Economic prosperity, environmental protection, social justice
Comes from the triple bottom line
Framing the environment as important economically is motivating for many.
A foundation cannot stand without all 3 aspects.
Nested dependencies model
Economy embedded in society which is embedded in the environment
We need to shift priorities to thinking about the environment more to be more prosperous in the long term.
3 pillars model shows economy/society/environment separately while this model demonstrates that the environment is required for a thriving society and economy
2 pillars model
Deep ecology platform
An approach to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies
Whales: efficient wind turbines
Dolphins: underwater signals
Termite mounds: air cooling system of buildings
Prairies: resilient agricultural system
Mosquito: syringe needles
Living buildings:
Aim to be self-sustaining in energy, water, and waste use.
For certification: Net zero energy and water input/output for one year when fully occupied
Strive to collect, recycle, and reuse wastewater on-site