Introduction to collaborative activity focusing on various body systems.
Rachel, Tatum, and Jay
Heart: central organ of the circulatory system.
Blood Vessels: arteries, veins, and capillaries that transport blood.
Blood Components: cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets) and plasma.
Angi/o - vessel
Arteri/o - artery
Phleb/o - vein
Cardi/o - heart
Ather/o - fatty plaque
Brady - slow
Tachy - fast
Thromb/o - clotting
Vascul/o - blood vessel
Vaso - vessels
Hemo - blood
-emia: condition of blood
-gram: record
-itis: inflammation
-plasty: surgical repair
-rrhagia: excess blood flow
-sclerosis: abnormal hardening
-stasis: control
-graphy: to record or take a picture
BP or B/P - blood pressure
CBC - complete blood count
Cath - catheter
DVT - deep vein thrombosis
CVA - cerebrovascular accident
ECG or EKG - electrocardiogram
AFib - Atrial fibrillation
CAD - coronary artery disease
CHF - congestive heart failure
HTN - hypertension
MI - Myocardial infarction
PT - physical therapy
PVC - premature ventricular contractions
JVD - jugular vein distention
TIA - transient ischemic attack
Q: The patient is experiencing heart pain. What test would you perform?
Samuel and Jared
Lungs: primary organ for gas exchange.
Respiration: process of breathing.
Ventilation: movement of air in and out of the lungs.
Diffusion: exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the alveolar level.
bronch/o - bronchi
nas/o - nose
or/o - mouth
ox/o - oxygen
pharyng/o - pharynx
pleur/o - pleura (membranes surrounding lungs)
pneumon/o - air/lung
pulmon/o - lung
rhin/o - nose
thorac/o - chest/chest cavity
Tachy - fast
Brady - slow
-centesis: surgical puncture to remove fluid
-ectomy: surgical removal
-logist: specialist in study of
-penia: deficiency
-spasm: constriction
-itis: inflammation
COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ETT - Endotracheal tube
RR - respiratory rate
O2 sat - oxygen saturation
ABG - arterial blood gas
ARI - acute respiratory infection
SOB - shortness of breath
PE - pulmonary embolism
CF - cystic fibrosis
CHF - congestive heart failure
PFT - pulmonary function test
RDS - respiratory distress syndrome
TB - tuberculosis
Q: What is a hemopneumothorax?
Options:a. Too long of a wordb. Condition where blood and air are in the pleural spacec. Blood inside of the lungsd. A condition of a blood clot in a pulmonary artery
Hannah and Josh
Esophagus: tube connecting the mouth to the stomach.
Stomach: organ for digestion.
Intestines: involved in absorption, digestion, and metabolism.
cholecyst/o - gallbladder
col/o - colon
enter/o - intestine
gastro/o - stomach
lapar/o - wall of the abdomen
Chole - bile/gall
-lysis: breakdown
-tomy: cut/incision
-penia: decrease/deficiency
-oma: tumor
-emesis: vomiting
-itis: inflammation
-ectomy: surgical removal
BM - bowel movement
Abd - abdominal
GB - gallbladder
GERD - gastroesophageal reflux disease
NPO - nothing by mouth
N/V - nausea/vomiting
GI - gastrointestinal
PEG - percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PUD - peptic ulcer disease
SBO - small bowel obstruction
TPN - total parenteral nutrition
UGI - upper gastrointestinal
Q: If a patient is having GB surgery for cholecystitis and the surgeon orders no food by mouth after 9 PM, what surgery/condition is that and how would that protocol be abbreviated?
Jenna and McKenna
Neuron: nerve cell.
Synapse: gap between neurons for signal transmission.
CNS: central nervous system.
PNS: peripheral nervous system.
Neur/o - nerve
Cerebr/o - cerebrum (largest part of the brain)
Encephal/o - brain (in/within the head)
Myel/o - spinal cord
Electro/o - electricity
Dys - abnormal, bad, difficult, painful
Psycho - mind
-algia - pain
-gram - record
-pathy - disease condition
-phasia - speech or language condition
-ia - condition, disease
-oma - tumor
-plasty - surgical repair or reconstruction
CNS - central nervous system
PNS - peripheral nervous system
ANS - autonomic nervous system
SNS - sympathetic nervous system
CSF - cerebrospinal fluid
LP - lumbar puncture
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
CVA - cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
EEG - electroencephalogram
ICP - intracranial pressure
MS - multiple sclerosis
TBI - traumatic brain injury
TIA - transient ischemic attack
Q: What does the term neuralgia mean?
Kassy and Mia
Bones: structure of the body.
Muscles: facilitate movement.
Osteo-: bone
My/o-: muscle
Arthro-: joint
Chondro-: cartilage
Spondylo-: spine
Ten(o)- or Teno-: tendon
Ligamento-: ligament
Cost(o)-: rib
Burs(o)-: sac
Dys-: abnormal, bad, painful
-algia: pain
-itis: swelling
-ectomy: removal
-osis: condition or disease process
-pathy: disease
-plasty: repairing
-stasis: stoppage
-desis: binding or fixation
-tomy: cut
-malacia: softening
MSK: Musculoskeletal
ROM: range of motion
Fx: fracture
OA: osteoarthritis
RA: rheumatoid arthritis
TMJ: temporomandibular joint
CTS: carpal tunnel syndrome
DTR: deep tendon reflexes
ACL: anterior cruciate ligament
PCL: posterior cruciate ligament
MCL: medial collateral ligament
LCL: lateral collateral ligament
PT: physical therapy/physical therapist
TKR: total knee replacement
DJD: degenerative joint disease
THA: total hip arthroplasty
Q: Which abbreviation refers to a surgical procedure that replaces a damaged knee joint with an artificial one?
Becca and Nicole
Glands: organs that secrete hormones.
Hormones: chemical messengers in the body.
Hypo-: below
Hyper-: above
Para-: along the side of, beside, near
Pancreat/o-: related to the pancreas
Eu-: normal, good, well
Tri-: three
Adren/o-: related to the adrenal gland
Hypophys/o-: related to the pituitary gland
Thyro-: related to the thyroid gland
Ovari/o-: related to the ovary
Orch/o-: related to the testicle
Endo-: within or inside
Glyco-: sugar or glucose
-itis: inflammation
-ectomy: excision/removal
-pathy: disease condition
-ism: condition/process
-megaly: enlargement
-gen: producing/forming
ACTH: Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
DM: Insulin (Diabetes Mellitus)
GH: Growth Hormone
TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
T3: Triiodothyronine
T4: Thyroxine
ADH: Antidiuretic Hormone
BMI: Body Mass Index
FSBS: Finger Stick Blood Sugar
HBA1C: Hemoglobin A1C
Q: What is the difference between Type I and Type II Diabetes?
Catherine and Lexi
Cells: essential for immune response.
Disorders: various immune system abnormalities.
Leuk/o - white
Immun/o - refers to immunity
Path/o - disease
Carcin/o - cancer/cancerous
Anti - against
Aut/o - self
Lymph/o - lymph
Phago - consume/engulf
Cyte - cell
-emia - blood condition
-oma - tumor
-algia - pain
-osis - abnormal condition
-megaly - enlargement
-cytosis - increase in number of cells
-pathy - disease
-suppress - reduce
HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus
CA - Cancer
HBV - Hepatitis B virus or vaccine
TX - Treatment
AIDS - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
MS - multiple sclerosis
ANA - antinuclear antibodies
CBC - complete blood count
IgG - Immunoglobulin G
RA - rheumatoid arthritis
SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus
T-cell: thymus cell
WBC: white blood cell
Q: What is a common abbreviation that one would see in a CBC report?
Options:A. SLEB. WBCC. RAD. IgG
Kassy and Mia
Skin: largest organ of the body.
derm/o - skin
dermat/o - skin
Epi- - above, upon
hyper- - above
intra- - within
sub- - below
Hypo - below
-ectomy: removal
-cyte: cell
-itis: swelling
-megaly: abnormal enlargement
-oid: like
-plasia: formation
-osis: condition
BCC - Basal Cell Carcinoma
TD - Transdermal
SCC - Squamous Cell Carcinoma
MRSA - Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
I&D - Incision and Drainage
Bx - Biopsy
VRSA - Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
BSA - Body Surface Area
Derm - Dermatology / Dermatologist
LES - Lower Esophageal Sphincter
Q: A 25-year-old woman has a weird mole appear on her body. She goes to the emergency room and gets referred to another doctor. What kind of doctor is she referred to?
Jenna and McKenna
Kidneys: filter blood to produce urine.
Bladder: stores urine.
Urethra: conducts urine outside of the body.
Cyst/o - bladder
Gynec/o - women’s reproductive system
Hyster/o - uterus
Nephr/o - kidneys (referring to disease conditions)
Ren/o - kidneys (referring to anatomy)
Ureter/o - ureter (transports urine from kidneys to bladder)
Urethr/o - urethra (transports urine from bladder to outside body)
Urin/o - urine
Ur/o - urinary system
Vesic/o - bladder
-uria: urine condition
-itis: inflammation
-scopy: process of visual examination
-ology: study of
-lysis: breakdown/separation/destruction
-renal: kidney
-cele: swelling
UTI - urinary tract infection
GYN - gynecology
U/O - urinary output
U/A - urinalysis
LUT - lower urinary tract symptoms
UC - ulcerative colitis
KUB - kidney, ureter, bladder
pH - potential for hydrogen
GN - glomerulonephritis (a group of kidney infections)
IBH - inguinal bladder hernia
CATH - catheter (could be urinary catheter)
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
CKD - chronic kidney disease
ESRD - end-stage renal disease
Q: A patient is diagnosed with nephritis. The nurse explains to the patient that nephritis means?
Hannah and Josh
Understanding of reproductive organs and their functions.
Gyneco - woman/female
Andro - man/male
Ovario - ovary
-plasty: surgical repair
-oma: tumor
-rrhea: flow/discharge
Samuel and Jared
CBC: complete blood count.
BMP: basic metabolic panel focusing on electrolyte levels and kidney function.
CMP: comprehensive metabolic panel evaluating liver function.
Lipid Panel: measures cholesterol levels.
TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.
A1C: average blood glucose over 2-3 months.
PT/INR: measures blood clotting time.
Liver Function Tests: assess liver health.
CRP: protein produced in response to inflammation.
ESR: measures RBC coagulation rate; high indicates inflammation.
Becca and Nicole
Blood Culture: test for infections in blood.
Stool Culture: examines stool for infections.
Sputum Culture: examines mucus from lungs for infections.
Catherine and Lexi
X-ray: images of internal tissues.
CT Scan: detailed images of bones and soft tissues.
MRI: images soft tissues.
Ultrasound: images internal structures using sound waves.
Mammography: low-dose x-ray of breast tissue.