Untitled Flashcards Set

Lea Desandre + Thibault Caavin aria Aria - clear meter and regular rhythm - clear melody Mass for Christmas - syllabic Vivaldi Four Seasons concerto Handel: Messiah - minor - slow tempo - rhythmic pattern repetitve Major bright minor dark Prelude - repetive rhythem - static texture Fugue texture is varied and rhythem Handel and Bach Similaries and Differences Similarites - both from germany - both musical sponges differences - Bach did not travel much and stayed in germany - Bach wasn't famous in his lifetime Suite a collection of dances fugue a piece based on multiple melodic lines that chase each other 2 features of Baroque Period - ornamentation - expressive L'Ofeo - from Italy - barque period baroque period - Moteverdi at the beginng, Bach and Hendel at the end Genesis wanted to create greek tradedy/classical theater Messiah was performed regulary Tonality during the baroque period Oratorio - religious play set to music - acting but no costume Opera - costumes - acting Chants passed orally 1. shape of melody 2. put lines 3. Guidonian notation office vs mass office - private mass - public
