History and changes in the music industry over time period:
What are some of the basic changes in the music industry:
What is the difference between “sound recording” and “musical compositions”
What are DIY artists? Self releasing
Limited Liability company - seperates you from the company -
What is an artists services company?
company who provides the artist with services BEYOND just distribution
artists services is fanclub
How to tell if a record label is good?
How can you know if an artist will be successful?
Pathways to recording artistry?
How do records get into the supply chain? Through distributing
supply chain
1950s- tv, rack jobbers, two channel stereo, Van cilburn million record seller
1990s- audio home recording act, electronic delivery of music
2010s- vinyl becomes boutiques, 360 deals, music modernization
Major Label vs Independent label
The record label market share?
name another type of production company model?
only have artists and repetoire and enters a deal for a different record label to handle the rest
Joint venture- prod and record label where they share the costs and the profits
commision: 15-20% of artists “gross earnings” negotiated deductions for recording costs
commission base: based on artists gross income - doesnt include things from other jobs or recording costs
Statutory regulation of managers: North American Performing Arts Managers Agents
Managers often have to look for?
Categories to Negotiate with a manager?
rate of commission: same as above
sunset clause: no standard with respect to earnings that originate during the term of management
continue to recieve commission after the contract term ends
What is the key person clause?
What is the expenses reimbursement clause?
Describe union regulations for agencies?
Attorney: works with contracts, negotiations, advice, counsel, copyrights, litigration (last resort)
What is the royalty rate of a producer reffered to as?
Explain a letter of direction?
a formal document that authorizes a third party to manage a music creator's catalog or songs
How to budget and plan during preproduction?
when would you need license? these are copyrightable
digital transmissions- sound recording
songs publishers and composers
Who deals with who? (ask this tonight)
What are key terms of record deals?
after piracy, cutting into different forms of income for the artist, revenue from tours
third: whether money due to label is calulated from artists gross or net- usually net
What are some trade associations?
What are songs that have withstood the test of time?
What are some characteristics that good songs tend to show?
What are characteristics of a hit song?
How to get good at songwriting?
What are some deals for collaboration?
What should you ask yourself for a collaboration?
Where did song writing really start?
What are elements of the home studio?
income sources for a songwriter?
Mechanical uses - reproduction and distribution, cds, interactive streams
Synchronization uses- DVDS video products, video streams and video downloads
Dramatic uses - grand rights - use of music in story musical or opera
What are some trade associations?
Full service music publishers?
Writer owned music publishers?
Different types of songwriting piublishing income?
sound recording income? usually free market
When is a writer self published?
What are two common contractual relationships?
What are some recording agreements?
How to negotiate and the basic contract concepts?
What is the song writers guild of america?
What is the Nashville Songrwiters Association International?
What is songwriters of north armerica?
What are the 7 steps to success?