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History Final


northern opportunists who came to the south after the war for financial gain


southerners who cooperated with federal officials or the union

ku klux klan

founded in pulaski,tennessee in 1866--to intimidate and harass blacks in the south

thirteenth amenment

permanently ended slavery in the US

fourteenth amendment

defined citizenship and guaranteed the rights of the freedmen

fifteenth amendment

gave all men in the united states the right to vote

force acts

troops were sent into the south to end violence and intimidation if black voter

mississippi plan

scheme adopted to suppress the black vote in the election of 1876

reconstruction acts

divided the south into five military districts and implemented martial law

goals of radical reconstruction

-concern for newly freed slaves
-political motivations

freedman's bureau

-helped established schools for newly freed slaves
-provided food/shelter
-negotiated contracts between freedmen/employees
-provided transportation to freedmen trying to reconnect with family members across the south
-assisted black soldiers/sailors to receive back pay,bonus payments and pension

black codes

Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves


-binding contracts to work on plantations

-licenses to work in non-agricultural jobs

-vagrancy laws

-not allowed to ride trains

waving the bloody shirt

republican strategy to rally voters to their cause following the civil war

plessy vs fergusun

-separate but equal" doctrine

jim crow laws

segregated public places
-water fountains
-train stations


given a piece of land to work on by farmer
1/3-1/2 of crop paid in rent

tenant farmer

paid rent to farmers in cash(instead of crops)

lincoln's reconstruction plan

wanted rapid reintegration of the south

wade davis bill

it required 51% if white voters to take loyalty oath in order for a state to be readmitted to the union--didn't pass

compromise of 1877

compromise that allowed hayes to become president but he must pull the troops from the south
-->reconstruction officially ends
-->a.k.a the "crime if 77" because it was an illegal way to become president
-->blacks received more rules to follow and laws that prohibited their rights(jim crow)


one business has complete control of a product or service


money paid to a political machines for favors


workers got paid a fixed amount for each finished product


employees work long hours at low wages in poor conditions


low cost buildings to house as many families as possible --little space,communal bathrooms, poor ventilation


urban neighborhood dominated by an ethnic/racial group

pendleton service act

applicants for government jobs have to prove ability to do the job (take a test)

jacob riis

how the other half lives--picture book showing lives of poor people

jane addams

hull house in chicago

social gospel movement

sought to apply the teachings of jesus directly to society

chinese exclusion act of 1882

under pressure from labor unions, congress prohibited chinese immigration (until 1943)

gentlemen's agreement

no segregation, but japan stop giving laborers passports

arriving from east

went through new york--ellis island

arriving from west

went through san francisco--angel island

1st wave of immigration

irish~late 1840s


old immigrants

2nd wave of immigration


3rd wave of immigration

eastern and southern europe~1880s-1920s

new forms of transportation


new forms of technology


gospel of wealth

carnegie--had so much money you have to help the poor

andrew carnegie


john d. rockefeller

standard oil

cornelius vanderbilt


j.p morgan


captains of industry

-contributions to the economy
-legacy/business empire still exist

robber barons

-cut wages then increased hours
-bad environments for work
-economy power
-to much influence in government


aimed to give farmers a voice in politics (rural)

"the grange"

the patrons of husbandry-they pressured state legislatures to regulate railroads

wabash v. illinois

states did not have the right to regulate railroads because they were interstate transportation
-->only congress

direct primary

voters could choose candidates


voters could propose laws themselves


voters could create new laws by voting


voters could vote a politician out of office

sherman antitrust act

limited abilities to form monopolies

17th amendment

direct election of senators

18th amendment

prohibited production, sale and transportation of alcohol (repealed 1932)

19th amendment

gave women the right to vote (ratified in 1920)

impacts the triangle shirtwaist fire had on societal reforms

led to the implementation of fire codes-doors open outwards-fire alarms-ventilation-lighting-sanitation

upton sinclair

exposed meat packing in chicago--"the jungle"


investigative journalist of the gilded age

mountain men

men who made the trip to st.louis for fur trade/hunting

gains from the treaty of fort laramie 1851

Native Americans: protected them from US citizens, paid an annual annuity (goods) to the native americans if they remained peaceful United States:government may establish posts and roads, travelers/surveyors and construction men to enter safely, cease fighting with other tribes

native american tribes agree to in treaty of ft. loramie

sioux, cheyenne and arapaho agree to move onto "great sioux reservation" in south dakota, government will provide food and clothing (it doesn't), any native americans who leave the reservation to go hunting and considered hostile

battle of greasy grass in 1876

custer's last stand(he was killed) he and 215 men wiped out by 1,500-2,000 warriors


apache war chief that surrendered in 1886

conflict with geronimo ultimately brought to a negotiated ending

geronimo agrees to surrender apaches sent to prison at st.augustine, florida geronimo dies at ft. sill oklahoma 1905

ghost dance

this ceremony contributed to the massacre at wounded knee--would make wearers of ghost shirt bulletproof

wounded knee

battle--mostly by friendly fire


when you try to make one ethnic group blend into the more dominant one--make native americans more american

assimilation act

dawes act 1887 and the native american children were sent to "indian schools"

dawes act of 1887

split up reservations into individual family plots of land

"scramble for africa" and berlin conference (1885)

