Shang Civilization
Chang Jiang (Yangtze) is the longest river in Asia and 3rd longest in the world
Yellow RIver became a strong geographical force in China’s history
It is believed that communities have been built in the Yellow RIver
Around 1750 BC a family rose to power and lorded over the Yellow RIver valley
Shang Dynasty ruled over China, particularly the area east of the Yellow River and Chiang Jang
Anyang city was the center-city of Shang Dynasty and known as the most progressive city
Shang lasted for 500 years. It was occupied by group of Chinese from the Western part of China known as “Zhou”
Chinese people worshipped many gods
Believed that the gods had absolute power
Believed that the power of Shang leaders came from the spirits of nature
Created an economy based on agriculture, trade, and the work of its craftspeople
Trade routes were used to connect them with faraway lands
Cowrie Shells are used as currency
Bronzeware, at first used to make weapons, used for religious rituals
System of Writing is Oracle bones which are made of animal bones and used for divination ceremonies in ancient China
Oracle bones are important because they bear the earliest form of ancient Chinese writing and contain historically important information
Social Structure
Kings > Nobles > Artisans & Traders > Farmers > Slaves