11. Psychoanalytic Theories


PSYC 2600: Lecture 11

Dr. Kira McCabe

Last Class

■ Evolution & Natural Selection

■ Evolutionary principles to psychological theories

  • Need to Belong
  • Helping Behaviour
  • Aggression

■ Discussed theories of parental investment and how that impacts to mating preferences

■ Explored how individual differences can be explained by evolution

■ Limitations of evolutionary approaches

Learning Objectives

■ Briefly discuss Freud’s background

■ Explore his different levels of the mind

■ Define different types of anxiety and defense mechanisms

■ Discuss Freud’s psychosexual stages of development

■ Explore psychoanalysis

■ Review critiques and conclusions from Freud’s theories

Sigmund Freud: Brief Bio

■ Born in 1856, moved to Vienna at a young age and mostly lived there until 1938 (he moved and died in London a year later)

■ 1881: MD from University of Vienna

  • Psychology as a field only founded by Wundt a couple of years earlier

■ Founder of psychoanalysis—the idea of talking therapy—and had a huge impact on the field

Why is Freud Important?

■ The impact that Freud had on the field of psychology (and culture) cannot be understated

  • Many of his ideas about human development & personality don’t hold up well
  • Some of his other work does (e.g., defense mechanisms)
  • Testability & falsifiability of his theories remains a challenge

■ Only in the last few decades have things started to shift away from psychoanalysis in clinical psychology into more researchbased approaches (e.g., cognitive behavioural therapy)

Human Nature

Psychic energy: a source of (limited) energy within each person that motivates all human activity.

Instincts: Strong innate forces that provide all the energy in the psychic system

  • Self-preservation instincts (aggression)
  • Sexual instincts

■ Refined his theory with 2 specific instincts:

  • Libido: life instinct
  • Thanatos: death instinct

■ (Not quite Thanos)

Levels of the Mind

Conscious: Contains thoughts, feelings, and images about which one is presently aware

Preconscious: Contains information one is not presently thinking about, but can be easily retrieved and made conscious.

Unconscious: Part of the mind holding thoughts and memories that one is unaware of

  • Largest part of the human mind
  • NOT “subconscious”: “sub” means under, “un” means not conscious. You are not aware it’s there.

Levels of the Mind

■ Freud argued that unconscious material can take on a life of its own

  • Motivated unconscious
  • Unconscious material can “leak” into thoughts, feelings, and behaviours without us consciously knowing why.

■ Freud argued that nothing happens by accident—instead, there is a reason behind every act, thought, and feeling.

  • Psychic Determinism

Psychic Determinism

■ Reasons could be discovered if contents of the unconscious could be examined

  • Most symptoms of mental illness are caused by unconscious motivations
  • To cure psychological symptoms, the unconscious cause must be discovered

Psychoanalytic personality theory: Concerns how people cope with their sexual and aggressive instincts within the constraints of civilized society

  • This involves different parts of the mind: id, ego, superego

The “id”

■ Dark, inaccessible part of personality

■ Source of all drives & urges

■ Operates under the pleasure principle

– Desire for immediate gratification

■ Not rational, logical, or organized

■ No notion of time

■ Iceberg level = unconscious

■ Often depicted as the devil on the shoulder

The “superego”

■ Conscience, source of guilt/shame

■ Internalizes values, morals, & ideals of society

  • What one ought to do
  • Parental influence is part of it

■ Also not bound by reality

■ Iceberg level = between the conscious and unconscious

■ Often depicted as the angel on the shoulder

The “ego”

■ Negotiator, problem-solver, pragmatic

■ Operates under the reality principle

– Guides behaviour based on the constraints of reality

■ Mediates between id, superego, & “environmental affordances”

■ Iceberg level = mostly conscious

■ Ego is the person between the angel & the devil

Conflict & Anxiety

■ Players (id, ego, superego) are in constant conflict

– Result of this conflict is “anxiety”

■ Anxiety is an unpleasant state that signals that things are not right and that something must be done

■ Signals that control of ego is being threatened by reality, by impulses from id, or by harsh controls exerted by superego

Types of Anxiety

Objective anxiety occurs in response to real, external threat to a person

Neurotic anxiety is conflict between id and ego—trying to rein in unacceptable desires from the id.

Moral anxiety is conflict between ego and superego—trying to manage shame and guilt from the superego.

■ In all three types of anxiety, ego copes with threats and defends against dangers to reduce anxiety.

■ Ego uses various defense mechanisms to deal with anxiety


■ What do defense mechanisms do? – Protect the ego

  • Minimize anxiety & distress

■ Anna Freud did a lot of this work, and it is a big part of psychoanalytic theory that (generally) holds up.

Repression: process in which a person forgets something they experienced because it is too painful.

  • Example: “repressed memories” of childhood abuse

Denial: Refusal to believe

  • Example: After being diagnosed with a chronic illness or terminal condition, a person might refuse to believe that the problem is as serious as it really is.

Regression: Revert to earlier stage of development

  • Example: A child who has recently learned to feed themselves may suddenly seem unable to do so and revert to relying on their caregivers to feed them.

Projection: Misattribute your feelings or thoughts to others

  • Example: A person who is cheating on their partner is suspicious that their partner is cheating on them.