US not invited US~investments~sugar 1895~major revolt~guerilla warfare-concentration camps 1896~president mckinley

great sioux reservation

the sioux,cheyenne, and arapaho agreed to move on it in the treaty of ft. loramie and in return the government will provide food and clothing (it doesn't), any native americans who leave the reservation to go hunting and considered hostile


return democratic control to the south

issues that result in the outbreak of the spanish-american war

1.) Yellow journalism- "click bait", exaggeration
2.) Delôme letter- "mckinley weak"
3.) USS maine- blows up

territories the US gained from spain in the treaty of paris (1898)

1.) philippians-$20 million
2.) guam
3.) puerto Rico

treaty of versailles 1919

-treaty negotiations dominated by the "big four"(britian,france, italy,u.s)
-germany and austria-hungary not invited

trench warfare

a warfare technique used during world war 1
*they made and got in trenches

new warfare technologies(ww1)

-gas masks

choctaw code talkers

navajo tribe

carthaginian peace

-john maynard keynes
-harsh conditions imposed on germany

roaring twenties

americans eager to return to peacetime

president calvin coolidge

-"silent cal"
-hands off approach
-pro business with few regulations


young independent women embracing their individual freedom---cosmetics, smoking, shorter skirts, bobbed hair---sexual independence


-roots in west african culture
-grew in new orleans
-migrated up the mississippi river
-improvisation(call and response)

harlem renaissance

growth in clubs and rock n roll
-rise of black artists

herbert hoover

believed in rugged individualism
believed private entities should provide relief

"rugged individualism"

believed in private entities should provide relief

reconstruction finance corporation

make loans to businesses

"bonus army"

congress enacts a $1000 bonus for world war 1 veterans to be paid in 1945

president franklin d. roosevelt

-contracted polio
*manipulation of the media to conceal illness-wins election of 1932 in a landslide (only loses 6 states)

100 days

roosevelt assembles a team of brilliant advisors(brain trust)
march 9-june 16,1933
*one bill after another
*emergency banking relief act
*federal review of bank soundness and stability

"fireside chats"

radio broadcasts to boost public confidence

democratic "new deal" coalition of voters (election of 1936)

-african americans
-southern democrats
-ethnic minorities
-industrial workers

alphabet agencies

-agricultural adjustment act
-the civilian conservation corps
-public works administration

court packing scheme

-bill to increase the number of justices
*any member who reached 70 & had not retired within 6 months the president could appoint a new justice
(both democrats & republicans opposed)


migrants from oklahoma


"false flag" operation
--"attack" on german radio station

"rape of nanking", december 1937

city is sacked after japanese capture
-300,000 chinese citizens killed
-thousands of women raped under orders
**US responds by imposing trade


lightning war-combination and coordination of tanks, motorized units, aircraft


"living space"

japan's key targets

-US pacific fleet: pearl harbor, hawaii-cripple US navy for 1-2 years

japanese grand strategy

hit american, british, and sutch bases all over the pacific on the the same day--december 6/7, 1941

battle of midway

the turning point of the war in the pacific

black hills

sacred ground to the sioux people


june 6, 1944-the invasion of europe


the first test of the atomic bomb in new mexico

operation downfall

the planned invasion of japan scheduled for november 1945 that never happened

vichy france

the french that cooperated with the naxis during world war 2


giving someone something in return for them promising not to do a certain thing again in the future

the "problem" of the sudetenland

appeasement: the munich agreement, 1938--agreement between germany, fran, britain, italy

US land-lease act (1941)

"cash and carry"-the amount totalled: $48,601,365,000

big three

roosevelt, churchill, and stalin


requiring civilians to cut back on food, fuel, or other war supplies to supply the military

dwight eisenhower

supreme allied commander for d-day

selective service act

the US draft law

executive order 9906

nisei put in internment as a result

red tails

nickname for the african american pilots that flew in the european theater

rosie the riveter

the symbol of us women working in the factories during world war 2

double v campaign

fighting fascism abroad and racism at home

Manhattan Project

the american program to build the atomic bomb


the second city to be attacked with an atomic weapon


the japanese suicide pilots that attacked allied ships

nuremberg laws, 1935

-limited jews from german citizenship (can't vote)-jews and non-jews can't marry-jewish doctors/professors/lawyers fired-no property rights


