Study Guide Music Business

History and changes in the music industry over time period:

What is needed in an artist?

What are some of the basic changes in the music industry:

What is the difference between “sound recording” and “musical compositions”

What do record labels do?

What are DIY artists? Self releasing

What is a digital aggregator?

What is an artists services company?

How to tell if a record label is good?

How can you know if an artist will be successful?

  1. Unique vision and talent

  2. songs

  3. emotional response to music

  4. consistency

  5. fan base/social media

  6. live perfoamnces

  7. audience

Pathways to recording artistry?


Music’s main areas of impact?

How do records get into the supply chain? Through distributing

supply chain

History of record labels?

Major Label vs Independent label

The record label market share?

name another type of production company model?

People in record lables

Who is in the artists team?

Managers often have to look for?

Categories to Negotiate with a manager?

What is the key person clause?

What is the expenses reimbursement clause?

Describe union regulations for agencies?

To know

Key people within the studio

Producing scenario examples:

What is the royalty rate of a producer reffered to as?

Explain a letter of direction?

Elements of recording:

Stafes of record production?

  1. preproduction: budgeting and planning

  2. In the studio: tracking

    1. creating all instruments

    2. Musical instrument digital interface

    3. record multiples takes

  3. In the studio: editing

    1. composite track - multiple takes are stitched together

  4. In the studio: Mixing

    1. multichannell

    2. mixing engineers

    3. EQ is applies

    4. compression - balance quiet and loud

      1. gives primary master, additional mix versions, full session files, pre existing content, lyrics, evidence of bills

  5. Postproduction: mastering

    1. International standard recording code - credits

How to budget and plan during preproduction?

Music Video production

What are types of studios?

How to select a studio?

when would you need license? these are copyrightable

Railroad tracks

songs publishers and composers

Artists and record lables

Who deals with who? (ask this tonight)

table in the textbook

Union Regulations

Record deals

What are key terms of record deals?

What are 360 deals?


SAG AFTRA agreements

AFM agreements

What is royalty artists?

What are vocal contractors?

Who are the key label staff?

Income for record labels?

What are some trade associations?

What is multitrack recording?


What are songs that have withstood the test of time?

What are some characteristics that good songs tend to show?

What are characteristics of a hit song?

How to get good at songwriting?

How to locate a collaborator?

What are some deals for collaboration?

What should you ask yourself for a collaboration?

What is a lead sheet?

What does exploited mean?

Where did song writing really start?

  1. Music publishers give advances to songwriters and that money is recouped as royalties are collected

  2. Music publishers maintain an A&R / creative staff

What are elements of the home studio?

income sources for a songwriter?

What is the publishers role?

Income for publisher

What is split ownership?


What are some trade associations?

Publishing administration?

Full service music publishers?

Writer owned music publishers?

Specialty music publishers?

Publishing administrators?

Print publishers?

What is song casting?


Calculate selling price

International copyriight

Staff writers

Different types of songwriting piublishing income?

sound recording income? usually free market

When is a writer self published?

What are two common contractual relationships?

What are some recording agreements?

  1. Label enters agreement with an artist: staff producers handle project in house - the artist gets royalties and the producer recieves a royalty override- label may not pay advances to the artist

  2. Label enterings into agreement with the artist- hired an indepenent producer to record and deliver a master- may be a production fee upfront, producer gets a royalty at a rate negotiated

  3. Label signs an agreement with a producer - joint venture deal

What is a loan out company?

How to negotiate and the basic contract concepts?

  1. term - options

    1. initial contract period length- such as one year followed by options

    2. exclusivity

  2. Minimum Delivery

    1. record a minimum numver of tracks

  3. Recording budget

    1. recording fund

  4. Redcording Procedure

    1. has to release inot market place

  5. Release and promotion commitment

  6. copyright oeneship and usage rights

    1. works made for hire - 1976 copyright law

    2. assignment

    3. permission for likeness

    4. some artists give up copyright but need to get artists consent for certain things and get paid more

  7. COntrol and ownership over website socials and trademarks

  8. Advances and recording royalties

    1. advances: prepay some royalties before it starts getting income

    2. when they pay an expense and expected to be recouped its an advance

    3. Recording royalties

      1. 6 months

      2. base 15-20 of what label recieves

        1. territory

        2. lenght of the product

        3. price

        4. distribution

    4. sync: 50% of what label recieves

    5. Publishing licensing and royalties

      1. mechanical license - company needs from artist - controlled compisition

        1. artist has to grant a mechanical license to the record at a discounted mechanical royalty rate f

    6. Right of assignment

      1. artist to limit this

    7. Warranties and indemnification

      1. warrants - promises to do something in terms of contract

    8. Audit rights

      1. examine source of information to calculate royalties

    9. ALL in rate

      1. paid to the artis any royalties due to other contriibutions are deducted

  9. Cross collateralization

    1. positive amount offset negative

    2. 360 deal

    3. advance doesnt get enough revenue - recoup investment from other sources of income or next albums earnings

    4. artist might not see additional income from music

What is the song writers guild of america?

What is the Nashville Songrwiters Association International?

What is songwriters of north armerica?

What is a demo?

What are the 7 steps to success?

Compulsory license

What is the hisotry of music publishing?