Reaction Formation: To hold back an unacceptable urge; a person may display a

flurry of behaviour that indicates the opposite impulse

  • Example: A neighbor is mean to you & you respond by being overly nice to them

Displacement: A threatening or an unacceptable impulse is redirected from its original source to a less threatening target.

  • Examples: A person who is mad at their boss yells at a subordinate office intern.

Rationalization: Generating acceptable reasons for outcomes that might otherwise appear socially unacceptable

  • Example: Rejected after first date? I didn’t like them anyways!

Sublimation: Channel feelings into acceptable outlets

  • Examples: art, exercise, etc.
  • Most adaptive defense mechanism

Psychosexual Stages of Development

■ Freud argued that all people pass through a series of stages in personality development

■ At each of the first three stages, young children must face and resolve specific conflicts.

■ Children see sexual gratification at each stage by investing libidinal energy in a specific body part (erogenous zone)

■ If a child fails to resolve a conflict at a particular stage, he or she may get stuck in that stage or become fixated

■ Each successive stage represents a more mature mode of obtaining sexual gratification.

Stage 1: Oral stage

■ General Timeframe: Birth to 18 months

■ Erogenous zone: Mouth

■ Developmental Task: Develop ego (i.e., learn to delay gratification through


  • If successful: you develop trust (trusting you will get food at some point)
  • If unsuccessful: dependent or independent

■ If over/under-indulged, child develops an oral fixation

  • Behaviour: gum chewing, overeating, smoking, drug addiction, etc.

Stage 2: Anal Stage

■ General Timeline: 18 months to 3 years

■ Erogenous Zone: anus

■ Developmental Task: Develop self control (e.g., through toilet training)

  • If successful: mastery, self-control
  • If unsuccessful: fixation can be either “anal-retentive” (obstinate, resistant, neat, frugal, stingy) or anal-expulsive (disorderly,

sloppy, aggressive, loose temper, unkempt)

Stage 3: Phallic stage

■ General Timeline: 4 to 6 years

■ Erogenous zone: genitals

■ Developmental Task: development of superego

  • Identify with same sex parent & repress desire for opposite sex parent (also concepts of Oedipal complex & castration anxiety for boys, Electra complex and penis envy for girls)
  • Adopt gender roles

■ Traits: Masculinity/Femininity

■ Successful: Adopt parents’ moral values

■ Fixation: People who are stuck in this phase can be overly dramatic and use partners for sex

Stage 4: Latency Stage

■ General Timeline: Age 6 to 12

■ Erogenous zone: none – “quiet period”, become sexually disinterested (Same-sex friendships)

■ Developmental Task: Drives need to be transformed through “sublimation”

– Reorient needs in new directions that are socially appropriate/acceptable

■ Coping skills learned

Stage 5: Genital Stage

■ General Timeline: Puberty to Death

■ Erogenous zone: genitals

■ Developmental Task: Attach libido to real external objects

  • Learn to love others
  • Contribute to society by productive, cooperative work

■ Love and Work (recall circumplex: warmth/communion vs dominance/achievement)

Key Points

■ Freud’s model of personality suggests reasons for individual differences

■ Determined by how one satisfies libido at each of 5 stages

  • Trust
  • Mastery/self-control/autonomous – Masculinity/femininity
  • Good coping skills, resilient
  • Achievement motivated – Interpersonally warm


■ Important implications for fixations

  • A clue that issues not successfully resolved at each stage

■ Repression of unresolved issues ties up (limited) psychic energy

  • Not available for other stressors
  • Repressed issues sneak out

■ In dreams

■ “Accidents”

■ Humour

■ Symbolic behaviour

■ “Freudian slips”: when something slips out that you didn’t mean for it to, it’s what you were really thinking and holding in.


■ Goal of psychoanalysis is to bring out unresolved issues to free up psychic energy through different methods

Dream analysis (see Interpretation of Dreams)

  • Interpreting that latent content in the dream

Free association: Relax & say whatever comes to mind

  • By relaxing the censor that screens everyday thoughts, free association allows potentially important material into conscious awareness.

Projective techniques: Rorschach (inkblot) tests (which have terrible reliability & validity)


“Talking cure”


■ Psychoanalyst offers interpretations of psychodynamic causes of problems

■ Goal: Gain insight—an understanding of the unconscious source of problems

■ But process is difficult and wrought with roadblocks and challenges

  • Resistance: Patient creates obstacles to progress
  • Transference: Patient reacts to therapist like a person in their own



■ Freud’s model emphasizes the dark side of humankind

■ People driven by animalistic passions for sex and pleasure (and aggression and destruction) that need to be controlled by ego

  • People are not “noble creatures” in Freud’s model
  • Emphasizes everything that can go wrong

■ Freud also relied on case studies more than experimentation


■ Freud’s model of personality is comprehensive, but isn’t testable

  • Doesn’t really hold up as a good theory of personality

■ Psychologists have nevertheless drawn from these ideas

  • Current research bears some resemblance but doesn’t really support Freud’s propositions
  • We likely have things in an unconscious part of our mind, but maybe not the way

Freud proposed

Next Lecture

■ Enjoy your Fall Break!

■ Contemporary psychoanalysis views (reaction to Freud) – Chapter 10