first concentration camp


nazi guards
-take charge of concentration camps in 1934
*"death head" unit were guards with skull and crossbone insignia

wannsee conference

agreed upon goals for the "final solution" and "jewish problem"
*meeting of ss,justice, transport,interior,state ministries


mobile killing squads of SS used during the invasion of the soviet union


the first nazi death camp


the largest nazi death camp

t-4 program

-surveys distributed to german phycisians
-70,000+ patients collected and killed
-families notified~fake cause of death(urn returned)
*wouldn't make the "perfect" nazi

mukden incident

-"false flag" operation-japanese railroad attacked

ideological basis of the holocaust

-germany biologically was destined to expand eastward-german women encouraged to bear as many "pure" aryan children as possible-racially inferior people had to be eliminated

hitler's undesirable groups

Homosexuals, Gypsies, Roma,Jehovah's Witnesses, Ministers preaching opposition

project mercury

get a man into space and orbit the earth

nuremberg trials

nazi leaders taken to court

nuremberg defense

"i was only following orders"
--ruled invalid

berlin blockade

soviets were blocking things from getting into berlin

berlin airlift

-soviets cut off highway access to west berlin from west germany
-allies fly supplies into west berlin for the next year
*truman order b-29 bombers to britain
*soviets relent and call off blockade

korean war

-north korean communist forces invade south korea
-united nations authorizes a "police action" to defend south korea
-US forms core of 8th army in south korea
*communist china enters from the other side of north korea(early 1951)
-war ends in a stalemate in 1953 with the country divided at demilitarized zone(dmz)


an international organization created for purposes of collective security

warsaw pact

treaty signed that formed with the eastern european countries

project gemini

to perform experiments in earth orbit to prepare for future moon missions-used a larger atlan rocket to boost into space-used a crew of two astronauts-would perform the first "space walks"

apollo program

to put a man on the moon-the saturn v rocket (3 man crew)

alan shepard (US)

"freedom 7"may 5,1961*first american astronaut in space

john glen (US)

"friendship 7"february 20, 1962*orbited the earth four times

sputnik-1 (ussr)

"fellow traveler"october 4,1957*first satellite in orbit

explorer 1 (US)

january 1,1988first US satellite in space

space shuttle program

1976-2011space shuttle enterprise (september 17,1976)*space shuttle columbia (april 1981)


-january 28, 1986booster rocket "O rings" crack in freezing weatherexplosion kills entire crew

named STS vehicles

columbiachallenger-endeavor-atlantis-discovery~international space station launched november 20,1988~


-shuttle was damaged to heating tiles on launch-burned up on reentry (crew lost)

james meredith

-september 1962-black student at university of mississippi-president kennedy ordered federal marshals to escort james meredith

malcom x

-difficult family life growing up-arrested for petty theft-while in jail converted to the nation of islamstrict rules of behavior, no drugs or alcohol and demanded a seperation of the racesled by the prophet elijah muhammad-he became the nation of islam's most prominent ministerhe broke away to form his own factionthree members of nation of islam were later convicted of assassinating malcolm-after his pilgrimage to mecca malcolm was more willing to consider limited acceptance of whites

mlk's final days

-disagreed with the call for "black power"-went to memphis,tn to support sanitation workers on strike"i have been to the mountain top"-assassinated by james earl ray~april 4,1968riots break out in a hundred cities

freedom riders, 1961

-attempted to desegregate interstate busses-they were attacked and beaten upon arrival in montgomery,al

freedom summer

college students from the north came to the south to register black voters-->murder of schwerner, chaney, goodman


refusing to rent or sell a house to anyone,anywhere based upon their race

the civil rights act of 1964

-signed into law by president lyndon johnson-prohibited discrimination in all parts of public life accommodations transportation education housing *jobs-federal government given authority to prosecute those who violated people's civil rights-outlawed discrimination in employment-established the equal employment opportunity commision(eeoc)

voting rights act 1965

-prohibited discrimination at voting polls-established bilingual ballots in areas with large amount of non-english speaking minorities-outlawed literacy test for voters-gave federal government power to oversee all elections

brown vs. board 1954

-NAACP challenged to the "separate but equal" ruling-the supreme court agreed with NAACP argument that segregated public education violates the constitution*desegregate "with all deliberate speed"--> opposition to the ruling declared that all the south would not integrate~white citizens council


southern christian leadership conference that MLK established

little rock nine, 1957

-governor orville faubus, arizona*used national guard to block black students from registering

lunch counter sit-ins, 1960

-began in greensboro,nc-they spread throughout the U.S*people were harassed, attacked, and assaulted

black panthers

-symbol of young militant blacks-protected urban neighborhoods from police abuse*patrolled armed with guns-->led to stricter gun laws in california-created anti poverty programs-->provided lunch programs for children-carmichael was "honorary prime minister"

