Mid-Term Quiz 1 Study Guide
To perform well on the mid-term, you should be able to:
### Basic Definitions and Concepts
- Define nanotechnology, including its range of dimensions (1-100 nm) and the length scales it deals with.
- Explain how a technology is classified as nanotechnology and provide examples of nanotechnology products (e.g., carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, nanomedicine applications).
### Mathematical and Geometric Analysis
- Convert between length, volume, and surface area units.
- Calculate volume, surface area, edge length, and other geometrical parameters for nano- and macro-scale objects (e.g., spheres, cubes).
### Studying Nano-Scale Structures
- Explain the methods used to study nano-scale structures and materials.
- Define and calculate the minimum resolvable length scale using waves (light, electrons, atoms).
### Wave-Particle Duality & de Broglie Equation
- Define and explain wave-particle duality.
- Derive the de Broglie wavelength equation.
- Calculate the de Broglie wavelength for electrons, atoms, and other particles.
- Compute the de Broglie wavelength for electrons passing through a potential difference (V).
### Nanoparticles & Classification
- Define nanoparticles, their types and classifications.
- Explain classification based on properties, composition, and origin.
- Provide examples of nanoparticles in specific classes.
### Nanofabrication Approaches
- Define and differentiate top-down and bottom-up nanofabrication.
- Explain top-down techniques: lithography, etching, milling.
- Identify key parameters in nanofabrication: starting material, substrate, resolution.
- Explain bottom-up techniques: gas condensation, self-assembly, chemical vapor deposition, atomic layer deposition.
- Analyze factors influencing nanofabrication: gases/liquids, vapor pressure, temperature, substrate type, deposition speed.
### Properties of Nanoparticles
- Explain why nanoparticle properties change at the nanoscale.
- Define properties that differ for nanoparticles vs. macro-counterparts.
- Identify nanoparticle parameters that increase or decrease at the nanoscale and explain why.
### Surface Energy & Interaction Forces
- Define surface energy and explain what affects it (e.g., shifts, chemical absorption).
- Define and analyze major interaction forces between nanoparticles:
- Electrostatic force
- Van der Waals force
- Capillary force
- Electrical double layer force
- Determine physical processes leading to Van der Waals interactions.
- Identify sources of surface charges.
### Stabilization & Conductivity
- Explain steric stabilization and electrostatic stabilization.
- Compare advantages of steric vs. electrostatic stabilization.
- Determine factors influencing conductivity of nanoparticles.
### Electronic Properties of Materials
- Define metals, dielectrics, and semiconductors in terms of electronic structure and band gap.
### Applications & Case Studies
- Explain how sunscreens work.
- Determine how to tailor/improve radiation blocking ability of nanoparticles.
- Calculate the wavelength region blocked by specific sunscreen nanoparticles.
- Define and explain properties and applications of silver nanoparticles.
- Explain the processes behind antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles.