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Add your important words from the unit. Do not repeat words.

Acosar - to bully

Amenazas - threats

Asaltar - to assault

Asesinados/as - murder victims

Cenicero - ashtray

Cicatriz - scar

Ciego - blind

Cobrar - to charge/to gather

Conmovido - emotionally moved

Cuídate - take care of yourself

Déjalo - leave it

Denunciar - to denounce

Desafío - challenge

El marco - frame

Enterrar - to bury

Feminicidio - femicide/feminicide

Fue exitosa - was successful

Hacer bullying - to bully

Historias enterradas - buried stories

Hubiese - I wish that would have

La corte - Court

La Corte Suprema - The Supreme Court

La sangre - blood

Lesionar - to injure

Lograr - to achieve

Los culpables - the guilty party

Machista - misogynist

Manosear - grope/handle roughly

Me amenazó - he threatened me

Morboso/a - morbid

Negar - to deny

Ni una Más - not one more

Odio - hatred

Parecer a - to look like

Pene - penis

Promedio - average

Puñaladas - stab wounds

Quemadura - a burn

Salió impune - get away unpunished

Sangrar- to bleed

Sigo - I still, I keep,

Seguir - to continue

Sordo - deaf

Suicido - suicide

Tirar - to throw

Tuvo que permanecer callada - had to remain silent

Ultimo - last

Un tribunal- a court

Violar - to violate/rape




Add your important words from the unit. Do not repeat words.

Acosar - to bully

Amenazas - threats

Asaltar - to assault

Asesinados/as - murder victims

Cenicero - ashtray

Cicatriz - scar

Ciego - blind

Cobrar - to charge/to gather

Conmovido - emotionally moved

Cuídate - take care of yourself

Déjalo - leave it

Denunciar - to denounce

Desafío - challenge

El marco - frame

Enterrar - to bury

Feminicidio - femicide/feminicide

Fue exitosa - was successful

Hacer bullying - to bully

Historias enterradas - buried stories

Hubiese - I wish that would have

La corte - Court

La Corte Suprema - The Supreme Court

La sangre - blood

Lesionar - to injure

Lograr - to achieve

Los culpables - the guilty party

Machista - misogynist

Manosear - grope/handle roughly

Me amenazó - he threatened me

Morboso/a - morbid

Negar - to deny

Ni una Más - not one more

Odio - hatred

Parecer a - to look like

Pene - penis

Promedio - average

Puñaladas - stab wounds

Quemadura - a burn

Salió impune - get away unpunished

Sangrar- to bleed

Sigo - I still, I keep,

Seguir - to continue

Sordo - deaf

Suicido - suicide

Tirar - to throw

Tuvo que permanecer callada - had to remain silent

Ultimo - last

Un tribunal- a court

Violar - to violate/rape