civil disobedience

breaking the law or causing a disturbance in order to get attention for your cause boycotts hunger strikes *petitions march and demonstrations strikes~must be public and can't retaliate

american indian movement

led by russell means*a group wanting civil rights for american indians

occupation of wounded knee

-pine ridge reservation*significance~armed standoff

vietnam war



supporters of hu chi min

north vietnam

hu chi min

south vietnam

ngo din dien

president eisenhower

-nationalized the guard-orders 1,000 us troops to enforce law

kent state

4 students killed protesting the US invading cambodia

jackson state

2 students killed protesting the US invading cambodia

rolling thunder

air campaign

january 31,1968--tet(chinese new year)

-viet cong forces break truce-massive wave of attacks all over south vietnam

woodstock,ny 1969

400,000 attended(concert)

timothy leary

lsd/"acid" advocate

watergate hotel

hotel that was broken into to get information to help nixon win election

psychedelic rock

drug intended to get you high


young people who rebelled against the mainstream culture

h.r halderman

he was Richard Nixon's White House Chief of Staff

mark felt

gave information to the washington post on the watergate break-in

john ehrlichman

worked alongside h.r halderman in white house for nixon

john dean

White House attorney that led the Watergate cover-up

james mccord

He led the operation to break into the Watergate Hotel

archibald cox

The Special Prosecutor investigating the Watergate affair

saturday night massacre

The Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General were fired by Nixon

gerald ford

He became President of the United States when Nixon resigned

mayaguez incident

A U.S. rescue attempt failed to rescue an American ship seized by Cambodia

ford's pardon of nixon

-ford issues unconditional pardon to nixon
*"...for any crimes committed or that may have been committed while president..."
**universally unpopular--public wanted nixon tried in court

betty ford

She helped bring attention breast cancer screening

ronald reagan

The "Great Communicator",president,former governor of california,former actor


-200th anniversary of the declaration of independence
*massive celebrations across the nation
(parades,fireworks, band concerts,tall ship parades)

jimmy carter

Former Peanut farmer who became president in 1976

camp david accords

Peace agreement between Egypt and Israel


the "king" of iran

love canal

-near niagara falls,ny
-800 families evacuated
-town was built upon a toxic waste dump
-led to the identification of other toxic waste dangers across the country

new executive departments

-department of education
-department of energy

Ayatollah Khomeini

Muslim leader who led iranian revolution

three mile island accident

Partial nuclear meltdown occurred scaring the nation

salt 2--strategic arms limitation talks 2

treaty between soviet union and united states to reduce nuclear warheads signed by carter


Nation invaded by the Soviet Union causing the U.S. olympic boycott


A popular music genre of the late 1970s

operation eagle claw

Failed to rescue the American hostages in Iran

roller rinks

a popular place for entertainment during the 70s

studio 54

famous disco nightclub in the 70sG

american car industry (1970s)

big and inefficient

japanese car industry

compact cars


Popular form of transportation for children and teens in the 1970s

oliver north

he took the blame for the iran-contra affair
*bought/sold weapons he should not have

iran-contra affair

congress forbids sale of weapons to anti-communist rebels in nicaragua("contras")


Caused a drug epidemic in the inner cities of the United States

vietnam memorial

a wall with fallen soldiers names on it
*mixed emotions from america


illness that seemed to break out among the gay community in san francisco


young urban professionals

Mikhail Gorbachev

Leader of the Soviet Union who relaxed communism in the 1980s

twa flight 847

hijackers took over an american plane and reagan negotiated for the hostages back
--suppose to be no negotiation policy

tiananmen square

Massacre of protesting Chinese students in 1989


"trickle down" theory


it "shrunk" the world
-it is available to anyone,anywhere, anytime

invasion of kuwait 1990

iraq invaded kuwait

saddam hussein

set fire to a lot of oil wells (apart of iraqi resistance)
--little and disorganized

1st gulf war

described as a "big hit"
-didn't hurt anyone except the bad guys

oklahoma city bombing

the federal building was in the center of an explosion

monica lewinsky scandal

*combined ideas of celebrity and constitutional government
**expansion of gossip and gossip into news

the concepts of celebrity being democratic/religious

-people who accomplished nothing get celebrated
-they are loved and worshipped (like god)

o.j simpson trial

like the lindbergh trail(1930s) because those are the only ones that could compete for national attention

andy warhol

he made instant icons (turned them into art)
--:"everyone will be famous for 15 min"

july 4,1876

100 years after signing declaration of independenec

november 11,1918

End of ww1

october 27,1929

stock market crash

september 1,1939

germany invades poland

december 7,1941

attack on pearl harbor

june 6,1944


History Final


northern opportunists who came to the south after the war for financial gain


southerners who cooperated with federal officials or the union

ku klux klan

founded in pulaski,tennessee in 1866--to intimidate and harass blacks in the south

