zoom lecture

cluster feeding

  • baby gets fussy; can be discouraging for mom and dad

  • happens 24 hours after birth

  • when they put the baby down, the baby wants to go back on the breast

  • crying is a late sign of hunger

  • important bc moms need a lot of encouragement

  • families think the baby is starving

  • colostrum is really filling, its thick and nutritious (lots of antibodies too)

    • regular milk comes in 2-3 days after birth

babies that need supplementation breast milk

  • hypoglycemia

  • preterm babies

    • donor milk or formula

    • sometimes through an OG or NG tube

  • cleft palate

ch 16 case study

cracked nipples = baby is not latching properly

uterus deviated to the right = bladder is full

mom hasnt voided (shes supposed to by 6 hours after birth) which means risk for hemmorhage

peri ice pack, motrin, witch hazel, tylenol, lining pads all the way across the episiotomy, peri bottles, abdominal binder for c sections, percocets, may decrease pain

priority physical problem with this patient is that she needs to void and her pain

  • pain is causing her to not want to void, ambulate

PRIORITY nursing diagnosis: Acute pain

  • also ineffective bonding (because shes at risk for postpartum depression)


  • administer pain medications per MD orders and educate patient on meds/side effects

    • always put “per MD orders” and tell what meds you would use

    • some professors wont allow you to put this as an intervention bc the MD gives these orders not you

  • peri ice packs

  • educate on topical reliefs

  • peri bottle

  • sitz baths


  • patient will be comfortable within the next 2 hours


  • provide patient with support and medical/natural remedies to alleviate pain and swelling

  • teach patient about meds, frequent bladder emptying, changing of pads to prevent infection, hand hygiene, etc.

nursing diagnosis

  • one physical and one psychosocial (can be 2 physical if need be)

3 interventions



second case study:

placental abruption

PRIORITY nursing diagnosis: Altered Tissue Perfusion

  • if you are bleeding out, you have no RBCs and that means no oxygen to tissues

first assessments

  • FHR (bradycardia or decelerations)

  • TOCO/ palpate abdomen (rigid)

  • assess bleeding

    • is it dark red?

  • ultrasound

  • cervical exam (MD does this)

Nursing actions

  • set up an IV (high hemorrhage risk means 2 IVs)

    • advanced maternal age

    • placental abruption

    • not her first baby

  • prepare OR for c-section

  • grab hemorrhage kits and code cart


  • given PO or vaginally


  • looks like a tampon string
