Formed with the present tense of "avoir" or "ĆŖtre" + past participle
"Avoir" is used for most verbs, "ĆŖtre" is used for certain verbs of motion and reflexive verbs
Past participles have different endings for regular -er, -ir, and -re verbs
Used to describe completed actions in the past
Can also be used to describe past events that have continued up until the present
Negation is formed with "ne" + auxiliary verb + "pas" eg. je nāai pas mange
subject - who did it?
auxiliary verb - avoir or etre
past participle - version of the verb in the past
Reflexive verbs are used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same.
In French, reflexive verbs are formed by adding "se" before the infinitive verb.
Reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nous, vous, se) are used with reflexive verbs to indicate who is performing the action on themselves.
Reflexive verbs are used to describe actions related to personal care, emotions, and daily routines.
in the past, an example is je me suis reveille
Dr and Mrs Van Der Tramp verbs are a group of French verbs that use ĆŖtre as their auxiliary verb in the passĆ© composĆ© tense.
The acronym "Dr and Mrs Van Der Tramp" stands for the first letter of each verb in the group.
The verbs are: Devenir, Revenir, Monter, Rester, Sortir, Venir, Aller, NaƮtre, Descendre, Entrer, Retourner, Tomber, Rentrer, Arriver, Mourir, Partir.
These verbs indicate a change of state, movement, or a change of location.
They must agree in gender and number with the subject of the sentence in the passƩ composƩ tense.
Devenir | To become | devenu.e.s |
Revenir | To come back | revenu.e.s |
Monter | To go up | montƩ.e.s |
Rester | To stay | restƩ.e.s |
Sortir | To go out | sorti.e.s |
Venir | To come | venu.e.s |
Arriver | To arrive | arrivƩ.e.s |
NaƮtre | To be born | nƩ.e.s |
Descendre | To go down | descendu.e.s |
Entrer | To enter | entrƩ.e.s |
Retourner | To return | retournƩ.e.s |
Tomber | To fall | tombƩ.e.s |
Rentrer | To return | rentrƩ.e.s |
Aller | To go | allƩ.e.s |
Mourir | To die | mort.e.s |
Partir | To leave | parti.e.s |
apprendre | to learn | jāai appris |
avoir | to have | jāai eu |
boire | to drink | jāai bu |
comprendre | to understand | jāai compris |
conduire | to drive | jāai conduit |
connaĆ®tre | to know/meet | jāai connu |
croire | to believe | jāai cru |
devoir | to have to | jāai dĆ» + inf |
dire | to say [that] | jāai dit [que] |
disparaĆ®tre | to disappear | jāai disparu |
Ć©crire | to write | jāai Ć©crit |
Ćtre | to be | Jāai Ć©tĆ© |
faire | to do/make | jāai fait |
lire | to read | jāai lu |
mettre | to put | jāai mis |
ouvrir | to open | jāai ouvert |
pouvoir | to be able to | jāai pu + inf |
prendre | to take | jāai pris |
recevoir | to receive | jāai reƧu |
rire | to laugh | jāai ri |
vivre | to live | jāai vĆ©cu |
voir | to see | jāai vu |
vouloir | to want | jāai voulu + inf |