thirteenth amenment

permanently ended slavery in the US

fourteenth amendment

defined citizenship and guaranteed the rights of the freedmen

fifteenth amendment

gave all men in the united states the right to vote

force acts

troops were sent into the south to end violence and intimidation if black voter

mississippi plan

scheme adopted to suppress the black vote in the election of 1876

reconstruction acts

divided the south into five military districts and implemented martial law

goals of radical reconstruction

-concern for newly freed slaves
-political motivations

freedman's bureau

-helped established schools for newly freed slaves
-provided food/shelter
-negotiated contracts between freedmen/employees
-provided transportation to freedmen trying to reconnect with family members across the south
-assisted black soldiers/sailors to receive back pay,bonus payments and pension

black codes

Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves


-binding contracts to work on plantations

-licenses to work in non-agricultural jobs

-vagrancy laws

-not allowed to ride trains

waving the bloody shirt

republican strategy to rally voters to their cause following the civil war

plessy vs fergusun

-separate but equal" doctrine

jim crow laws

segregated public places
-water fountains
-train stations


given a piece of land to work on by farmer
1/3-1/2 of crop paid in rent

tenant farmer

paid rent to farmers in cash(instead of crops)

lincoln's reconstruction plan

wanted rapid reintegration of the south

wade davis bill

it required 51% if white voters to take loyalty oath in order for a state to be readmitted to the union--didn't pass

compromise of 1877

compromise that allowed hayes to become president but he must pull the troops from the south
-->reconstruction officially ends
-->a.k.a the "crime if 77" because it was an illegal way to become president
-->blacks received more rules to follow and laws that prohibited their rights(jim crow)


one business has complete control of a product or service


money paid to a political machines for favors


workers got paid a fixed amount for each finished product


employees work long hours at low wages in poor conditions


low cost buildings to house as many families as possible --little space,communal bathrooms, poor ventilation


urban neighborhood dominated by an ethnic/racial group

pendleton service act

applicants for government jobs have to prove ability to do the job (take a test)

jacob riis

how the other half lives--picture book showing lives of poor people

jane addams

hull house in chicago

social gospel movement

sought to apply the teachings of jesus directly to society

chinese exclusion act of 1882

under pressure from labor unions, congress prohibited chinese immigration (until 1943)

gentlemen's agreement

no segregation, but japan stop giving laborers passports

arriving from east

went through new york--ellis island

arriving from west

went through san francisco--angel island

1st wave of immigration

irish~late 1840s


old immigrants

2nd wave of immigration


3rd wave of immigration

eastern and southern europe~1880s-1920s

new forms of transportation


new forms of technology


gospel of wealth

carnegie--had so much money you have to help the poor

andrew carnegie


john d. rockefeller

standard oil

cornelius vanderbilt


j.p morgan


captains of industry

-contributions to the economy
-legacy/business empire still exist

robber barons

-cut wages then increased hours
-bad environments for work
-economy power
-to much influence in government


aimed to give farmers a voice in politics (rural)

"the grange"

the patrons of husbandry-they pressured state legislatures to regulate railroads

wabash v. illinois

states did not have the right to regulate railroads because they were interstate transportation
-->only congress

direct primary

voters could choose candidates


voters could propose laws themselves


voters could create new laws by voting


voters could vote a politician out of office

sherman antitrust act

limited abilities to form monopolies

17th amendment

direct election of senators

18th amendment

prohibited production, sale and transportation of alcohol (repealed 1932)

19th amendment

gave women the right to vote (ratified in 1920)

impacts the triangle shirtwaist fire had on societal reforms

led to the implementation of fire codes-doors open outwards-fire alarms-ventilation-lighting-sanitation

upton sinclair

exposed meat packing in chicago--"the jungle"


investigative journalist of the gilded age

mountain men

men who made the trip to st.louis for fur trade/hunting

gains from the treaty of fort laramie 1851

Native Americans: protected them from US citizens, paid an annual annuity (goods) to the native americans if they remained peaceful United States:government may establish posts and roads, travelers/surveyors and construction men to enter safely, cease fighting with other tribes

native american tribes agree to in treaty of ft. loramie

sioux, cheyenne and arapaho agree to move onto "great sioux reservation" in south dakota, government will provide food and clothing (it doesn't), any native americans who leave the reservation to go hunting and considered hostile

battle of greasy grass in 1876

custer's last stand(he was killed) he and 215 men wiped out by 1,500-2,000 warriors


apache war chief that surrendered in 1886

conflict with geronimo ultimately brought to a negotiated ending

geronimo agrees to surrender apaches sent to prison at st.augustine, florida geronimo dies at ft. sill oklahoma 1905

ghost dance

this ceremony contributed to the massacre at wounded knee--would make wearers of ghost shirt bulletproof

wounded knee

battle--mostly by friendly fire


when you try to make one ethnic group blend into the more dominant one--make native americans more american

assimilation act

dawes act 1887 and the native american children were sent to "indian schools"

dawes act of 1887

split up reservations into individual family plots of land

"scramble for africa" and berlin conference (1885)

