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  • 20th Century

  • Were 6 great powers (Empires) with colonies around the world & controlled parts of Europe

  • Austria, Hungary

  • Strong Military

  • France

  • Large Army

  • Hates Germany

  • Germany

  • Economic

  • Military strength

  • Great Britain

  • Greatest financial resources

  • Powerful Navy

  • Italy

  • Many Allies

  • Switched Sides in 1915

  • Russia 

  • Largest Army

  • Poorly trained

  • Poorly equipped

  • World War 1 had technological changes: tanks, submarines, airplanes

  • Great Britain & Germany were in an arms race: which colony is bigger.

Causes (M.A.I.N.):

  • Militarism:

  • World powers believed that strong armies were essential in deciding world issues

  • Guaranteed peace through preparing for war

  • Strong Nation = No Enemy Attack 

  •  Created Arms Race

  • All major countries began to build up large militaries

  • Point where they all feared each other

  • Alliances:

  • Formed when two or more countries join together against a common threat

  • Triple Entente:

  • Russia

  • Britain

  • France 

  • Triple Alliance: 

  • Germany

  • Austria Hungary

  • Italy 

  • Alliances were based on economic ties, culture, language, religion

  • Imperialism:

  • Forceful expansions of nation's authority through territorial conquest

  • Creates political & economic domination 

  • Industrialization led to ideas of having new colonies & building empires

  • Competitions of raw materials

  • Competitions of gaining power 

  • Nationalism:

  • Feeling loyal to people & land

  • Shared history 

  • Common destiny 

  •  People took action to promote well being of lands 

  • Prepared to go to war

  •  Defend their honour

Serbia & Bosnia:

  • Cause: 

  • Bosnia has been annexed by Austria

  • Many Serbians still lived in Bosnia 

  • Hated the Austrian rule

  • Bosnian Serbs wanted to free Bosnia

  • To unite with Serbia 

  • Consequence:

  • Created terrorist group

  • The Balck Hand


  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand 

  • Heir to the Austrian Hungarian throne was assassinated in Sarajevo

  • By a Serbian Nationalsist Gavrilo Princip 

  •  From the Black Hand (Terrorist Organization)

  •  June 28, 1914


  • Was used as an excuse for Austria 

  • To attack Serbia

  • Gave them 48 hours to:

  • Put down hatred of Austra

  • Punish Assassins

  • Help defeat the Black Hand

  • Or would declare War

  • Serbia Refused 

Blank Cheque:

  • Germany gave Austria a “Blank Cheque”

  • Stating they would help Austria at any time 

  • Cheque was cashed 

  • To deal with Bosnia & Serbia



  • 20th Century

  • Were 6 great powers (Empires) with colonies around the world & controlled parts of Europe

  • Austria, Hungary

  • Strong Military

  • France

  • Large Army

  • Hates Germany

  • Germany

  • Economic

  • Military strength

  • Great Britain

  • Greatest financial resources

  • Powerful Navy

  • Italy

  • Many Allies

  • Switched Sides in 1915

  • Russia 

  • Largest Army

  • Poorly trained

  • Poorly equipped

  • World War 1 had technological changes: tanks, submarines, airplanes

  • Great Britain & Germany were in an arms race: which colony is bigger.

Causes (M.A.I.N.):

  • Militarism:

  • World powers believed that strong armies were essential in deciding world issues

  • Guaranteed peace through preparing for war

  • Strong Nation = No Enemy Attack 

  •  Created Arms Race

  • All major countries began to build up large militaries

  • Point where they all feared each other

  • Alliances:

  • Formed when two or more countries join together against a common threat

  • Triple Entente:

  • Russia

  • Britain

  • France 

  • Triple Alliance: 

  • Germany

  • Austria Hungary

  • Italy 

  • Alliances were based on economic ties, culture, language, religion

  • Imperialism:

  • Forceful expansions of nation's authority through territorial conquest

  • Creates political & economic domination 

  • Industrialization led to ideas of having new colonies & building empires

  • Competitions of raw materials

  • Competitions of gaining power 

  • Nationalism:

  • Feeling loyal to people & land

  • Shared history 

  • Common destiny 

  •  People took action to promote well being of lands 

  • Prepared to go to war

  •  Defend their honour

Serbia & Bosnia:

  • Cause: 

  • Bosnia has been annexed by Austria

  • Many Serbians still lived in Bosnia 

  • Hated the Austrian rule

  • Bosnian Serbs wanted to free Bosnia

  • To unite with Serbia 

  • Consequence:

  • Created terrorist group

  • The Balck Hand


  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand 

  • Heir to the Austrian Hungarian throne was assassinated in Sarajevo

  • By a Serbian Nationalsist Gavrilo Princip 

  •  From the Black Hand (Terrorist Organization)

  •  June 28, 1914


  • Was used as an excuse for Austria 

  • To attack Serbia

  • Gave them 48 hours to:

  • Put down hatred of Austra

  • Punish Assassins

  • Help defeat the Black Hand

  • Or would declare War

  • Serbia Refused 

Blank Cheque:

  • Germany gave Austria a “Blank Cheque”

  • Stating they would help Austria at any time 

  • Cheque was cashed 

  • To deal with Bosnia & Serbia