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Fences: Vocab Quiz

  1. atavistic - noun, recurrence of or reversion to a past style, manner, outlook, approach, or activity.

  1. destitute - adjective, lacking possessions and resources.

  1. dubious - adjective, questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality.

  1. eloquent - adjective, marked by forceful and fluent expression.

  1. tenacious - adjective, not easily pulled apart.

  1. liable - adjective, being in a position to incur.

  1. vigilant - adjective, alertly watchful, especially to avoid danger.

  1. vulgarity - noun, something of poor taste.

  1. congruous - adjective, being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence.

  1. turbulent - adjective, characterized by agitation or tumult.

  1.  rein - noun, a restraining influence.

  2.  mores - noun, the fixed morally binding customs of a particular group.

  1.  apathetic - adjective, having or showing little or no interest, concern, or emotion.

  1.  archangel - noun, a chief angel.

  1.  peevish - adjective, marked by ill temper.

  1.  incorporeal - adjective, not composed of matter.

  1.  flout - verb, to treat with contemptuous disregard.

  1.  auxiliary - adjective, someone or something available to provide extra help.

  1.  repose - noun, a state of resting after exertion or strain.

  1.  kismet - noun, a power that is believed to control what happens in the future.

  1.  genuflect - verb, to kneel, or nearly kneel, on one knee and then rise again in worship or as an act of respect.

 pedant- noun, one who makes a show of knowledge.

Fences: Vocab Quiz

  1. atavistic - noun, recurrence of or reversion to a past style, manner, outlook, approach, or activity.

  1. destitute - adjective, lacking possessions and resources.

  1. dubious - adjective, questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality.

  1. eloquent - adjective, marked by forceful and fluent expression.

  1. tenacious - adjective, not easily pulled apart.

  1. liable - adjective, being in a position to incur.

  1. vigilant - adjective, alertly watchful, especially to avoid danger.

  1. vulgarity - noun, something of poor taste.

  1. congruous - adjective, being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence.

  1. turbulent - adjective, characterized by agitation or tumult.

  1.  rein - noun, a restraining influence.

  2.  mores - noun, the fixed morally binding customs of a particular group.

  1.  apathetic - adjective, having or showing little or no interest, concern, or emotion.

  1.  archangel - noun, a chief angel.

  1.  peevish - adjective, marked by ill temper.

  1.  incorporeal - adjective, not composed of matter.

  1.  flout - verb, to treat with contemptuous disregard.

  1.  auxiliary - adjective, someone or something available to provide extra help.

  1.  repose - noun, a state of resting after exertion or strain.

  1.  kismet - noun, a power that is believed to control what happens in the future.

  1.  genuflect - verb, to kneel, or nearly kneel, on one knee and then rise again in worship or as an act of respect.

 pedant- noun, one who makes a show of knowledge.