US not invited US~investments~sugar 1895~major revolt~guerilla warfare-concentration camps 1896~president mckinley

great sioux reservation

the sioux,cheyenne, and arapaho agreed to move on it in the treaty of ft. loramie and in return the government will provide food and clothing (it doesn't), any native americans who leave the reservation to go hunting and considered hostile


return democratic control to the south

issues that result in the outbreak of the spanish-american war

1.) Yellow journalism- "click bait", exaggeration
2.) Delôme letter- "mckinley weak"
3.) USS maine- blows up

territories the US gained from spain in the treaty of paris (1898)

1.) philippians-$20 million
2.) guam
3.) puerto Rico

treaty of versailles 1919

-treaty negotiations dominated by the "big four"(britian,france, italy,u.s)
-germany and austria-hungary not invited

trench warfare

a warfare technique used during world war 1
*they made and got in trenches

new warfare technologies(ww1)

-gas masks

choctaw code talkers

navajo tribe

carthaginian peace

-john maynard keynes
-harsh conditions imposed on germany

roaring twenties

americans eager to return to peacetime

president calvin coolidge

-"silent cal"
-hands off approach
-pro business with few regulations


young independent women embracing their individual freedom---cosmetics, smoking, shorter skirts, bobbed hair---sexual independence


-roots in west african culture
-grew in new orleans
-migrated up the mississippi river
-improvisation(call and response)

harlem renaissance

growth in clubs and rock n roll
-rise of black artists

herbert hoover

believed in rugged individualism
believed private entities should provide relief

"rugged individualism"

believed in private entities should provide relief

reconstruction finance corporation

make loans to businesses

"bonus army"

congress enacts a $1000 bonus for world war 1 veterans to be paid in 1945

president franklin d. roosevelt

-contracted polio
*manipulation of the media to conceal illness-wins election of 1932 in a landslide (only loses 6 states)

100 days

roosevelt assembles a team of brilliant advisors(brain trust)
march 9-june 16,1933
*one bill after another
*emergency banking relief act
*federal review of bank soundness and stability

"fireside chats"

radio broadcasts to boost public confidence

democratic "new deal" coalition of voters (election of 1936)

-african americans
-southern democrats
-ethnic minorities
-industrial workers

alphabet agencies

-agricultural adjustment act
-the civilian conservation corps
-public works administration

court packing scheme

-bill to increase the number of justices
*any member who reached 70 & had not retired within 6 months the president could appoint a new justice
(both democrats & republicans opposed)


migrants from oklahoma


"false flag" operation
--"attack" on german radio station

"rape of nanking", december 1937

city is sacked after japanese capture
-300,000 chinese citizens killed
-thousands of women raped under orders
**US responds by imposing trade


lightning war-combination and coordination of tanks, motorized units, aircraft


"living space"

japan's key targets

-US pacific fleet: pearl harbor, hawaii-cripple US navy for 1-2 years

japanese grand strategy

hit american, british, and sutch bases all over the pacific on the the same day--december 6/7, 1941

battle of midway

the turning point of the war in the pacific

black hills

sacred ground to the sioux people


june 6, 1944-the invasion of europe


the first test of the atomic bomb in new mexico

operation downfall

the planned invasion of japan scheduled for november 1945 that never happened

vichy france

the french that cooperated with the naxis during world war 2


giving someone something in return for them promising not to do a certain thing again in the future

the "problem" of the sudetenland

appeasement: the munich agreement, 1938--agreement between germany, fran, britain, italy

US land-lease act (1941)

"cash and carry"-the amount totalled: $48,601,365,000

big three

roosevelt, churchill, and stalin


requiring civilians to cut back on food, fuel, or other war supplies to supply the military

dwight eisenhower

supreme allied commander for d-day

selective service act

the US draft law

executive order 9906

nisei put in internment as a result

red tails

nickname for the african american pilots that flew in the european theater

rosie the riveter

the symbol of us women working in the factories during world war 2

double v campaign

fighting fascism abroad and racism at home

Manhattan Project

the american program to build the atomic bomb


the second city to be attacked with an atomic weapon


the japanese suicide pilots that attacked allied ships

nuremberg laws, 1935

-limited jews from german citizenship (can't vote)-jews and non-jews can't marry-jewish doctors/professors/lawyers fired-no property rights


