For the first harmonic, there are two nodes and one single wave

    • This occurs at the natural frequency, or f0

    • L = (nλ)/2

  • If one end is fixed, the end is a node

    • This takes place in an air column

    • The first harmonic is a quarter of the wavelength, and every harmonic after is an additional half

    • L = [(2n-1)/4](λ)


  • Beat - Periodic change in sound intensity caused by the interference between two nearly identical sound waves

    • This creates a tone whose volume changes

  • The frequency at which the volume changes is equal to fb = f1 - f2

  • As the frequency difference increases, the beat frequency increases


  • Damping - A reduction in the amplitude of a wave as a result of energy absorption or destructive interference

  • Resonant Frequency - The frequency at which a medium vibrates most easily

    • If a wave is constant at the resonant frequency, it will reach the maximum amplitude

  • Resonance - The condition in which the frequency of a wave equals the resonant frequency of the wave’s medium

Doppler Effect

  • Doppler Effect - When a source of waves approaches an observer, the observed frequency of the waves increases; when the source moves away from an observer, the observed frequency of the wave decreases

    • In sound - moving towards is a higher pitch, and moving away is a lower pitch

    • In light - moving towards is blue/violet, and moving away is red

  • λ decreases as it moves closer

    • f2 = (f1vs)/(vs - v0)

  • λ increases as it moves away

    • f2 = (f1vs)/(vs + v0)

  • In equations:

    • f1 - frequency of source

    • f2 - frequency detected

    • vs - speed of sound

    • v0 - speed of object

  • The effect is also observed when the source of the waves is stationary and the observer is moving