Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo shenanigans
The Renaissance, Reformation and Scientific Revolution
Renaissance Beginnings:
Began in Italy, because of:
Nostalgia for Ancient Rome
The new availability of Ancient Greek and Roman writings (aided by fall of Constantinople)
Italian Merchants had money because of the increased of trade from the Crusades
Florence, Italy!!!
Medici Family:
Rich banking family in Florence.
Cosimo de’ Medici gained control of the city-state government and the Medici family controlled it for years.
Patrons- Financial supporters of the arts
An intellectual movement during th Renaissance
Focused on worldly subjects rather than on religious issues.
Life can be better in the here and now.
A recognition of the abilities that man possess and cultivation of those abilities. (Individualism)
A love of classic literature.
Renaissance Art:
Considered the height of renaissance were the paintings, sculptures and architecture of the time.
Rejection of the Gothic style as cluttered and disorganized.
Adopted the columns, arches, and domes of the Greeks and Romans.
Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)
Commissioned by the Medici’s to create a church in Florence (Il Duomo Cathedral)
Studied the Parthenon in Rome and used a ribbed design to internally support the dome of the cathedral
Donatello (1386-1466):
Known for his use of 3 dimensions and realism in his sculptures
Bronze Sculpture of David
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)
Only 17 paintings
Mona Lisa
Last Supper
Madonna of the Rocks
Drawings of unfinished works
Used science to support art
Code and Read R-L with a mirror
Raphael (1843-1520)
Studied the works of Michelangelo and Da Vinci.
Chosen as an Architect for St. Peter’s Basilica.
Works include paintings of the Madonna and The School of Athens which included himself, Michelangelo with Socrates and Plato
Renaissance Literature:
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)
The Prince
Less concerned about high ideals.
Written from a secular standpoint.
How to get power and hold on to that power.
Appearances are sometimes more important than actuality.
“Machiavellian Politics”
Erasmus (1466-1536)
Dutch Humanist
Attacked corruption in the church using satire. (The Praise of Folly)
Pushed for translations of the Bible into everyday vernacular.
Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
English Humanist
An ideal society where everyone’s needs are met.
Elimination of private property.
Everyone works, is equal, and educated.
Justice is used to end crime.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
The most famous writer of this time period.
37 Plays
Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, McBeth
Midsummer Nights Dream, Twelfth Night
Julius Caesar, Richard III
Added 1000’s of words to the English language.
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)
Don Quixote
A foolish but idealistic knight.
Mocked the romantic notions of chivalry.
Scientific Revolution:
Johann Gutenberg
Printing Press originated in China
Perfected by Gutenberg
Replaced wood with metal for letters
Moveable type