first concentration camp


nazi guards
-take charge of concentration camps in 1934
*"death head" unit were guards with skull and crossbone insignia

wannsee conference

agreed upon goals for the "final solution" and "jewish problem"
*meeting of ss,justice, transport,interior,state ministries


mobile killing squads of SS used during the invasion of the soviet union


the first nazi death camp


the largest nazi death camp

t-4 program

-surveys distributed to german phycisians
-70,000+ patients collected and killed
-families notified~fake cause of death(urn returned)
*wouldn't make the "perfect" nazi

mukden incident

-"false flag" operation-japanese railroad attacked

ideological basis of the holocaust

-germany biologically was destined to expand eastward-german women encouraged to bear as many "pure" aryan children as possible-racially inferior people had to be eliminated

hitler's undesirable groups

Homosexuals, Gypsies, Roma,Jehovah's Witnesses, Ministers preaching opposition

project mercury

get a man into space and orbit the earth

nuremberg trials

nazi leaders taken to court

nuremberg defense

"i was only following orders"
--ruled invalid

berlin blockade

soviets were blocking things from getting into berlin

berlin airlift

-soviets cut off highway access to west berlin from west germany
-allies fly supplies into west berlin for the next year
*truman order b-29 bombers to britain
*soviets relent and call off blockade

korean war

-north korean communist forces invade south korea
-united nations authorizes a "police action" to defend south korea
-US forms core of 8th army in south korea
*communist china enters from the other side of north korea(early 1951)
-war ends in a stalemate in 1953 with the country divided at demilitarized zone(dmz)


an international organization created for purposes of collective security

warsaw pact

treaty signed that formed with the eastern european countries

project gemini

to perform experiments in earth orbit to prepare for future moon missions-used a larger atlan rocket to boost into space-used a crew of two astronauts-would perform the first "space walks"

apollo program

to put a man on the moon-the saturn v rocket (3 man crew)

alan shepard (US)

"freedom 7"may 5,1961*first american astronaut in space

john glen (US)

"friendship 7"february 20, 1962*orbited the earth four times

sputnik-1 (ussr)

"fellow traveler"october 4,1957*first satellite in orbit

explorer 1 (US)

january 1,1988first US satellite in space

space shuttle program

1976-2011space shuttle enterprise (september 17,1976)*space shuttle columbia (april 1981)


-january 28, 1986booster rocket "O rings" crack in freezing weatherexplosion kills entire crew

named STS vehicles

columbiachallenger-endeavor-atlantis-discovery~international space station launched november 20,1988~


-shuttle was damaged to heating tiles on launch-burned up on reentry (crew lost)

james meredith

-september 1962-black student at university of mississippi-president kennedy ordered federal marshals to escort james meredith

malcom x

-difficult family life growing up-arrested for petty theft-while in jail converted to the nation of islamstrict rules of behavior, no drugs or alcohol and demanded a seperation of the racesled by the prophet elijah muhammad-he became the nation of islam's most prominent ministerhe broke away to form his own factionthree members of nation of islam were later convicted of assassinating malcolm-after his pilgrimage to mecca malcolm was more willing to consider limited acceptance of whites

mlk's final days

-disagreed with the call for "black power"-went to memphis,tn to support sanitation workers on strike"i have been to the mountain top"-assassinated by james earl ray~april 4,1968riots break out in a hundred cities

freedom riders, 1961

-attempted to desegregate interstate busses-they were attacked and beaten upon arrival in montgomery,al

freedom summer

college students from the north came to the south to register black voters-->murder of schwerner, chaney, goodman


refusing to rent or sell a house to anyone,anywhere based upon their race

the civil rights act of 1964

-signed into law by president lyndon johnson-prohibited discrimination in all parts of public life accommodations transportation education housing *jobs-federal government given authority to prosecute those who violated people's civil rights-outlawed discrimination in employment-established the equal employment opportunity commision(eeoc)

voting rights act 1965

-prohibited discrimination at voting polls-established bilingual ballots in areas with large amount of non-english speaking minorities-outlawed literacy test for voters-gave federal government power to oversee all elections

brown vs. board 1954

-NAACP challenged to the "separate but equal" ruling-the supreme court agreed with NAACP argument that segregated public education violates the constitution*desegregate "with all deliberate speed"--> opposition to the ruling declared that all the south would not integrate~white citizens council


southern christian leadership conference that MLK established

little rock nine, 1957

-governor orville faubus, arizona*used national guard to block black students from registering

lunch counter sit-ins, 1960

-began in greensboro,nc-they spread throughout the U.S*people were harassed, attacked, and assaulted

black panthers

-symbol of young militant blacks-protected urban neighborhoods from police abuse*patrolled armed with guns-->led to stricter gun laws in california-created anti poverty programs-->provided lunch programs for children-carmichael was "honorary prime minister"

