APUSH - Period 5 part 1 IDs

  1. Manifest Destiny

  2. Americans in Mexican Texas (empresarios)

  3. Issue of slavery in Mexican Texas

  4. Sam Houston

  5. Santa Anna

  6. Battle of the Alamo

  7. San Jacinto

  8. Californios

  9. Tejanos

  10. Independent Republic of Texas 

  11. Tyler’s failed Texas annexation 

  12. Oregon Fever

  13. Liberty Party

  14. John Tyler

  15. Webster-Ashburton treaty 

  16. Election of 1844 

  17. “54 40 or fight” 

  18. Oregon Treaty (1846)

  19. Annexation of Texas 

  20. Mexican-American War

  21. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

  22. Wilmot Proviso

  23. Election of 1848

  24. Barnburners

  25. Free Soil Party

  26. popular sovereignty

  27. Compromise of 1850

  28. Slave Conspiracy

  29. John Sutter

  30. California Gold Rush

  31. Effect of Gold Rush on Chinese immigrants

  32. Commodore Matthew Perry

  33. 1852 election

  34. Fireaters

  35. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  36. Stephen Douglas

  37. Kansas-Nebraska Act

  38. Rise of the Know-Nothing/American Party

  39. Rise of the Republican Party

  40. Election of 1856

  41. Caning of Sumner

  42. Pottawatomie Creek Massacre

  43. Gadsden Purchase

  44. Collapse of the Second party system

  45. Ostend Manifesto

  46. Bleeding Kansas

  47. Dred Scott decision

  48. Chief Justice Roger Taney

  49. Lecompton Constitution and James Buchanan

  50. John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry

  51. Lincoln’s view on slavery in mid 1850’s

  52. Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln debates in 1858