civil disobedience

breaking the law or causing a disturbance in order to get attention for your cause boycotts hunger strikes *petitions march and demonstrations strikes~must be public and can't retaliate

american indian movement

led by russell means*a group wanting civil rights for american indians

occupation of wounded knee

-pine ridge reservation*significance~armed standoff

vietnam war



supporters of hu chi min

north vietnam

hu chi min

south vietnam

ngo din dien

president eisenhower

-nationalized the guard-orders 1,000 us troops to enforce law

kent state

4 students killed protesting the US invading cambodia

jackson state

2 students killed protesting the US invading cambodia

rolling thunder

air campaign

january 31,1968--tet(chinese new year)

-viet cong forces break truce-massive wave of attacks all over south vietnam

woodstock,ny 1969

400,000 attended(concert)

timothy leary

lsd/"acid" advocate

watergate hotel

hotel that was broken into to get information to help nixon win election

psychedelic rock

drug intended to get you high


young people who rebelled against the mainstream culture

h.r halderman

he was Richard Nixon's White House Chief of Staff

mark felt

gave information to the washington post on the watergate break-in

john ehrlichman

worked alongside h.r halderman in white house for nixon

john dean

White House attorney that led the Watergate cover-up

james mccord

He led the operation to break into the Watergate Hotel

archibald cox

The Special Prosecutor investigating the Watergate affair

saturday night massacre

The Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General were fired by Nixon

gerald ford

He became President of the United States when Nixon resigned

mayaguez incident

A U.S. rescue attempt failed to rescue an American ship seized by Cambodia

ford's pardon of nixon

-ford issues unconditional pardon to nixon
*"...for any crimes committed or that may have been committed while president..."
**universally unpopular--public wanted nixon tried in court

betty ford

She helped bring attention breast cancer screening

ronald reagan

The "Great Communicator",president,former governor of california,former actor


-200th anniversary of the declaration of independence
*massive celebrations across the nation
(parades,fireworks, band concerts,tall ship parades)

jimmy carter

Former Peanut farmer who became president in 1976

camp david accords

Peace agreement between Egypt and Israel


the "king" of iran

love canal

-near niagara falls,ny
-800 families evacuated
-town was built upon a toxic waste dump
-led to the identification of other toxic waste dangers across the country

new executive departments

-department of education
-department of energy

Ayatollah Khomeini

Muslim leader who led iranian revolution

three mile island accident

Partial nuclear meltdown occurred scaring the nation

salt 2--strategic arms limitation talks 2

treaty between soviet union and united states to reduce nuclear warheads signed by carter


Nation invaded by the Soviet Union causing the U.S. olympic boycott


A popular music genre of the late 1970s

operation eagle claw

Failed to rescue the American hostages in Iran

roller rinks

a popular place for entertainment during the 70s

studio 54

famous disco nightclub in the 70sG

american car industry (1970s)

big and inefficient

japanese car industry

compact cars


Popular form of transportation for children and teens in the 1970s

oliver north

he took the blame for the iran-contra affair
*bought/sold weapons he should not have

iran-contra affair

congress forbids sale of weapons to anti-communist rebels in nicaragua("contras")


Caused a drug epidemic in the inner cities of the United States

vietnam memorial

a wall with fallen soldiers names on it
*mixed emotions from america


illness that seemed to break out among the gay community in san francisco


young urban professionals

Mikhail Gorbachev

Leader of the Soviet Union who relaxed communism in the 1980s

twa flight 847

hijackers took over an american plane and reagan negotiated for the hostages back
--suppose to be no negotiation policy

tiananmen square

Massacre of protesting Chinese students in 1989


"trickle down" theory


it "shrunk" the world
-it is available to anyone,anywhere, anytime

invasion of kuwait 1990

iraq invaded kuwait

saddam hussein

set fire to a lot of oil wells (apart of iraqi resistance)
--little and disorganized

1st gulf war

described as a "big hit"
-didn't hurt anyone except the bad guys

oklahoma city bombing

the federal building was in the center of an explosion

monica lewinsky scandal

*combined ideas of celebrity and constitutional government
**expansion of gossip and gossip into news

the concepts of celebrity being democratic/religious

-people who accomplished nothing get celebrated
-they are loved and worshipped (like god)

o.j simpson trial

like the lindbergh trail(1930s) because those are the only ones that could compete for national attention

andy warhol

he made instant icons (turned them into art)
--:"everyone will be famous for 15 min"

july 4,1876

100 years after signing declaration of independenec

november 11,1918

End of ww1

october 27,1929

stock market crash

september 1,1939

germany invades poland

december 7,1941

attack on pearl harbor

june 6,1944
